Other women & your man....

@mrsjbelle (1640)
United States
December 22, 2007 7:05pm CST
How do you feel when other women flirt with your man? It bothers me even if I trust him that they would even do it when they know he has a girlfriend.
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4 responses
@tiffiny (872)
• United States
27 Dec 07
Oh I get crazy mad when I see another girl flirting talking whatever with my husband. If I know the girl it's a little better because I know her personality and I trust her but still there are some girls that even if they are your friend you really don't trust them that much when you aren't around. And I do trust my husband it's just you don't really know what goes on in the girl's head and what if they take it farther than appropriate. Then it's going to come between you and your s/o.
@monty24 (154)
• India
25 Dec 07
to be very specific i will feel jalous and would not allowed any kind of situation .
• Indonesia
23 Dec 07
Yes I do agree with you, I think that woman like the feeling that eventhough your boyfriend have you, he will still look at her because she is more beautiful than you.. I dont mean that you are not beautiful but I got that from my friends who like to flirt the man eventhough she know that he has a girlfriend. She likes the feeling of she is more beautiful than his girlfriend. You really have to be careful because It's not your man, but the other woman that flirt too much can make your man respond to her..
• China
24 Dec 07
She is a bad girl , how come ? She must be a liar ! If this happened ,i will lost my mind !