Which would you choose a man you love or a man who loves you?

United States
December 29, 2007 12:43am CST
If you had two guys who would love to marry you and you only can choose one of course...who would you choose? A man who you love deeply and would die for...or a man who loves you and would die for you? Which one would you choose and why would you do that? What if it was another man who loves you had money vs the man that loves you is very very poor...dirt poor for that matter...who would you choose?
5 responses
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
5 Jan 08
I wouldn't marry someone who I didn't love me, even if I loved them. If I loved them, it wouldn't matter to me at all how much money they had. They say money can't by happiness.
• United States
8 Jan 08
Money really can not buy happiness...and I agree you have to marry someone you love but for some people they have manage to grow love with time such as in arrange marriages and so on...
@rosema (1145)
• Philippines
30 Dec 07
Wow! what a hard question. But i think for me, i choose the one who deeply love and would die for me. i thinks that kind of man is easy to love also. lol
• United States
31 Dec 07
I don't know about that...I have a friend who has this guy who truly loves her and would die for her but she chose someone else who didn't love her as much as she love him. She said the reason why she didn't choose the guy who loved her more is that she love the other guy too much to loose him...and that she does not feel physically attractive to him (the first guy hehe) confusing huh...
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
29 Dec 07
i rarely choice the man who really love me, & die for me, even his poor, happeness to have one great family is better than a man love me because he can give me a fancy life but if that will end love will not be there. like happen to my friend the man that he think she love & show her also the love that when they married everything is change specially when they have kids, it become a bad dreams for her, money will not give evrything to us, love is still the precious word for all of us.
• United States
30 Dec 07
That is very true my dear...money can only go so far but love will run on and on as long as we believe...life is short live it with the people we love and enjoy and make life worth living and all those materialistic wouldn't matter if there is no love...
• China
30 Dec 07
I will choose the man who love me more than I do even he is poor. Marriage is not base on the money.
• United States
31 Dec 07
Yup, love falls into the emotional category rather than monetary one. We can always make more money but we can not make someone love us if they don't want to love us...
29 Dec 07
Gosh that is a hard one as it would mean upsetting someone really deeply. I guess for me it would have to be the guy I was deeply in love with as no matter how much the other guy loved me, if I was so totally in love with someone else then there really couldn't be any other option. As far as money goes, well it would obviously be tempting to go for the money but since I don't really value possessions I think I would be desperately unhappy with the rich guy even if he did love me. And to be honest it would upset me more for him to try and make me happy by lavishing me with expensive things. So I would have to choose the poor guy if he was the one I truly loved as the depth of that would hopefully see us through.
• United States
29 Dec 07
That's is very true...because fortune and wealth can be made but to find the one you truly love is very hard to do...in this life it seems that there are more bad fishes in the sea vs good ones and once you have caught a good fish you should keep him...like someone dear told me a good man who loves you is hard to find but once found he is very hard to loose but if you caught a bad man he is easy to catch and easy to loose for those things are people that comes to us so easily will leave us just as easily...example money hahaha it's gone before I even get to touch it but it was easy to make it...just as easy in leaving from my wallet...ex boyfriends who I dated who were very easy to get along with and they liked me but were bad being a lover unfaithful they left just as easily as they came into my life...but now that I found a good one ...I have done many things that hurt him in the past but he stay through thick and thin...and I too would do the same for him...