Do you long for Christ's return

Christ's Return to earth - There will come a time when Jesus comes back. We need to be ready and watching.
United States
December 23, 2007 9:26pm CST
In 2 Timothy Paul writes that he has finished his race and now there is in store for him a crown of righteousness which the Lord the Righteous judge will award to him on that day. And not only to him but also to ALL who LONG for his appearing. Are you LONGING for Christ to come back. As we come upon the CHRISTmas season we don't celebrate Christ's birthday as much as we celebrate that fact that Jesus did come to earth, died and rose again and the ascended into heaven and he is coming back. You see we are looking for him to come back. We to long for that like a child longs for the appearance of Santa Clause. We need to get excited about the fact that Jesus is coming back. Get that excitement inside of your spirit as you anticipate the 2nd coming of our Lord.
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5 responses
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
27 Jun 08
I know for a fact that I don't long for it as I should. A longing means that it's something that a person thinks about each day and aches for. I'm not to that point yet, although I really wish I were. I'm growing more and more each day, however. Even though I don't yet long for it completely as I should, I'm really looking forward to that day! I know it's probably a little selfish on my part, but I really would like to get married and have children first! I also have family members who have yet to hear and receive Christ. So...of course, there are a few things holding me back. This probably isn't the right attitude, but I know it's only normal for us to desire the things and people of this world as we've never known anything different! I'm glad you posted this discussion. It's a really good subject to be reminded of what's coming perhaps sooner than we think!
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@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
27 Jul 08
Wish to remind you that Paul did not meet Jesus in the flesh.
• United States
27 Jun 08
I believe your attitude on this is right on. Paul reminds us that "The Lord is not slow in keeping His promises, he is patient with us not wanting anyone to perish, but all to come to repentance." Even God who longs to be with us, is waiting so that more will come to know His Son Jesus. That is the height of His Love. I will long for His coming, But I will live because he is.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
30 Jun 08
Thank you for your reassurance on this subject. It's really neat to read Paul's writings because he was a man of flesh and blood just as we are. For this reason, he knew what it's like to want Christ to return but still have that desire to see many more saved. I'd especially hate for any of my family members to be left behind because how frustrating would that be! I've been around so much family that it'd be such a shame for them not to know my testimony in the least. Hopefully I was at a point and time when I could share with them what I know and have received. I believe that'll make all the difference in light of eternity. I'm grateful for your comments and for this discussion because we can never be reminded enough that Christ could come back any minute. Thanks again and have a great Monday!
• United States
10 May 08
Yes I do!! I am hoping it will be any day now, I find lots of people are feeling tired of being here. I know I am!
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• United States
12 May 08
I know sometimes this place is overwhelming but we must overcome. Waiting patiently and with such a longing for him to return. My wife got me a bumper sticker the other day for my run down 1985 Ford LTD Wagon. It says "Don't let my car fool you; My Treasure is in heaven" Amen Come Lord Jesus!!!
• India
11 Feb 08
The persecuted cries out, "Lord when will you return and deliver justice?" I do pray and wait for his return.
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• United States
10 Jul 08
I pray that it will be soon and when he come I will make sure that I am doing his work. thanks for the response
@Ngippol (567)
• Philippines
24 Dec 07
That was a great sermon you've made; "Longing for Christ Return". I sure do long for His return! And on that day, there will be no pain, no more tears within my eyes, no more sorrows! Oh what a blessed day that would be
• United States
24 Dec 07
It has brought tears to my eyes to see people long for the Lord the way I do. Merry CHRISTmas. God bless you
@Wario_1 (965)
• Sweden
11 Feb 08
Yea, im really longing for his return. It feels like the return of Christ will be the most awesome thing a human being can experience on earth.