The truth about the the line of King David
@SEOGUY (906)
United States
December 22, 2007 2:22am CST
One of the reasons why some people point out why they can't believe the bible is becouse the names of the patriachs can not be found anywhere out side bible text, or even through archiology. Well maybe it's becouse they are looking at it wrong. Follow me a little here and I will show you the greatest mysery of Isriel and the line of King David. We read in the bible that Joseph or (Yosef hebrew) was the 11th son of Jacob, who was the grandson of Abraham (or Abram [father]). Joseph was sold into slavery by his brother to the Egyptians, Joseph later by perdicting 7 years of plenty followed by seven years of famine was rewarded by Pharoh and was given half of Egypt to rule as second onlt to Pharoh. and later his family came to Egypt to live as well untill years later " a Phroh who did not know Joseph" came to power and became afraid of the hebrews for they almost out numbered the Egyptians, and you know the rest of the story right? well maybe not. One of the critisims of this story is that the Egyptians were very good record keepers, even if it were to look bad on them, and they do not mentione the hebrews or Joseph or even Moses right? WRONG! Infact they did right about this, but there story is a little different, and instead of Hebrew names, ofcourse they used the Egyptian names. Welcome to the true story of the Exodos from Egypt!
First lets get some names from the bible clairfied
I will give the biblical name marked with a B and the historical name signified by an H. And then show their corospondence, becouse the Egyptain and hebrew are a related languge with a few distinctions.
Biblical Historical
Ezron (Hezron) Ramesses
Ram Ramesses
Ammenadab Amen-Nesbanebdjed (Smendes)
Salmon Siamun
Boaz Bas-Uasorkon
Obed Amenemopet
jesse Harsiese
David Psusennes II
I know you are wondering if I have lost my mind, But now i will show you the historical pronunciations of the hebrew and Egeptians agin marked by a B for biblical and H for historical.
B- Ez-ron
H- Esses-ram (Ramessess X)
B- Ram
H- Ram essess (Rammessess XI)
B- Ammin-nad-dab
H- Amen-Nes-ba-neb-djed
B- Na-shon
H- Amenem-Ne-shu
B- S-almon
H- Si-amun
B- B-Oaz
H- Bas-Uas-orken
B- Obed
H- Amenem-Opet
B- Je-sse
H- har-siese
B- David
H- Psusennes
Now David and Psusennes seem to have nothing in common but wait I will draw a line for you, There are two main topics connected thrughout history connected to David, The Star of David and the City of David. So to prove this connection we must look at the hieroglphic spelling of these phrases and names. In the 21st dynasty we see Psusennes whos glephs incompass a Star and the gleph for city. Psuseness the greek name for this pharoh appears in the kings list next to the biblical king David according to the croniolgy. So how could the hebrew writers confuse a very difficult Egyptian name like Pa-seba-kha-en-nuit (Psusnnes) with a judaic name like Dvaid? Easy The name Daivd can be shortened to a nickname useing the Gleph for star wich is comonly pronouced "Seba" But not only that but the hebrew pronunciation of David [dvd] is (Daveed), wich is darived from the Egyptian Djuat or djuait. The only letters in hebrew for his name is the leters Daleth - Vav - Daleth wich can be pronouced DVD or DUD, or DaViD or DaUaD "Daud"! The Egptian word for Star is pronounced Djuat but in the Egyptian alphbet the letters "T" and "D" are almost interchangable, so Djuat and Djuad can be equivalent. So the Hebrew king David (Daud) was also the Egyptian king Pa-djuat-kha-nuit.
So then what about Sheba?
The Pharoh Pa-djuat-kha-nuit had a daughter named Maakhare Mu-Tamhat, King Davids daughters name was Maakhare Tamar, with the Mu- dropped from her name.
So we can see the two lines of the Egyptian 10th centry BC thrugh the isrealite united kingdom and the 21 egyptian dynasty are one in the same.
So who was the Queen of Sheba?
Well the Etheopian Bible names her as the daughter of Pharoh and gives her the name "Maakshare" "sh" and "kh" are transcribed between hebrew and Egyptian so it is "Maakhare" the daughter of David, it is the daughter of King David. So the name of Queen of Sheba was a family name Queen of King David(Sheba). She was also know as the dauther of David or Bathsheba. So the Queen of Sheeba was not only the wife of david but the Mother of Solomon. Now we can also understand why the identity of this queen was hidden.
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3 responses
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
24 Dec 07
long post :)
Quran has a Chapter 'Yusuf' (Joses/Yosef), explains his story.
I'm just writing some names in Islamic dialect.
Eve - Hawwa
Noah - Nuh
Abraham - Ibrahim
David - Dawud
Moses - Musa
Jesus - Eisa
Joseph - Yusuf
Jacob - Ya'aqub
Solomon - Sulaiman
Pharaoh - Fir-aun
We have clear evidence in Quran, the problem with Bible doesn't matter to me :)
@calicot (256)
• Philippines
25 Dec 07
IMHO, It is there exactly where Islam and Christianity diverge from. During the ancient times (in relation to old testament) Christianity is non existent. So the Hebrews would be worshipping their God but not necessarily Allah (this is my opinion only). Since little is known that the Hebrews kept records in writing, it would probably have been handed down through the centuries athrough word of mouth (stories or proverbs). But then different persons would tell the story differently. And so thru time many versions came to be, one could then be that which would eventually start Islamism. As explained by seoguy, translation from one language to another would change its meaning. So now there are many "paths" the Hebrew history was transcribed (due to non written records). The other version could then have led to the story of Jesus and later on his story is transcribed as well. IMHO, that maybe the reason why in the Quran there is an account of Jesus. But because Islam would have been the predominant religion during His time, scribes regarded Him as only a prophet or a disciple of Mohammed. Again, this are my views only. I could be very wrong also. If so, my apologies to both Muslims and Christians here in mylot.
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
25 Dec 07
It is true befor Moses the sories wer handed down oraly, thus this is wher the confusion of the historical names and the biblical names are different. To remeber the stories The names of the main chrater was changed to that of the meaning of the story. Thus the name Adam(????? hebrew) or (??? Arabic) who was form with the dust of the ground by God, thus his name means "From Dust" or Clay, Cain (???) or (???) hebrew meaning "breath" and from the root of what is "vanity" or "ellucive", Able meaning "a heards man" or Enoch meanin "dedicated or dissaplend". They gave them names to remeber what they did, best exampleis abram "exalted father" later changed his name to Abraham for he was the 'father of many' nations,
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
25 Dec 07
Hi Calicot,
Imho, I won't agree with the concept you presented.
You said the usage of same one will vary in different languages, the Hebrews and Muslims worship the same God, and it got language variation between Hebrew and Arabic. You can see "Ellohim" "Alaha", "Eloi" in Original hebrew text and it is approximately similar to "Allah".
All prophets -David, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, etc.- where mortal man, but they receive messages from God. We believe in all of those and do not consider any distinction between them.
if you don't mind you can listen what Islam is.
God created Mankind starting from Adam and eve, Adam was a prophet of God, {Prophet means a mortal man but they receive messages from God mostly via angel Gabriel and they convey the message to their people.} He guided his next generations and many other prophets were assigned by God to many generations and areas. God gave message to those prophets to guide the people. Always there were people who accept the message, oppose the message, or preach different or divert from the original path.
To All those prophets, God gave the same basic message:
"God is One, self sufficient, worship only him, pray only to him, accept his directions, and do good deeds"
i.e The manual for "How to live in earth" was published by God through the prophets, and prophets shown it practical from generations to generations. After a prophets goes people get diverted from their religion and make their own and later new prophet came and called people with the actual message again.
This message and directions from God gave to prophets, it is the way of life, It is the 'Religion of God', It is the Submission to God, and In Arabic, it is called 'Islam'.
All those prophets taught 'Islam' to people. Hence the prophets Abraham, David, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad all taught Islam to people, The message they received from God.
Every time people diverted from the actual message of God and got created many groups or religions. And new prophets again revive the people with Actual message from God.
So the God gave message to Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad etc.. That is the only reason why the common terms still exists in Christianity, Jewish and Islam religions.
Prophet Mohammad was the last prophet gave with the final message from Allah, the completion of the message of God, It is Called 'Islam'. God sent messages to prophet Mohammad based on Occasions as Sacred revelations, the exact words are recorded and it is 'Quran'.
Quran is the last message received from God, which accept all the previous prophets, and the basic is same as what those prophet taught. Quran is available in it's original source language without any alteration. God promised it is the message for all mankind until the day of resurrection, and promised it will be in intact until the day of resurrection/Judgement.
That is why I follow the last un-altered message from God gave through the last prophet Mohammad.
The right way is clear from other ways, those who identify it as the right message from God can accept it or can decline it, God promised everlasting paradise for those who accept it. No compulsion in God's religion.
Hope you understood what 'Islam' is.

@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
22 Dec 07
There are documents and in fact the New Testament came from various researches and archeology. The names of many places are after some of the patriarchs. Israel is named after Israel or Jacob. Judea was named after Judah the son of Israel. Egypt is a name of a person. Canaan also and so many others.
@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
24 Dec 07
Absolutely wonderful! You have really laid this out here and I cannot think of a single thing to add except for Kudos as your first two responders already finished it before I got here.
But sadly enough alot of people will probally not believe it until it comes from THEIR Clergy. I do love the way you put this togather.
GReat article, well thought out, and well referenced. KUDOS!!

@meeandnotyou (2548)
• United States
24 Dec 07
Not trying to convince anyone is a good look but as the Bible says, "and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" If just one person learns the truth then you have done your job.
Oh yeah thank you for the Best Response