Abortion - killing field
By ajinomoto23
@ajinomoto23 (1057)
December 24, 2007 9:18pm CST
Abortion - life killed with this act is greater than all wars. Mother killing their own child. A child without a voice to say No. Without a right to life. Simply an act of murder. If we can only hear the cry of a child being aborted, it would be an endless scream that the whole world cannot sleep and will feel the guilt of their sins.
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12 responses
@UnselfishShellfish (1306)
• United States
25 Dec 07
I'm with the first poster...what's the point? You're using bigoted, slanted pro-life information to scare some woman into a choice she'll regret for the rest of her life. Abortion is not murder. There are no children. There are no screams or crying. There is nothing. The fetus is less than 2 inches long and still looks like a tadpole. There is no brain, no brain waves, no nervous system and all that means is that it can not think or feel, least of all pain.
And I would not feel guilty if I heard it scream.
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@ajinomoto23 (1057)
• Philippines
1 Jan 08
In China, they have the One Child Policy. Abortion is legal. Many chinese women had undergone abortion more that once and have one child surviving. The future generation will suffer. Currently the numbers of old people are more than 50% the second generation is reduced to more than 50%, the third generation will suffer. Nation building will be at risk.
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@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
5 Jan 08
China's one child policy was put in place because China is far, far too overpopulated and if people were permitted to pop out children willy-nilly, the nation would not be able to support itself or feed it's people. It was necessary to put in place some kind of population control. When the nation is more stable, I'm sure the restriction will be lifted.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
3 Jan 08
"If we can only hear the cry of a child being aborted, it would be an endless scream that the whole world cannot sleep and will feel the guilt of their sins"
Well I knwo that wouldnt be the case for me (yes I've had an abortion), not in the slightest...Why? Becuase the cries of my two other children would be louder ;-) I have NO GUILT for aborting, it was necessary at that time and a very unfortunate decision to have to make but a needed one all things considered...Why would I feel guilty about making the RIGHT choice for myself and my family??
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
3 Jan 08
Abortion is murder. Plain and simple. People can try and justify it all they want, but the truth is that you can't. It is murder in the eyes of God and I can't understand at all how anyone can kill an unborn child! How can they do that and think it is ok? It is NOT ok! It is wrong and it is murder!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
3 Jan 08
Until you are in the position that those of us have been in to have to make that choice, and hopefully you NEVER will be, how can you say its in any situation, case, circumstance wrong? You DON'T KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that if put in a horrible situation and abortion being an option that you WOULDNT abort...Sure you would like to believe you wouldn't but so did I along with many of us, sure you would like to believe that you could on all levels go through with the pregnancy but the cold hard reality is you REALLY DON'T KNOW...
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Jan 08
"but your unborn child was innocent in all of it"
innocent of what exactly..there was no "innocent" and "guilty or to blame" in our situation....but since you want to bring "innoncense" up what about that of my two other children or my husband and myself.....As much as I grasp the whole "the unborn didnt do anything" direction and it is true I've never disagreed with that, the reality is, living breathing ppl were involved including very young ones and they trump the unborn...
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@Springlady (3986)
• United States
3 Jan 08
I don't doubt for a second that this was not an easy situation for you.
But I do know what the Bible says. God knew me before I was ever born. I was fearfully and wonderfully made.
It is murder. We have no right to take the life of an unborn child. I do know some of your situation (what you have told me and others), but your unborn child was innocent in all of it.
I pray that if I were ever in a bad situation that I became pregnant, I would seek God's guidance and trust Him to help me to do the right thing. I would definately not lean on my own strength. I would strive to please the Lord and do the right thing even if it meant going thru a really difficult time. If we obey God, all things will be ok in the end.
I hope you have a good day.

@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
1 Jan 08
It's not a child, and it's not murder. Murder is defined by law, and since abortion is legal, it's not murder.
Abortion will never stop, and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional. Women who are not ready to be mother's will do anything to prevent motherhood - even if it means infanticide, or a back-ally procedure that may cost them their lives. If you'd like abortion to stop, be realistic. Stress birth control, but don't expect everyone to give up abortion at the drop of a hat just because you think it's wrong. Let's not forget abortion has been going on for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It's not going away anytime soon.
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@dreamy1 (3811)
• United States
25 Dec 07
What's the point of this discussion? There's so many discussions about abortion on this board. Do you just want to get a lot of replies? Because it seems abortion is such a hot button topic.
You don't believe in abortion, fine. Do you want to take in all the unwanted children that may result? How about for every woman you personally stop from getting an abortion you adopt their kid. Sounds like a great deal to me. A "life" is saved, the woman is happy and a child can get a great home (yours).
FYI abortion is legal (in the US anyway) so it is not murder under the law it does not meet the definition of murder. If it was murder every woman who gets one would be arrested.
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@asawanialvin0611 (1877)
• Philippines
2 Jan 08
God condemn murder.Mny women want to have children but many kill theirs without knowing what it can do to their conscience.Conscience is our biggest foe and it will haunt those who have sinned.

@GloomCookieLex (6073)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Not all women regret their abortions.
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@aries_0325 (3060)
• Philippines
12 Jan 08
Yes, abortion is killing a life and it is greater than wars too. Abortion is an absolutely wrong and it is a crime of murder. And absolutely I am not favor for this. And I think the fetus have life and like us she/he have a right to see this wonderful world.
@aowaow (1516)
• Indonesia
6 Feb 08
For thread starter:
You must speak above the perception of those couple non-marriage and they face an unexpected pregnancy. It's very different if you look deeper where a marriage couple who always prevent pregnancy. Some unexpected pregnancy can be granted, but that's depending on one's wealth, one's spare time, one's eager to rise and bear the kid.
If someone ask you, if in your 20-years length life of your marriage, you met 10 unexpected pregnancies, (some period is missed out or out of control, no matter we had tried to prevent it), now you think abortion is a killing field, how will your emotional react and mix between "raising 10 kids" and "abortion is crime".
How do you decide? You have no choice but raising 10 kids, because the other option is prohibited in your dictionary.
Follow the wave. Don't put too much weighted in one side. Each side owns its good and bad side. Suit the condition to its own place.
@ajinomoto23 (1057)
• Philippines
6 Feb 08
Abortion is not as a matter of opinion. We are 10 in the family. I have five brothers and four sisters. I know my father must have difficult times giving us financial provision. God abundantly bless his effort. I do not know how my life would be without all of them. I am deeply hurt if one of them is lost.
@twilight_75 (479)
9 Jan 08
I think the biggest problem here is people getting pregnant in the first place, abortion isn't contraception! I know of at least 3 women who have had abortions because they weren't careful in the first place.
I don't think abortion is wrong, if a woman falls pregnant and decides that it isn't right for what ever reason, then thats her right. As for these unborn babies who could be put up for adoption. I personally don't think i could carry a child full time and give it up. I admire anyone who can. But if i could i'd want to know that my child was going to someone who loved it striaght away, not in a care home till someone decided he/she was the one they want.
@fanji008 (775)
• China
9 Jan 08
Hi,there! I really agree with you somehow. I think it's not good at all for a mother to have an abortion.It's harmful for the mother herself.What's worse,it kills a real life.A life is so valuable that you can't buy it with anything.So I think one should think very carefully before she gets pregnant.If she doesn't want to be pregnant,then she should do sth to prevent but not kill the child later by abortion.Thanks for the discussion and have a nice day^_^
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
9 Jan 08
This misinformation is my personal pet peeve. LEGAL ABORTIONS ARE SAFE. Under normal conditions it does NOT harm the woman who has one. There are some risks, the same risks that are present in any medical procedure- risk of reaction to medication, risk of infection etc. But comparably a termination is safer than continuing a pregnancy to term.
@gdisites (161)
• United States
25 Dec 07
I normally don't post to such serious questions. I have to agree that every child is precious. The truth is that adoption lines are LONG and there are homes for every one of them. I have kept unwanted children and never a regret.

@ajinomoto23 (1057)
• Philippines
1 Jan 08
Thank you for the discussion. The reality of abortion and abandonment of children - nations all over the world simply cannot be ignored. There are endless stories about how children and families suffer because of poverty. Many women suffer because they cannot support the needs of their children even on food alone. To bring up the child the way is should is to provide them at least with the basics of food, shelter and clothing - them education.
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@UnselfishShellfish (1306)
• United States
25 Dec 07
"homes for every one of them"
Then why are 90% of the kids aged out at 18?
Why are they not found homes?
You are true in saying that every perfect white day old infant will find a home, but that is NOT true for the older children that are in homes or the "non" perfect ones such as the ones with Down's Syndrome or the ones with a form of Palsy.
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@UnselfishShellfish (1306)
• United States
28 Dec 07
I used to work in social services. We had lines and lines of people wanting to adopt the infants and the babies, but not the older kids. Most of the time, they got aged out at 18. That was what I meant.
Government red tape had nothing to do with it IMO.
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