MERRY CHRISTMAS... to heck with who I offend!!!

United States
December 20, 2007 4:49pm CST
I am so tired of hearing about everything that offends people about christmas this year. It is getting worse and worse. I am furious with all the arguments and the fighting over where certain displays should be put, if we can say merry christmas, or if santa saying ho ho ho now offends the "ho's" of our world. Enough is enough. This is the first year I can honestly say BAH HUMBUG... all the fun and fantasy of this holiday has been taken away by this bickering and fighting. I apologize if I do offend anyone, but GET OVER IT!!! Life is too short!
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3 responses
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
20 Dec 07
Ho ho ho and Merry Christmas to you too! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy It's just another day of the year nothing special! Did I forget anyone?
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
20 Dec 07
Happy Solstice or Merry Yule perhaps?
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
21 Dec 07
My husband and I celebrate both Solstice (for my religion) and Christmas (for his) so I know how that mixed holiday thing goes. :)
• United States
21 Dec 07
We celebreate Kwanzaa in our house as well. We have a mixed race family and we celebrate all of our backgrounds. Do I get offended when someone tells me how I "can't" do that. NO.... I just hope that someday they will see that this season is meant to love one another, not to judge.
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@Angelwriter (1954)
• United States
20 Dec 07
Merry Christmas. I see nothing offensive about it. And, if someone wants to give me a greeting for another holiday that I might not celebrate, I'll take it in the spirit it's offered, as just something nice and pleasant. But, I think people getting offended over the ho ho ho is way worse. Just seems like people looking for trouble.
• United States
21 Dec 07
Yeah, the HO HO HO thing is just ridiculous!!!
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
20 Dec 07
*laughs* I won't be offended by your Merry Christmas, but I will say "Happy Solstice" to you! :P Personally I don't care what greeting people use as long as they mean well, but I do get annoyed if people jump down my throat for not saying Merry Christmas to them, as if it were some kind of mandatory thing!
• United States
21 Dec 07
I can respect that, I am just so over everyone getting offended. This is supposed to be the happiest time of the year. All beliefs celebrate some kind of holiday, so let's all just be thankful for the year we have had and respect EVERYONE. Not worrying so much about what will offend.
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