3rd Tsunami Remembrance

Magic or Physics? - Images from a Buddhist temple just after the worst tsunami in 2006. I am not superstitious but temple is devastated with all the concrete pillars leaving the 3 statues almost unharmed. (Slight damage to the knee of the buddha due to a huge concrete block flown with water.)
Sri Lanka
December 27, 2007 7:55am CST
Yesterday we remembered the 26th of December 2006 Disaster which killed almost 50,000 people in my country and close to 300,000 people worldwide. We have been able to restore most of the damage with the help of our people and our friendly countries all over the world. We learned lessons while we lost many other assests on that day. Miracles also happened like the survival of buddha statues in every temple on the coast line. There were incidents reporting similar situation in few churches as well. So 26th December was a Key Day of my country. Was it same in your areas? what Miracles and recoveries have you noticed in this 25th Tsunami of the century?
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