Are you the "real" you?

United States
December 23, 2007 6:39pm CST
I think there is a line to be drawn and a time and a place for everything, including the role-play and the "safety"/anonymity the internet provides. In some chat rooms, where it is acknowledged not to be necessarily real or realistic, it is okay to exaggerate. In games like Everquest or World of Warcraft it is almost expected. Again though there is a time and a place for everything and individuals should still be respectful of other's feelings/perceptions. In forums and chat rooms, most of the time people are expected to be their "real" selves. How far is it okay to stretch into a person you prefer to be? Is it a lie to try to be your ideal self? Hard lines to draw. When is it okay to pretend and how far is really okay?
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9 responses
24 Dec 07
To be philosophical about it, you are always the real you no matter what you do. If you do something "out of character", you have already done it as yourself, so it must be the real you. We all want to be something or someone, and the mind is a complex thing. All people pretend, some worse than others. What I think is that you should do what makes you happy. If your actions make you unhappy, then dont do it. If it makes you happy, then keep doing whatever it is you are doing.
• United States
26 Dec 07
So what does that make actors who portray murderers?
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• United States
23 Feb 08
As long as it stays in the real of pretend, you may have a point. :-) Not sure I agree entirely but definitely an interesting perspective on the subject.
@zhwbeast (326)
• China
24 Dec 07
No,I'm not real in the job and daily life when I need to prevent and enlarge the communication.What I act is my best.The failure?pain?sadness and other bad things will be hiden to others.I know it's very tire but have no choice,I must adapt to the aggressive society
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• United States
26 Dec 07
In your job and outside of close friends there are standards that society puts in place which we feel obligated to follow. So you are saying the internet you is closer to the person you are inside than the masks you have to wear out into society?
• United States
23 Feb 08
Interesting perspective, the freedom to be oneself sans boundaries that society usually imposes on you, is more true to yourself than who you must remain in real life given the situations you have been born or worked into. If I understand you correctly.
@zhwbeast (326)
• China
27 Dec 07
Yes,what you comment on me is actually right. In the pratical world,I need prevent to be strong and powerful,I must hide my sickness ofr the improving of my business. On net,it's no need for me because I am find for relax and break on it,I can say what in my opinion without careful thinking.
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@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
24 Dec 07
I am the real me when it comes to anything on the net. Thats why I am afraid because other people might not what they seem to appear here. I was a victim a few years ago and its normal to feel not sure about others.
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• United States
23 Feb 08
If it isn't too personal, how were you a victim? I'm trying to understand the whole situation better. Thanks.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
25 Dec 07
I have noticed that there are a few people on myLot who are pretending to be something other than what they but they cannot always keep track of their lies. Their behavior is frustrating, but the ones who can keep track of their lies are probably much more dangerous. I think it is better to have credibility than a fairy tale persona. On the other hand, it is just common sense for people to be cautious about how much information they give out about themselves online as there is no true anonymity here. So to be safe and still respectful it is probably best to leave out some details. That makes more sense to me than fabricating.
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• United States
23 Feb 08
So then comes the question of when and with what can you trust other folks online? If you've been hanging out in a virtual environment with the same person for a year are you comfortable with telling him/her what city you live in? Where does the line go? And what about meeting in real life? That concept scares the bejeezuz out of me, heard too many stories of bad stuff happening.
@nopain (32)
• China
25 Dec 07
Sometimes,i will pretend to someone who i admire for.i just want me to be the perfect know.this feeling always put me into a serious trouble,i will miss myself when i chating with some people who did not know me so much.(in chatroom or somewhere). i know it is unreasonable for me to do such things, but,,i am fail to resist the temptation to appear as some perfect man.
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• United States
23 Feb 08
At least you can be honest about it. That's a start. I know when I get around people I really like or admire in real life, I get nervous and want to be perfect for them and then become a totally babbling idiot.
@Sharon38 (1912)
• Jamaica
24 Dec 07
I make it my motto to never pretend to anyone and I dont do it. Beign yourself is so much better and you can have fun being you with genuine down to earth people. I have and will continue to be me.
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• United States
23 Feb 08
Seems to be a good policy and certainly makes it easier to never get tangled in a web of deceit. I try to do the same but often find that my own personality changes over time and what was true of me earlier may not remain the same today. so, form someone else's perspective, I may have presented myself unrealistically.
@weemam (13372)
24 Dec 07
I am always myself , 2 reasons , I think people should know me as I am , I have met quite a few of my online friends and they agree I am the same on and off line , I consider it a lie if I were not me and I just hate lies in any shape or form , so what you see is what you get lol , Nice to meet you xx
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• United States
26 Dec 07
Complete honesty is a difficult challenge to live up to....especially when it comes to being honest with yourself. One of my biggest struggles is trying to make sure I really am being honest with myself about issues I'm not comfortable in or thing sI take for granted. Retrospect is an amazing teacher but not terribly helpful in the day-to-day. How do you go about making sure that you are true to yourself?
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
24 Dec 07
I understand that the anonymity that the internet provides sometimes leads to a "change" from who the person is to what the person would like to be or be perceived by others. Personally I prefer to be myself. I like myself LOL . I would say that other than games and places where exaggeration might be a part of the game, people sometimes stretch their real selves a bit more for insecurity then from anything else. If you're comfortable with yourself you usually have no need to do so. I don't really go on chats so I can't talk much about it or what might be ok or not, but if I went there I would prefer to be talking to the real person instead of someone that is giving me a fairy tale version of themselves or telling me what he/she things I would want to hear/read :) BY the same token I would prefer to present myself as myself warts and all - we all have our good points and our weak points, that's what makes us .. well us LOL
• United States
23 Feb 08
Directly in relation then, since you are comfortable with yourself, what about all the folks who are struggling to figure out who they really are on the inside? The teenagers, recent divorcees, and other searchers? Has the internet become a tool where they can figure themselves out a bit by experimenting with the lack of social "norms" ?
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
24 Dec 07
I myself don't like to put on a "persona", I am the same way on the internet or telephone, as I am in person! I feel this way because I am proud of the way I am, and I wouldn't want to deceive anybody!
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• United States
26 Dec 07
But on the phone and in person you are better able to present yourself as you are. I think the internet has added a dimension to this that is important: we have to be honest with ourselves, about ourselves to portray ourselves accurately. It gets a little complicated!