Process for Installing the Weblogic Plotform?
By Aravapalli
@Aravapalli (8)
December 29, 2007 7:40am CST
Weblogic plotform is provided by BEA, Current version is 10.0.
Components provided:
1. Weblogic Server
2. Workshop for weblogic Plotform
3. BEA Weblogic Portal
4. BEA JRockit JDK
#Processor: 1GHz CPU
#Hard disk drive: occupies 2GB of disk space
#Memory: 2GM of RAM is recommended
#Color bit depth :8-bit color depth
#JDK: JRE is requird for installing BEA products
Select Home directoy:
For eg: c:\bea\weblogic virsion no.
Choosing the type of installation
#Complete Instalation: by selecting this it will install the components of weblogic plotform like Weblogic Server progrm files wih related sample files, Workshop for Weblogic Plotform, Workshop examples, Woeblogic portal, weblogic portal extension for workshop, Sample domains for use with PointBase DB, foe windows instalation it gives both BEA JRockit 1.5.0 JDK and SUN Java 1.5.0 JDK
We can not install Weblogic Node Manager as windos Sevice with complete instalatiom.
#Custum Installation: by selecting this we can install the componets which are required for our development.
Thank you, any qustion regarding Weblogic are welcomed.
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