oh my gosh

United States
December 29, 2007 10:09pm CST
I heard this awful sound coming from my six month old half rottie/half lab puppy from outside, so I just ran out there to get her to see if she was okay. As soon as I opened the door, she ran in and this huge hawk tried flying in after her. Apparently she got attacked by this huge bird outside and that is why she freaked out. I freaked out a little myself to see this bird flying at my door and me closing it just in time for it not to get in my house with me and my 20 month old daughter. Just had to share. I just about had a heart attack. it's absolutely insane. LOL! My dog got attacked by a bird that was twice her size and she is already a pretty good size dog. What in the world?
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12 responses
• United States
30 Dec 07
What kind of bird was it? Sometimes grackles are territorial?
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• United States
30 Dec 07
I really think it was a hawk, but i closed the door so quickly that it may not have been ...could have just been an owl or some other bird. I've never heard of the bird your talking about, but if it's huge then it could have been that to. It was just scary and i slammed my screen door shut so quick i didn't even take time to look at it. I just knew it was way big and I couldn't let it get in the house. LOL!
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
4 Jan 08
This seems kind of odd. It's not nesting season so there's no nest or eggs to be protecting. On a guess I'd have to say your dog somehow interupted the hawk after its kill. The hawk probably chased the pup to protect its food.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
4 Jan 08
Actually all she had to do was walk too close the whatever the hawk was trying to eat. They'll try to defend their meal if they feel threatened.
• United States
4 Jan 08
She may have. She gets into everything and although she is half rottie/half lab, she really acts like she's got some kind of hunting dog in her. Her front paw goes up when she sees something and she stalks it until she can get close enough to chase it. It's crazy, so there is no telling what happened when the bird attacked her. Thanks for responding and God bless
@blueunicorn (2401)
• United States
30 Dec 07
OMG, that is scary. I'm glad that everything turned out ok for you and your dog. I couldn't imagine a bird like that getting into the house. I'm glad the dog isn't hurt!
• United States
31 Dec 07
Me too. I went to let her out this morning and she was leary of going out. I felt so sorry for her, but she didn't get hurt at all. Just really scared her. She won't go out at night now though, so I don't know what to do about when she needs to go to the bathroom cause I don't wanna go out there either. LOL! God bless and thanks for responding
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• United States
31 Dec 07
Maybe for a couple of days you could take her out in the front yard for a short walk until she gets used to the dark again.
• United States
30 Dec 07
The hawk may have been looking for a meal such as a mouse or a rabbit and the meal ran into the backyard where your dog was. I've had a hawk swoop down nearly 5 feet in front of me, oblivious to the fact I was there, to pick up a field mouse. They are so food focused that they sometimes forget that there are other things around them. I've seen a swooping hawk get killed by a semi truck as it flew down in front of the truck. The dog probably got excited and got in the hawk's way and the hawk got mad. I doubt if a hawk is that ignorant to try to really think that a dog that size is food. Hawks can also be protective meaning if the hawk had eggs or a nest nearby, it may have thought your dog was a threat.
• United States
31 Dec 07
yeah, i didn't even think about that at first until I started reading some of the post. I'm not sure if it has a nest nearby, but I know there are a lot of them around here. It may have just been looking for food and my dog got in the way or it may have been the other. Either way, she and I were both terrified that is for sure. Thanks for responding and God bless
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• United States
31 Dec 07
Wow! What a story! I have heard that large hawks, owls, and other birds sometimes kill cats and very small dogs, but I would think you pup must be about 30-40 lbs at 6 months, at least!! I wonder if the pup accidentally disturbed the bird in some way and she was after him for that instead of for a meal? I think you should definitely follow the advice of the person who suggested that your pup have several good hiding places when outside -- and also supervise him very closely when he is out there! Where do you live -- are you far out in the woods, isolated? I was also wondering if the bird was hurt or something was wrong with it -- did you find any evidence of the bird the next day?
• United States
31 Dec 07
No, I didn't find anything. It was flying just fine when it was coming at my door. My dog may have just disturbed it or something. I have no idea. I've just never seen anything like it before. She is very careful though about going out now. She stuck her head out this morning to make sure nothing flew at her before she would go out. Thanks for responding and I will definitely be more watchful of her when she goes outside. God bless
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
30 Dec 07
That is a horrifying story! I can't imagine what that must have been like. A six month old half rottie/lab isn't exactly a small dog! That's either one hungry bird or one crazy bird. Have you tried calling animal control and maybe having them try to trap the bird? Who knows if they would, but I'd be terrified thinking that it was out there, especially since you have a 20 month old daughter. I so hope that you get this resolved and that no harm comes to you and yours. My heart goes out to you.
• United States
31 Dec 07
Thanks so much. I didn't even think about calling animal control, but I definitely need to especially having my children going out to play and stuff like that. It was horrifying. Never wanna see something like that again in my life. Thanks for the suggestion...i will give them a call in the morning. God bless
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• United States
31 Dec 07
I think that may be your best bet. The very best of luck to you and God bless also.
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• United States
11 Jan 08
Sarge's wife, my dear, thank you so much for the Best Response. What a delightful surprise! I'm so glad that I could give you an idea that might help your situation. I wish only the best for you and yours. Again, thanks so much, and much love.
@GardenGerty (162773)
• United States
30 Dec 07
If you think the bird was a hawk, you are probably right. I do not know if she was looking for lunch or if your dog had chased her, disturbed near her nest or something like that. She will probably continue to hang out, until she finds better prey or your dog gets a whole lot bigger. I have had mockingbirds chase my cats out of defensiveness, when I was a child. When I was a young married a bird would chase my cat into the house all of the time. Finally one day the cat just caught her. Tomorrow you might call the state wildlife department where you live, or nearby zoos, to learn about this bird's behavior. Meanwhile, make sure there are things your dog can get under when outside.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
30 Dec 07
That does sound exciting. We were at Nelsons, British Columbia when I was in either my twenties or thirties, and a bear came into the restaurant in the back door. Luckily, the restaurant owner or the cook shooed her out. And once a bird flew in our garage, and we found one that had gotten in our house (sneaked in when we were going shopping through the back door before we closed it) and then there was those bees, etc. Oh my dog got stung by several bees when she was a puppy, but that vicious hawk going after your puppy really tops all that.
• United States
31 Dec 07
Wow, seems like you've had a lot happen to you as well. This is a first for me. I mean, I have had bats fly at my face, but nothing like this. This was crazy. My puppy is alright though...just scared the crap out of her. She doesn't wanna go out at night now, so I don't know what she is gonna do about going to the bathroom cause i'm sure not going out there. LOL! God bless
@mamasan34 (6518)
• United States
30 Dec 07
I know that hawks and owls are pretty big birds and they have been known to take off with pretty big puppies or smaller dogs. They will try that's for sure. If it was night, it was most likely an owl. I have never seen a hawk out in the evening. I can imagine you about having a heart attack with that bird trying to fly into your house! OMG I would have too!
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Wow, that is scary and considering you had a baby in the house too.. Maybe the hawk mistook your dog for another animal? Maybe if you put a bell on your dogs collar it will scare off the bird.. Also I would make sure to be on the look out, especially if you have your child outside..
• United States
31 Dec 07
Yeah, it was really scary...I don't know what I would have done if it had gotten in the house. Probably went and locked my daughter and I in the bedroom and called 911. LOL! I probably do need to get a bell or something for her collar. I will definitely be looking out when my children and I are outside from now on though. I'm sure it doesn't only come out at night and that worries me when it comes to my kids. Thanks for responding and God bless
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• United States
30 Dec 07
Yeah,I believe it.Hawks,owls and also Cyotees will attack small dogs and cats.I sure wish there was a spell check on here.I don't know if I spelled Cyotees right.
• United States
31 Dec 07
Don't worry about the spelling...i misspell words all the time. LOL! Thanks for responding. It was quite an experience that's for sure. God bless
@adforme (2114)
30 Dec 07
Hello asgtswife04, That is one vicious bird. Your story is the second one I have heard in a week of a hawk attack. The first story I heard was from a radio talk show host who said a hawk attacked and killed a wood p7cker on Christmas day that would come to his property to feed. Hopefully the bigger your dog gets the better she will be able to fight such a bird off. It is good to know it did not get in your house that would be quite traumatic. Take Care and Happy New Year.
• United States
31 Dec 07
Oh i know it. I don't know what I would have done if it had gotten in the house. Probably passed out or freaked out, one of the two. That was just the craziest thing I've seen in a while. Thanks for responding and Happy New Year to you as well. God bless
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