Have You Ever Gone Into Hiding?
By Brian
@wolfie34 (26770)
United Kingdom
December 29, 2007 9:15am CST
Have you ever had to go into hiding in fear of being hurt, attacked or harrassed or even stalked? Have you ever feared for your life and found the only option was to hide?
How did it feel to hide away, to be scared, watching over your shoulder, jumping if the telephone rings, or going out?
Have you ever run away from your partner, ex because you couldn't face being abused any more, have you had help in finding a new place to live, someone to offer you shelter, did it get so bad that you had to change your name?
Or do you hate hiding, do you feel that your ex has still got a hold over you because they have made you hide away like a little mouse, feeling afraid of setting outside your own front door?
How did it end, how long did you stay in hiding for?
Yes as many know this is a subject very close to my heart, and yes I was in hiding, but in 2008 I am going to make a huge step, and that is to go back to the place I used to love going to but have been scared to in case my ex was there. I've got butterflies about it, but I am going stir crazy, not going out for feeling fear!
So how do you cope with being in hiding
Or equally if you are agoraphobic how do you cope with life?
Thank you xxx
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18 responses
@academic2 (7000)
• Uganda
29 Dec 07
Luckily I havent approached hidding from that angle, the only time I appeared to be in hidding was when there was insurgency in my country, my village was under attack by both the government troops and rebels, I and my sweet heart went to the deepest part of the jungle, we lived on wild fruits, they were in abudance, it was the sweetest hidding experience I ever remember-we almost wanted the insecurity at home to go on for a lifetime!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
29 Dec 07
Well I have not gone into hiding but yes I know how it feels when the Phone goes and you are scared to answer it or when the Door Goes believe me
I am just glad that it is all over for you now and I know that you will be fine now
Love you Sweetie
Hugs xxx
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
29 Dec 07
Sweet your Mum needs to report him for harrassing her and yes do get to Citizen advise straight away as you need to stop it before it goes to far
Hugs to you and try to calm for now Wolfie get the New Year done with and then get there
If you have Caller ID on your Phone do not answer the Phone if you do not recognize the Number Sweetie
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
30 Dec 07
Sweetie first of all get a Phone with Number Showing you can get them quite cheap now then apply with your Server to set it in motion
The other thing you can do is record the calls or get them recorded but do go to Citizen advise about it he needs to be stopped xx
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
6 Jan 08
Yes, I have. My husband and I were living overseas and he was very unhappy. Our daughter had that day come home from hospital following dangerous surgery for the removal of a cyst in her neck. I had bouhgt her a little toy for her to play with as she she could not be too active. My husband came home and picked a fight with me for buying hte toy. It was $3. He threw one of his army boots at me, narrowly missing my daughter. The baby was asleep upstairs. Realising he was in one of his rages, I scooped up my 2 yr old and ran outside. He started yelling abuse at me as he came after me. I dashed next door and they closed their front door as I walked up the driveway so I went a few doors away to where some NewZealanders lived. He came after me, stright into their home even though he didn't know them. I ran out their back door to the side of the yard while some big naori guys tried to calm him down. He rushed out the front door again and went home, saying "I have the baby".
There's much more to this...suffice to say, because of the baby, I had to go home and later, he threatened to kill me. I managed to get away again and called the MPs and a padre came and got me and hid me at an Aust Navy hostel. It was awful I had a little money, no clothes, no food for any of us and no clue as to what was going on. People were staring at me and I didn't know what to do. I was eventually conned into going home and fortunately my husband was calm and apologetic.
He beat me many, many times and I was so alone with no-one to turn to and no-where to go.
I finally left him 4 years later but I will never be completely healed from those times. I still feel like an outsider, alone and excluded and a misfit. I was scared for my life and the life of my daughter.
Even writing this has made me feel sick to my stomach and nervous inside. My life then was horrible.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
6 Jan 08
Thank you for sharing that my dear friend, I guess wounds never truly heal, even with time, they are still there, you have been through hell and back, less stronger people would have given up a long time ago, but you have to go on don't you, for some life is a game, for others it's a continuous painful struggle. Big hugs to you xxx
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 Jan 08
I wish two things: I wish we could have been friends back then; because I can feel that you both inderstand and care.
I wish we could meet in this decade because we seem to connect brilliantly at some tiny, sweet level. Hugs wolfie....you'll be ok soon. It will just take a wee while yet before this guy fades for you. Either you or he will find a new love interest and that would be the best thing for you....so, keep a smile on your dial mate ;)
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
10 Jan 08
That would be great, we could have a laugh together, it has knocked me back but it has also done me some good in a weird sort of way, I have learnt valuable lessons, and as my very best friend says out of bad comes good. We have to get back on the bicycle of life and get riding at first, we need the stabilizers on first, then we learn to cycle again, against the wind and brave the elements that life chooses to throw at us. Thank you for being a supportive dear personal friend to me xxx
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
29 Dec 07
Well, Yes i have gone into hiding but mainly from bill collectors. lol. My ex messed up our credit and of course they still come after me because I was married to him. I usually just dont answer the phone unless I know who its from. But as far as ex's go. nope dont need to hide from mine. He won't bother me.
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@anonymili (3138)
10 Jan 08
I went into hiding when my first marriage broke up. I was so devastated I couldn’t face anyone, let alone work. I called up my boss and explained briefly what happened and that I couldn’t face coming to work, he was very understanding and told me to take the week and let him know later in the week if I could face work the following week. I lied to my parents and said I was going away for a week on a work course and wouldn’t be able to contact them as it was before everyone and their dog had a mobile phone and just told them to leave a message on my office number if there was an emergency as someone would be checking my messages for me. I then hibernated at home alone for a week and cried my heart out till there were no more tears. Amazing what a difference it made, within 4 or 5 days I slowly started to feel I could face the world and hold my head up high and not take the blame for what my ex had done to me. It was probably the worst week of my life but now I look back at it and realise I needed that time to reflect on my life and how I wasn’t going to let him ruin the rest of my life. See, some people can come to that realization in a few days or weeks, for some people it can take months or years. We’re all wired differently BUT at the end of the day, we ALL have people we can rely on in times of need and we should rely on them – it is very hurtful to find out a close friend has been hurting and they felt they couldn’t turn to you when they really needed support :)
As for not going to the places my ex went to, he left the area and the places we went to together are places I went to with my friends and now go to with my hubby. I can barely remember my ex in those places - even though we were together for 14 years...
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
10 Jan 08
Thank you for sharing my dear friend, until you start a discussion like this you don't realize just how many friends are in the same position or have gone through the same horror as you. Life does throw us some hardships, how we get through them makes us the people we are today. Big hugs x
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@kimiyu (47)
• China
30 Dec 07
When I was a little boy,when I failed the exam ,i wanted to hide away so that my father couldn't find me ,now,I don't think how to hide away but how i can do things better.You konw ,it's time for me to be responsible to my duty.
I am a english learner ,so ,if i made some mistakes here ,please point it out for me ,thinks.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
29 Dec 07
You have done the hardest part Wolfie and 2008 will be your year to put all this behind you and you will go out and be part of a big exciting world ex free.
He will begin to seem more and more insignificant to you as time goes on and I hope on day you can look back and have no horrible feelings when remembering what went on.
He sure ain't worth wasting any energy on. Its he's loss not yours.
I remember when I fell out with my partners family and they all live round the corner from me. I used to feel nervous about going out incase I bumped into any of them. Luckily they live such boring predictable lives I knew that if I did not go up the road at certain times I would never meet them and I haven't.
It has been 13 years now and I would say I have seen a couple of them only twice in this time...suits me fine as they are nasty people.
Keep your head up my dear friend xxx
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
1 Jan 08
Remember the saying the only thing to fear is fear itself!. This is true as I have found that the best thing to do it to face all your fears, including X is to face him head on and show no fear, even if you tummy is full of butterflies. This has always worked for me.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
29 Dec 07
I did go in hiding in a way. I made a horrible mistake, got pregnant, and as soon as I adopted the baby out, decided to move to another city. Mind you it was a suburb of the city I lived on, and we drove past the house I used to live in, but at least I was out of the area and no one saw me. That was how things where back then in the sixties. Later on I met my husband and we moved to Saskatoon, and finally were able to adopt and then we moved to Winnipeg where we have been since the 70s.
Now when I think about it, my hiding was a way of not coping and if I had done things differently, maybe it would have been better to face my problems. Girls now have it easier, but at that time the stigma of being an unwed mother was bad and there was a danger of someone actually harming them.
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@joey_matthews (8354)
29 Dec 07
Only once.
I coped quite easily, as I always have had a militry mind. (sneaking around, not being spotted etc) I could put up with it while, just not forever. I think if that was needed, then I'd simply move away. (or face up to it)
I wasn't scared as such, more nervious and worried about if I was pushed to much what would I be like.
When a local thug decides to "take" his sad life out of you, it's a bad action the person they're attempting to bully and get at has an explosive attitude under certain issues.
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I am so glad that that is all behind you Sweets..He is out of your life...Don't be afraid. Square your shoulders...hold your head high..and charge forth...it will intimidate the pants off him!...Do Not Let Him Do This To You Any Longer!!!
I hope you will have a great new year out of hiding..weather mentally or physically...
We have all had our hiding day..weeks..months..years
Sometimes it's not as physical as other...
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
30 Dec 07
Hello dear wolfie. I have not gone into hiding. I don't think that there is no need to go into hiding away from your ex, dear friend. Just be brave enough to face to have all of the things settled between so that you will not get bothered by her any more. To hide away from her is not a good idea. Anyway life still needs to go on. May I wish you happy and lucky in the new year.
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@comeonmolly (828)
• China
29 Dec 07
Hi,again wolfie,
Honestly,I am hiding whenever I am in afraid of someting,someting about my realtionships with others ,some bad news might happen ,some people I don't want to confronted with,the frist thing I wanna to do is to hide myself from a place without others attention ,without others eyesight,I just wann ato make myself away from the others,but ,every time I have to face it ,I haven't avoid even once..
That's true we often wanna to hide ourselves from the outside of the world.but the problem is where should we go ,where can we go,rather than hide we have to face with it,maybe this is the best choice to overcome it...
In coping with these different situations we can learn alot from life ,that is the saying goes.we learn by burned fingers(we may not learn much about burned fingers but we learn never to touch a hot stove again),no matter what we faced is the process of learing..
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@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
7 Jan 08
I have never gone in hiding the way you speak of it. But I have gone in hiding from my family because I have needed time to myself to figure out what I want in life. There are times I just want to be left alone and not speak to anyone. But usually it is only for about a week or two. Then I want to be with my loved ones again. I just need that time alone to be with just myself and my thoughts. It would be awful to have to go in hiding the way you speak. I know some people need to because they fear their lives are in danger.
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@cblackink (969)
• United States
30 Dec 07
I've never gone into hiding from a specific person, but I have suffered from agoraphobia. Basically, I just had to ride that out til it ended. God bless you and keep you, no matter what decision you make.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
29 Dec 07
I actually did go into hiding once, wolfie. It was during a break-up with my boyfriend and we couldn't come to a meeting of the minds. He found me the following day; we had our big confrontation; and I returned to an apartment that he had left in shambles. He would come by on a daily basis for a couple of weeks to harass me, but I prayed over the situation repeatedly until he finally apologized and told me he would respect my wishes and leave me alone. He kept to his word. We have a daughter together and have gotten along well during all the years since then. I hope your situation will turn out as well as mine.
@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
30 Dec 07
I had an ex that stalked me for a bit.. I actually left a country because of it. When I was told that he'd be comming to where I was I was a bit nervous and worried. I ended up getting a few no contact orders placed on him so that I could feel a bit safer.. He did try contacting me a few times but found it wasn't in his best intrest to continue.
I've never really feared for my life because of someone, mostly because of the type of person I am. I know that if confronted with things I can hold my own ok. I wish you luck in your quest for freedom. Don't let anyone keep you from living your life.
@JeremyEdison (281)
• China
29 Dec 07
never,because it is useless.
hiding when you are in trouble is helpless to solve the problem.thereby I have never gone into hiding.I face it bravely.nevertheless it is tough.we should overcome the fear of being hurt,attacked and the like.we should deal with the problem in sensible,cooling down.
do not let the emotion affect your judgement forever.