mixed marriage..

@monty24 (154)
December 23, 2007 9:35am CST
One of my friend is about to get married with a guy from different religion..both of their parents are somehow agree in this marriage.Do you support mixed marriage or what is your oppinion about mixed marriage?
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7 responses
@jc_star10 (953)
• Indonesia
23 Dec 07
I don't have anything to against it. As long as both parties know the consequences, it will be fine. I know that in some of my friends with different religion. Some of them able to manage it well, but some of them are quite bad on it as well. If both of them can't have a little bit understandings in each religion, it will be a rocky road for their wedding.
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
24 Dec 07
Hi monty24, in marriage, what counts is love, religions, culture, colour or race are immaterial-I married my wife from a completely different culture from my own, we speak only english in our house and we dont find anything strange about it-i think gone are the days when differences used to be an issue in marriage! What matters is love!
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@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
24 Dec 07
Hi monty24, in marriage, what counts is love, religions, ulyure, colour are race is immaterial-I married my wife from a completely different culture from my own, we speak onlyenglish in our house and we dont find anything strange about it-i think gone are the days when differences used to be an issue in marriage!
• United States
23 Dec 07
This is not problem because mind is everything, you know and can see that marriage with same religion or same cast is breaking. So if whom she/he marry have a sacrificial and wonderful mind then there is no problem rather it may be strong more and more.
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@chunter (1759)
• Singapore
23 Dec 07
I think mixed marriages are fine as long as both parties are agreeable to that matrimony...As long as both love one another, religion should not matter... However, having said that, if a non-muslim male/female is to marry someone who's a muslim...I heard the guy usually have to do more sacrifice such as circumcision etc....Got a friend like that and heard its a huge sacrifice for love... :)
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@janet66 (53)
• China
24 Dec 07
In my opinion,i can accept this kind of marriage.There is a saying:borderless marriage.As long as they fall in love with each other,there is no problem exsiting.
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• United States
27 Dec 07
Sure. Why not? I was dating a man who was just an idiot, but he claimed he was Agnostic as God was the root of all evil. I've been a Methodist since birth, so I was raised that way. He kept arguing with me that our kids would be raised Agnostic as Christianity was not a real religion, but being Agnostic was a real regligion. Um hello? Doesn't Agnostic mean you don't believe in anything? Secondly, what kids? He knew I didn't want kids, so why throw our imaginary and never going to be produced kids in the mix?
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