Ped Egg - Get the Facts here. The Bad & The Ugly. As-Seen-On-TV

United States
December 27, 2007 3:13pm CST
Thinking of ordering one ? Wait..feel the experience first. A good friend of mine that is disabled on a fixed income ordered the Ped Egg, it arrived yesterday. Only one Ped Egg and two emory pads. Total cost including shipping. $16.99 Being confused on what she received, she was under the impression she was going to receive two ped eggs, tube of foot cream and the emery buffing pads for $10.00 plus the $6.99 shipping & handling. *** Wrong *** She ordered by phone, paid by credit card. The person taking the order never mentioned, in order to receive the second Ped Egg, Miracle foot cream, you must pay an additional $6.99 shipping & handling Is she would of been told at time of order, she would of agreed to pay the extra $6.99 Disappointed as she was, she called the number that was on the invoice 1-973-227-8777. With her on a fix income, she don't have unlimited long distance. Being upset as she was, she called, sat on hold for over an hour waiting costing her .10 cents a minute finally hung up, but continued calling throughout the day up to closing time. No telling how much her phone will be. $10.00 - $20.00. When I stopped by her house to check on her, she was upset and told me what was going on. Looked over the package, invoice, the ped egg gizmo. The package was small card board box with no filler, just the egg, two emery pads, invoice and a re-order forum. Ped Egg. made in China ***Personal note: If it's made China, coming to your local Wal-mart soon. Even tried to call myself, received a voice greeting, then went to fast busy. This was at 4:45 est, they close at 5:00 est. Ok, the phone option is over with for the day. Now looking for the customer service email address. Oh, guess what, they don't provide one. Look for yourself This really got me going to dig deeper and get a handle of this. Then I noticed where it said The corporate site provides little bit more information, including a toll free number 1.800.777.4034 by the time I discovered toll free number, it was past 5pm, after all the direct line wasn't taking calls, but redirecting you to a busy signal after voice greeting. Straching my head I said they have an email address,just not making it public. Oh, by the way, the order numbers and the number to call to cancel are one and the same. Should you ever place an order then attempt to cancel the order, not going to happen. Read between lines of the fast talkers small print information. Sure, it could happen if you changed your mind at point of order, but as you soon as you commit and hang up, your order is processed. No refunds once order processed. However, you can return the item if unused, re-saleable condition but you pay the shipping to return the item. On the hunt for the customer service email. Best source to start first is do a whois on the domain. I did the whois on and and guess what ??? I sent an email to both addresses listed by the registra and both emails bounced back using my gmail account. Maybe it was my gmail, maybe it wasn't. Maybe they've had so many complaints they deleted that email. Give it try and see there emails bounce back to you. The company does list addresses for anyone wanting to be a wholesaler, international seller. I rounded up the email addresses and sent one email to all. Apparently my email got someone's attention. Could of it been the verbage I stated or just good customer service to follow up ? Maybe it was the comment of ordering in good faith and ordered not received as advertised or the dispute pending. Credit card company notified. Ped Egg review blogs created. Regardless of the reason, A call was received today from Ped Egg. The conversion consisted of: It states on the website there is a charge of $6.99 for the extra Ped Egg. In around about way with the play of words it does state $6.99, except your lead to beleive you get it all for $10.00 plus $6.99 shipping. But, the order was placed by telephone. The order taker said nothing about the second item,cost factor. Fact is the actual cost for all is $23.98 End result, the lady said she would send the bonus offer and would receive it within three to six weeks at no cost. I really doubt she offerred to send a second one out of the goodness of heart. The offer didn't arise until I stated I will help advertise Ped Egg since there was only one page results in Ped Egg in the Google results. After all, consumers should know facts. Was their customer follow up standard procedures or did I push the envelope far enough were they felt lets put this fire out and call this person. Seems really strange for a company not to provide a contact us email address. But, provides a testimonial email address using a Gmail email. Little a bit about the product. It looks like a extra size Jumbo Egg that fits in the hand from finger tip to the base of your hand. White,hard shell plastic,light weight with Ped Egg Pofessional in blue with a Foot image between the words Ped ( ) Egg Three pieces. Top snaps into the base. In the middle of the egg is the third piece, it is snaped to the top piece. The center piece ( middle ) is an oval shape hard piece of plastic with a oval piece, appears to be made of Tin with six rows with 20 punched beveled holes. Size of the holes are like a Ice pic hold. Hole, 1/8 solid raised, then hole Six inner rows with 20 holes, between every two holes the tin portion is slightly elevated. Allowing you to brush back in forth were the elevated edges barely scraps the surface to the skin. Any one could very easily make a homemade version with a 1 x 1 x 3 piece of wood and cut to size a piece of tin and take an ice pick or even a drill to make the holes. The inner tin between the holes just tap it slightly to elevate it. At the end of each side of the tin, nail it to wood. prestoe, you have your own scrub board. Buy a package of emery boards. Buy a some footcream or aloe vera. Most likely you already have the above at home. For the product itself, I can see how it could scrap the dead skin. The emery board texture is real fined. As for the miracle foot repair cream, since it didn't come with the package, have no opinion. Unless you really have to have a Ped Egg because your neighbor owns one, I would wait it out til wal-mart carries it.. or just make your own for less Out of curiosity I did a google search for Ped Egg Scam and this is what I uncovered. I wonder what ever happenned to this lady that hooked for $70.00 Disclaimer. Outlined above are in my opinion only, no representation of the product itself. Decision to purchase the ped egg is solely your decision. This is not an endorsement to buy or not to buy the product. Only a consumer experience and personal opinion. The marketing practises of the fast talking, small print. Buyer beware, the actual cost is $23.98
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1 response
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
28 Dec 07
I was thinking of ordering one of these as my feet are horrible. Thanks for the heads up I think I will stay with my old fashioned stuff! It did seem too good to be true.
• United States
9 Jan 08
Hi Whywiki, Just wanted to give you an update. My friend finally used the ped egg last. She is really happy with ped egg, it works. If your feet is in need, then I would suggest to order you one. You may want to check with Walgreens and Wal-mart, they may have them available might say a few dollars from the shipping.
• United States
13 Feb 08
I just wanted to give you an update. I used the pedegg, that little gizmo very well does work. Walmart now sells them for like $9.99 .. I would suggest getting one. It will make your skin soft again.
• United States
13 Feb 08
Correction,,, Walgreens sells them... not sure if wal-mart does.