A kiss, a hug - What are the signs of Love?

December 25, 2007 12:52am CST
When you love someone do you have to say it? or indirectly make the person feel that he is loved. Many ways to say that you love a person. Faithfulness, sincerity. There are my colors of love. It is impossible not to experience the love and hate. I hope is not too late to say Love when time requires it. Now is the time to say before time becomes a lost reason.
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12 responses
@yiskylee (141)
• China
25 Dec 07
being silent will definitely lose your lover But telling him will make you relaxing and he maybe loves you too. good luck!
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@dlsheng (136)
• China
25 Dec 07
yes,when i love somebody i have to tell her that i love her.
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@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
25 Dec 07
I think love and affection go hand in hand. When you love someone, do EVERYTHING to let him/her know, through actions and words. Because you'll never know, tomorrow might be too late.
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• Philippines
26 Dec 07
Much better if you let it feel with the one you loved. In this manner, your partner will really feel the love that you want to express. Saying "I love you" is not enough, there should be action accompanied with it. Happy posting! :-)
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• China
25 Dec 07
I think it the most difficult thing to show love to others. a kiss is good, a hug is also good, but that comes after you have shown your love. I do not know how to show love to others effectively. May be a tender glimpse can show it well.Some small gifts, like a card, a flower, even a joking word may also work.
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• China
25 Dec 07
I agree with you , when you love sb , you should told him/her , don't let the love go , otherwise , you will regret it !
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• United States
26 Dec 07
Hey there aj..happy holidays to ya..for me..signs of love is..those millions of butterflies swarming my tummy by the sound of him walking in the door..or hearing the vehicle park in the driveway..the zilion of goosebumps that clutter all over my body when he lightly touches my skin with his..the way my heart beats faster and faster when he looks into my eyes the way he does..like its ready to explode..and the way he passionately kisses my lips with his..and the fireworks that go off loud and hard in my mind and body..I tell him I love him everytime i feel it..as he tells me..which is about 24 hrs a day lol lol.and babes its never too late to say u love someone..love hold no time..:)
@monty24 (154)
• India
25 Dec 07
hi ajinomoto23 i think like you do.if you love someone just think a while,prepere your mind and let him/her know about your feelings otherwise it will be too late..Merry Christmas.
• China
25 Dec 07
love is one thing that don't need any signs~it include many ..it just from your heart deeply ,truely,madly..
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• China
25 Dec 07
of course ~I want to tell him~I like smiling to people i love~but i may make sure if he love me at first~
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• Nigeria
27 Dec 07
A word say, if you want something you like, go after it, so if you love someone let him or she know of it no matter the outcome or reaction
25 Dec 07
love is a feeling.A good love make good way
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