Great Physique...Is it Real?

@calicot (256)
December 25, 2007 11:52pm CST
I was wondering if the actors who played characters in 300, do really have buff physique? I read in one discussion here that they went through rigorous training. But is it possible to get those gorgeous abs and contoured muscles in such a short period of tome? I mean, the movie was conceptualized, prepared, casted and shot in less than a year or a couple of months. So are those abs and physique real or put in some Hollywood effects to look good. But if it's possible, let's say in a few months, what exercises could be done to achieve this?
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13 responses
• India
27 Dec 07
Actually there are many steroids and protein supplements that enhance our muscles and let us have a good physique in a really short time.Another possibility is that the the actors had those muscles already.One of India's most popular actors,Shah Rukh Khan,got six pack abs in two months.So it really is not a big deal if you have got the right trainer.
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@calicot (256)
• Philippines
28 Dec 07
But, did he have those six pack in just 2 months by doing or taking up steroids and protein supplements? Or did he developed them abs for a long time, and got only is his present physique because of enhancers? According to alvinwriter, it also depends on what body type you're in. If Shah is a mesomorph, then it wouldn't be too hard for him to gain muscles and in a short period of time or even an ectomorph, because with proper diet and exercise training, he could have a good physique after some time. Unlike endomorphs, or the fat guy. Slow metabolism so that means slow burn of fat, lots of exercise,longer time to build up muscles or have those six packs like Shah.
• United States
26 Dec 07
Actors and actresses go through a lot of physical training when preparing for movies, they do their best (for the most part) to really become the character they are playing, attitude, style and physical. The men in 300 were ripped, that is for sure, and it is possible to get that way, with hard work and proper training. Visual effects are of course always a possibility, either way they looked great.
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@calicot (256)
• Philippines
28 Dec 07
Yes, I'd agree with you. Many actors do "put" themselves in the character they're going to portray. I remember some instances wherein Tom Hanks was made to eat so much so that he'll become fat but he loss weight after the movie was made. Well to get fat is easier to do, just eat all you want. But to be ripped or buff, then that really involve a lot of exertions. Even if the actors in 300 have some muscle definition, they would still need to give a lot of effort to be as great looking as they should be in that movie. Thanks cowgirljess.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Dec 07
I would think that they used bow flex for that works on all the muscles and takes hours to get in that kind of shape am sure if they didnt make it some effects had to be put in place.
@calicot (256)
• Philippines
28 Dec 07
Well I think they did do some form of exercise routine and dieting. Otherwise, they wouldn't be that good looking for the movie. Makeup effects can help also. I'm counting that the props guys did put "definition" to their six packs so that even if they (actors) breath in and out, them six packs appear to "move" also.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
28 Dec 07
they can make so much look real
@calicot (256)
• Philippines
28 Dec 07
Yup I agree with you. Hollywood sure can do "miracles" to give every movie a great outcome as much as possible.
• Philippines
26 Dec 07
Yes, it is possible, but the exercises that you will need to do and the length of time it will take will depend largely on what physique you have. If you are an ectomorph (thin) or an endomorph (naturally muscular), you will have little trouble defining your abs by doing three sets (left side, front, and right side) of a hundred crunches everyday while keeping to a high protein but minimal fat diet. If you are an endomorph, well, diet would play a much bigger role. You should eat low calorie foods but keep your protein intake at a reasonable level along with a balanced diet. You should also do aerobic exercises everyday together with weight training to build muscle and lose more fat. The idea is to make your body use protein you eat to build muscle as you burn fat. You should burn more calories than you eat if you need to lose much weight. It will take time but perseverance and motivation counts a lot. It helps to get a trainer to keep you on your toes and prevent you from going back to your old habits. If you can get it, I would recommend that you use as reference, Arnold Schwarzenegger's Big Book of Bodybuilding. It's classic, but it gives you the basics that you need to begin your journey in sculpting a great body naturally. Of course, there are the modern supplements available in stores, but you need to learn more about them before using any. Again, it helps to get the advice of someone who knows.
@calicot (256)
• Philippines
26 Dec 07
Thanks alvinwriter, that's a lot of info there. Well, I'd agree with you that it would take alot of effort. Before I also had Arnold's book and do make that a reference to some of the workout. I'm a bit of a frustrated bodybuilder. Unfortunately, when I moved out of my parents house years ago, I forgot to bring it with me. When I did visit them one time the book was no longer to be found. Just my luck. But that book was really helpful, it tackle diet, cardio, specific muscle exercises. Btw, I was skinny in my younger days, I did get into the gym a couple of times but usually on-off basis only. I got big (fat) not because of working out but because of my food intake. Now it seems a bit harder to be or keep thin. I guess discipline should be part of my routine. Do you think those south beach, weight watcher diet routine really work?
• Philippines
27 Dec 07
Researchers studied soldiers who went into forced starvation during intense physical activity and how their bodies lost fat and muscle in the process. This would happen if you eat less, like in those branded diets, and do a lot of physical endurance work. Anyway, the results showed that after the program, their bodies craved food, especially carbohydrate-laden food. They gained their weight back with more fat than muscle. It was in a way, a physiological reaction to what they put their bodies through, in "anticipation" that it will happen again. That's the general reaction of the body, but remember that our bodies are different. Some burn fat more than others. Some tend to retain fat. If you will be following one of those fad diets, you should at least consult a doctor to see if it is suitable to your metabolism and fitness. Some have collapsed while following them due to the resulting low carbohydrate levels in the body. My best advice is to keep to a balanced diet while keeping the calories low. Just make sure that you burn more than you eat. This of course entails exercise. Do get a trainer for motivation and constant advice. Sometimes, the mental part is more important than the physical part of the training. Do watch the Discovery Health documentary on the fat-loss program of entertainer Fat Tuesday.
@calicot (256)
• Philippines
28 Dec 07
I'm impressed and interested. By the way that you know so much info, I'd guess that it's either your a physical trainer or a fitness enthusiast. Whatever your background is, thanks a lot for those info. Those are very helpful not only to me but I guess for most mylotters here.
26 Dec 07
I watched a program that had to do with the making of that movie, and they are 100% real. :) They went through very exerting exercises to get the right bodies. They showed them in a field hefting tractor tires over and over for an ab work out, which is something I thought only football players did in movies.
@calicot (256)
• Philippines
26 Dec 07
Thanks cruelkitti for your views. They did do exercises that exert their muscles in different parts of their body then? Hefting tractor tires for ab work out? The last two movies I've seen do unconventional "training" was that of Sly Stallone in Rocky where he worked out in a farm doing all sorts of manual labor and Van Damme's Bloodsport wherein coconuts were dropped to his abs and he has to contract it to be able to abosorb the pain. I thought they were all kinda used for movie effects only to stimulate our senses and make the plot interesting. Would you say that this could be much more effective than going to the gym? Well, their workout do go through a lot of rotational and total range of motion.
6 Jan 08
They went through straining activities. Bench pressing,push ups, picking up monster truck wheels for a long time. But they did use Computer Generated Images for some of the abs.
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@tryxiness (4544)
• Philippines
26 Dec 07
Interesting. Partly, the gym thing could be a factor, but since everyone in the movie is so into Computer Generated Images, the abs thing could be a product of CGIs.
• Philippines
26 Dec 07
At times I thought the characters weren't even real by how they opened their mouth when they talked. It was the same as with the characters in Beowulf. How would I describe it? Plasticine. You can never tell the difference sometimes. But I believe the actors did achieve enough definition to their abs for the movie.
• India
28 Dec 07
I don't think that it's real..The film shooting has been done within one year..In this shorter version time it's not possible..As it's a hollywood movie..any thing can be shown with the latest technology that they have..
• Italy
26 Dec 07
interesting point...I think that for some minor characters they simply chose people with a good phisique, while the others went through a rigid training.
@calicot (256)
• Philippines
28 Dec 07
I think so too. I mean, the actor who played the character of Leonidas could be a bit musculine already, given that he's a stage actor so that entails a disciplined life and having some physical exercise. I guess, he went to a rigid training indeed to get those abs to show up and some muscle definition in other parts of the body. Thanks for sharing your opinion.
@lazz07 (2)
20 Jan 08
Alot of makeup was done on the set... even on their chest to form the non existing abs that some of them didnt have.. however many of them had great abs before they came on set..
25 Jan 08
not at all they have fake abs arms might be real but not there abs cause most (98.9%) of peoples abs when you have a 8 pack like them do not bluge out like in the movie but are much flatter and even if they went through a tough training period it would of have to been a period of at least 4-6 months to get there abs like that cause most people could only work out there stomach 3-5 hours and then would have to rest like 2 days at least.
@allen0187 (58574)
• Philippines
20 Apr 08
they have videos of their training posted in the net. i think most of them already have the physique that they have in the film so it was only a matter of gettign more buff for the movie. i wouldn't mind doign a couple of those exercises for a body like that.
• India
2 Sep 08
yeah, they did a lot of work on their physique and got those 8 pack o abs. probably abs exercise will help. about the movie, 300 is an absolutely terrific movie. the attitude, the valour the spartans display send a chill down my spine. so much to keep their honour. they challenged and even demured a person who projected himself as god. i think they were bogged down by the wrong priests who just had no respect for these warriors. my personal favorite line in the movie when the king says : SPARTANS NEVER RETREAT!!!!!!!!!!. the greatest sequence when the king as a young lad fights the beast and also , when he kicks the intruder into the well..