Are you hateful toward "gay" people or

United States
December 24, 2007 5:42am CST
Are you accepting of those who choose the "Gay" lifestyle or do you treat them with disdain? Are you quick to condemn them..or are you understanding of them.
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16 responses
• Philippines
24 Dec 07
Well I don't really look at gay people as "threats" or bad people. I accept people as they are. I had quite a few gay classmates when I was in college and they are really bright people and really have sense to talk with. They're fun to be with but hard to be enemies :)
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• United States
28 Dec 07
I believe God created us "male and female" to naturally be drawn to the opposite..but somehow the genes factor in..and we have some that feel otherwise.
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• Philippines
29 Dec 07
Well yeah and we just have to respect them regardless of whether they're straight or not.. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
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@elemental69 (1561)
• Ireland
25 Dec 07
Hi, I dont think that people 'choose' to be gay, its just the way they are. I was brought up to respect people of all races and colours with no prejudice. I think that gay people should be allowed to live their lives the way that they want to, the same as you or I. :-)
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• United States
29 Dec 07
That is the way to be: respecting all people. One cannot be faulted for having an understanding heart.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
25 Dec 07
Frankly, I don't really understand them. But I guess that's because I personally don't know anyone who is gay. I certainly do not hate them. They are not harming anyone and it's just a choice that they make which is different from mine. I see no reason not to hate or condemn them for it. But I would like to know someone who is gay so that I can understand them better. Even though people in India are opening up to the idea, I don't think gays are comfortable declaring that they are gay. So, I probably do know someone who is but am just in the dark about their choice.
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• United States
29 Dec 07
Like you, I don't know anyone who is gay; but I know that several of my friends know someone this way. So I think we need to be less judgemental from things I have heard.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
29 Dec 07
Some of the responses here are just making me sick. There always has to be someone who brings religion into it. How can being gay be a sin if it's natural? People can't help being gay, just like people can't help being heterosexual. We as a society have moved forward with other issues like racism and women's rights but I feel we are still stuck in the past when it comes to gay issues. Get over it people! People have been gay since the beginning of time! So many young people (and older people) kill themselves EVERY DAY because they are gay and they feel like no one will accept them if they come out. This shouldn't be happening. People shouldn't be dying because of society's messed up views of homosexuality. I'm glad to see that most people are accepting of it but seriously, how long is it going to take for people to wake up to themselves and realise that homosexuality is just as natural as heterosexuality?
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• United States
29 Dec 07
I realize that the Bible "only" talks about homosexuality in 6 verses. I was reading a book, though, that compared the number of verses for each topic, and homosexuality was actually pretty high as compared to some other things discussed. It just seems odd that it is brought up so many times. I agree, though, that since it is not in the "Top 10" it may have lesser importance. I see how that could make sense.
• United States
6 Jan 08
That's a good point, cyn. If you don't see homosexuality as immoral to begin with it's hard to lump it into that catagory!
@youless (112881)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Dec 07
I don't hate them at all. As everybody can have his/her own lifestyle. As long as they don't bother others, it is no problem at all.
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@Drumman (305)
• United States
26 Dec 07
I don't accept them or treat them with distain. I treat them with respect even though they are living a sinful lifestyle.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
27 Dec 07
How can the love of two people in a committed monogamous relationship be sinful?
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I am a Christian, but I DO NOT believe that committed homosexual relationships are sinful.
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@Drumman (305)
• United States
28 Dec 07
Easy. The love of two people in a committed monogamous relationship can be sinful if they are both male or both female. Before I answer this question seriously, I need to ask you a question. You are asking me how something can be sinful. I need to ask you if you are a Christian or if you believe in such a thing as "sin". If you don't believe in sin then I can't tell you how something can be sinful.
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@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
30 Dec 07
I can't say I completely understand the gay lifestyle, being heterosexual myself. What I believe is, it's hard enough to find someone to love in this life, why squabble about where that love is found. I don't see any point in being against those who are different than yourself. Who's right or wrong. What IS right or wrong. If people will just be kind to each other and tolerant of all of our many differences, it would be such a better place.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
2 Jan 08
As a Christian I have learned to not be too quick to judge. I have found most of these people to be normal people, and I try to be friendly to them, as I feel a lot of them are actually looking for something more, and you never know when you might be there for Friendship and to help them from their dilema. To me, the Bible teaches to do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and Jesus never condemned anyone for what they believe and tried to befriend all, so are we to do anyless? And just because you are friendly, does not mean you have to hang with them, and do as they do either. Just some of my thoughts.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Gay people are not what they do. It's what they feel and whom they seek to spend their lives with.
15 Jan 08
Of course not. However just like any type of person I have issues that I don't like. I hate when they think it's fun to tease straight guys (which I am) or show off it to piss people off. (I.e me) Most people who choose to have the same s*x relationship I know are the most friendly people. Just friends of there's tend to push the limits of what I call acceptable. (example flirt none stop with someone who clearly doens't like the idea) ~Joey
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
29 Dec 07
First, although others in this discussion have already said this, I'd also like to point out that people don't choose to be gay and it's not a "lifestyle", they're people like everyone else. Even saying "like everyone else" makes me feel like I'm being offensive, so let's change it to we're ALL just people no matter who we happen to love. Next, I would never put anyone down for their choice of religion or no religion, however I take exception with those who speak of gays as being immoral; how is loving someone and wishing to spend your life with them in a committed relationship "immoral"? Now, being in a committed relationship, or at least appearing to be to the rest of the world, and living a lie, cheating on the person you're supposed to be committed to no matter what the gender of any of the involved parties, not that's hypocritical and immoral. So, to answer your question, I don't treat anyone with disdain nor am I quick to condemn anyone as long as they treat me and other with respect and live a good life. By "good" I mean live like most of us do, working for a living if we can, helping others when and if we can, supporting our families and not doing such things that are clearly wrong and immoral like cheating, stealing and killing! I personally don't need any church or its leaders to tell me those things. Annie
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@psyche49f (2502)
• Philippines
29 Dec 07
I have lots of gay friends way back in college, and they are fun to be with. There was even one who really became my best friend and confidante. Now as an educator in a university, I have also lots of gay students who are close to fact closer than their female counterparts. And they are really cool and nice and loyal. So I have not condemned any gay just because they are gay. In fact, I have found friends in most of them. They need our understanding and acceptance because they too have a place in our society.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Dec 07
Hi littlefranciscan, I am very accepting of the gay lifestyle. Those people don't choose to be gay, they are born that way, just as I didn't choose to be straight. Would you condemn someone who was born blind? Blessings.
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@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
24 Dec 07
I don't feel differently towards gay people than straight people. I do have to admit that I have an issue with gayness being flaunted out for the whole world to see. But, I also have an issue with stright sexuality being "in your face", too. I personally don't believe that being gay is a choice, so why would I judge that? It's like saying I am going to judge someone with a big nose. That would suck. It's really not their fault. Everyone does have responsibility to just be a person, though, not let their sexuality become their identity.
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• United States
29 Dec 07
I agree..flaunting it only makes things worse for's better to live how you do quietly without much fanfare.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
29 Dec 07
"Everyone does have responsibility to just be a person, though, not let their sexuality become their identity." Very true statement. I think most gay people would prefer to just be people without the adjective attached the front.
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• United States
29 Dec 07
I completely agree, cyn. I think if we drop the labels life would be so much easier.
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• Philippines
29 Dec 07
I would like to think that I am open-minded. I don't have anything about gay people in general. In fact, one of my closest friends is gay and I treat him with utmost respect. I do not base his actions for the reason that he is a gay. Just because they are gays that we could stereotype all of them. Each person is a unique individual, whether you are gay or straight.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
29 Dec 07
Ok, first of my understanding is that no one decides to be gay, did you decide not to be gay. It is just one of those things. And yes, I am pretty accepting, But a lot does depend on the way they act, I have some very good friends that are gay. But other people are know that are gay, I do not like because of the way they act and treat other people.
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@dvschic (1795)
• United States
21 Jan 08
wow, since when it is a choice. and isn't jesus the one who says judge not lest ye be judged. its not for you to say. everyone will have their own lifestyle. you should be a lil more careful about who you condemn, eventually it will come back to haunt you.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
21 Jan 08
i hope you don't feel that franciscan is condemning anyone. I don't feel that. If i did I'd be fighting with both barrels blazing. I think this is a learning discussion.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
23 Jan 08
I've addressed that. But ignorance of a group or a feeling does not present a hatred, just a misunderstanding. The lack of desire for learning is the flaw. I have a gay son and I am on the front lines of this fight. If I thought that franciscan was a hater, I would be on him/her with both barrels blazing. I don't feel it. Look at the other posts and his/her responses. don't get angry. state the facts and thinking people will see them as truth.
@dvschic (1795)
• United States
21 Jan 08
i think they are attempting to start a learning expedition, but people need to be very careful with the words they chose. be asking about people who choose a gay lifestyle, they are implying that there is a choice and that people choose to be gay. the tone of their question is negative and offensive to homosexuality IMO... words have meaning and even though they are attempting a good thing, their language dictates the underlying feelings.