Firey tempered redheads...Dumb blonds....Yeah right!
By betsyraeduke
@betsyraeduke (2669)
United States
December 30, 2007 12:06am CST
I think we all have heard and know the typical stereotypes concerning people and their hair color.
All redheads have fiery tempers.
All blonds are dumb or airheaded.
Brunettes are smart...
Where did these rediculous accusations come from? I know quite a few stupid brunettes. On the flip side of that I know smart blonds....
And all redheads have firey tempers??? No way! I am a redhead and I do not have a firey temper. Yes, I do get mad sometimes, and yes, I do lose my temper sometimes, but so does everyone else, sometimes.
I do not see where my temper is any more fiery than anyone elses. And as a matter of fact, I can honestly say, that it takes an awful lot for me to lose my temper or even to get mad at all. I usually either ignore things that make some people mad, or laugh them off.
What do you think of these common, and often wrong, stereotypes concerning people and the color of their hair?
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12 responses
@damageinc86 (351)
• United States
31 Dec 07
HAHAHA you are hilarious. I'm sorry it's just human nature to categorize and stereotype many many things, not just human beings! Hell lots of people stereotype pitbulls as being very violent dogs, and many other people stereotype them as being nice loving docile creatures. But I'm sure you've never done that lol. Regardless it's just human nature I'm sorry, if you aren't human then I guess you have nothing to worry about. Unless you are the ONE exception, which apparently you are lol. Stereotyping me as an inaccurately stereotyper is just another inaccurate stereotype! So you just stereotyped me as an inaccurate stereotyper! YES! oh god way too many of the same words. lol.
@urbandekay (18278)
31 Dec 07
Interesting, now you're stereotyping all humans. Physician heal thyself
all the best urban
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
31 Dec 07
LOL! I agree with you on some points. You are right that it is human nature to stereotype, however, you are wrong to say that EVERYONE stereotypes.
I did not stereotype you as anything. I said that to say EVERYONE sterotypes, is a stereotype. In other words, I gave an example of a stereotype that you are using, I did not say that EVERYONE is an inaccurate stereotyper, which would be another stereotype.
I think that most, (most, not all), types of pets, dog, cat or otherwise reacts accordingly to how they are treated.
However, you are right to say that I did not consider animals or anyone other than humans when I spoke of stereotypes. Concerning animals and the like, however, I tend to study them and about them otherwise, I don't form an opinion at all as I do not think that I am qualified to do so.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
31 Dec 07
By the way, I really think that you need to study the definition of stereotype. It would be impossible for me to stereotype you, and only you, as anything considering that that a stereotype refers to an entire GROUP of people, not just one person. LOL!

@damageinc86 (351)
• United States
30 Dec 07
I never said I relish those jokes I was just saying that's why they are present. There wouldn't be any stereotyping if there weren't some truth to it. There will always be stereotypes, forever. You stereotype without even knowing it. Get off your high horse.

@damageinc86 (351)
• United States
30 Dec 07
First of all you wouldn't even be able to tell me if you did not subconsciously think something because, well, it's subconscious which means you aren't conscious of it LOL.
How about the stereotype that gang members are violent? So you are saying even subconsciously that you have absolutely no qualms about walking through oh say...the heart of gang activity in compton at night. You would never ever judge those people in those neighborhoods would you!? No you'd walk right down the streets and not even flinch because you don't adhere to the stereotype that most gang members in those neighborhoods would be voilent towards such a nice redhead like you right? riiiiiiight. You see someone who looks like that, and acts like that and you don't walk the other way is the day I'll go hump mickey mouse in front of everyone at disneyland lol.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
30 Dec 07
No, I don't stereotype. I get to know a person before I make decisions about their personality or rather they are good or bad, etc. The point was, that stereotypes are inaccurate and hurtful.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
30 Dec 07
No, I have never stereotyped, not even subconciously. If you are so sure I have, give some examples of these stereotypes that you are so sure that everyone has done at some point. I challenge you to find just one that I have ever done!

@Stiletto (4579)
31 Dec 07
I've been blonde, brunette, redhead - heck I've even had blue hair lol! I'm naturally a brunette though but my temperament probably fits the redhead stereotype and I'm a redhead at the moment. In fact I always revert back to red eventually - it suits me best.
Personally I think the stereotype thing is just a bit of silliness. I can honestly say that no-one ever treated me differently when I changed the colour of my hair. Sure there are blonde jokes (I can't actually think of any brunette or redhead jokes but that's not to say there aren't some out there) but I don't think anyone really believes all that stuff do they??
I have to say though that I can see the point one of your other respondents is making (although perhaps not very diplomatically!). It IS a very rare person that has absolutely no prejudices whatsoever - no matter how much we try to repress them they are usually lurking around somewhere just waiting to come out!! However, I think someone being genuinely prejudiced against another person because of their hair colour and the associated stereotype that goes with it would be fairly bizarre and pretty rare (I would hope!).
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
31 Dec 07
No, I haven't come across many people who are genuinely prejudiced against because of their hair color. That wasn't the point, the point was that stereotypes, even ones about hair color, can be and often are, hurtful.
Also, I understand that the one poster is trying to say that is a social norm to stereotype, but what he IS saying, is that EVERYONE stereotypes, which is not true. Furthermore, most of his responses have been quite rude, which is uncalled for as he can say what he has to say without being rude.
Thanks for your reply.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
31 Dec 07
Mostly from movies and television, but the invention of "blond jokes" probably did more to perpetuate it than anything.
What is a redhead?
A blond from hell. ;~D
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
31 Dec 07
LOL! Well hello ParaTed! I'm surprised to see you here! I don't think you have ever replied to any of my discussions before....movies, televion and blond jokes...yes, those very well may be the sources....blond from hell...I've heard that before....hehe
Thanks for the reply!
@damageinc86 (351)
• United States
30 Dec 07
I don't think i've ever heard of a stereotypical joke going to the length to denote an entire population of people. I can't remember ever hearing a joke that said "so what did the blonde like ALL blondes say to the brunette who reacted like ALL brunettes do" lol. It's just a stereotype, it hardly ever goes out of it's way to say ALL. It exists because A LOT, or MOST of a certain group of people act a certain way....DUH.

@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Well obviously you were the one walking around telling all of those stereotypical jokes without a care in the world about how it makes people feel. There is no "DUH" about it!! A lot of people get hurt because they do get stuck in that category and they aren't like that at all, but obviously you do not see that or care to see that. What is the most stereotypical thing you see on t.v? A dumba$$ blond trying to be a secretary and messing everything up...or a redhead who has the reputation for being a "hard-a$$" because she gets so angry so fast.
These "jokes" that you take so lightly really do hurt other people because it is everywhere. And even though you seem to think that Betsy was talking about how these stereotypes affect people as a WHOLE population shows that you were not paying any attention and could care less.
"It exists because A LOT, or MOST of a certain group of people act a certain way....DUH."--It exists because of people like you who love to judge others and put people in categories that are uncalled for. And just because of how people act does not mean that it is true for everyone. Not all blonds are stupid, not all brunettes are smart, not all red-heads are b!tches...EVERYONE is who they are!! No stereotypes needed!!
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Well, in the first place, I was not referring to jokes, I was talking about the stereotypes in general. Secondly, I HAVE heard people say ALL blonds were dumb or ALL redheads have hot tempers, etc. Third, it is not even accurate to say that most blonds are dumb or that most redheads have hot tempers, etc. Fifth, stereotypes are hurtful.
Defintions of stereotype as given by the dictionary:
1.A stardardize or oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude or uncritical judgement.
2.A too-simple and therefore distorted image of a group of people.
3.A generalization, usually exaggerated, and often offensive that is used to describe or distinguish a group.
Thank you for your rude reply. Have a lovely day.

@damageinc86 (351)
• United States
31 Dec 07
WOW then you truly are an amazing exception to societal norms. Well how's this, instead of me stabbing in the dark how about you just fess up and think of something that you catch yourself stereotyping about. No matter how insignificant, if it's anything remotely connected to a stereotype then go ahead and let us know lol. later!

@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
31 Dec 07
ROFL! I'd fess up and let you know, if I knew of one that I am guilty of, but I don't. Incidently, to say that EVERYONE stereotypes, is just another inaccurate stereotype!

@rosey3223 (1566)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Being that I am a blond myself, I hate the stereotypes...I can honestly say that!! The thing I hated worse was the dang blond jokes because they were told to me insinuating that I was just like that, now I take them in stride. I also hated growing up because of the fact that everyone (including all the dang kids) treated me as if I was completely stupid just because I was blond, and it followed me until I was 18...then I finally did something about it.
See, I kinda got into the grunge/rocker faze and I LOVED the look. So I decided to change my hair color. At first it was just plain old red, and then as time went on I did a little thinking...why not have the best of both worlds? And because I also paid attention to the stereotypes I decided to dye my hair two different bangs were platinum blond and the rest was such a dark red that it was almost purple when I was not in the light.
So I claimed that I had the best of both worlds...I could be a ditzy blond when I wanted to be, and I could be a firey b!ich when I wanted to be. Either way I had a lot of fun!! Now, I am who I am and no one can make me feel or think any different about myself. Do the stereotypes still bother me, ya, but not like they used to.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
30 Dec 07
I got another one, Brunettes are business like, do not care for children,want only a few and hate homemaking while blonds are good homemakers, love children and want more than five, and make good marriage bets. I cannot count on my fingers the numbers of times guys did not found me interesting as a potential wife because my hair happened to be brown, medium dark with auburn streaks. So not only was I supposed to be business type, I also flew off the handle once in a while and because of my hair color, I would not be good at home with a lot of children. That is what stereotypes did for me.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Hey suspensful, you got a few in there that I've never heard. Sounds like you got a very rough end of the deal. Yes, stereotypes can be very hurtful and demeaning.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
30 Dec 07
LOL I Know what you mean. These things happen because people like to and tend to generalize. You find one read head that has a fiery temper, then all do. One blond that does not act smart, than none does.
Personally I prefer to form my opinions by knowing the person, not by whatever stereotype.
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
30 Dec 07
*Hanging my head in shame for fitting a stereotype* LOL, I'm a redhead, a stereotypical one. S/o is as well.
I used to be blonde though and was definitely not dumb or airheaded....and before you ask my blonde was natural and so is my red. Don't ask me how or why but as I got older instead of just getting darker it turned red.
I really don't like the stereotypes though. They're hurtful if you don't fit them because people misjudge you and they're also hurtful if you do fit them. Like me for instance. I have worked very hard to get my temper under control. It takes a lot for me to actually lose it. I can be very angry and wanting to explode for a long time before I can't hold it in anymore. But when people just automatically assume I'm going to just go off about the least little thing it does make me really angry...the whole "you want to see me mad? well this is just keep going and you'll really see what mad is".
I usually just tell the short version of where my screenname came from because it's easier but everyone at the race track learned about my fiery temper the night the guys couldn't get the flat tire changed but wouldn't let me help (I am "just a girl" afterall *rolling eyes*) After completely cussing them out for all to hear I chucked the flat tire up onto the tire rack and it proceeded to fall out and hit one of the guys I'd just tore into. Of course if you didn't watch the whole scene carefully it appeared that I threw the tire at him so word got around to NOT mess with me.
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
30 Dec 07
I think that it is neat that your hair turned from blond to red, instead of blond to brown like a lot of people's do.
Yes, I agree that stereotypes are hurtful, rather you fit them or not. They are sort of like judging a book by it's cover. Never a good idea. Not to mention, that any stereotype is wrong because to say, all, or everyone, about anything or anyone, is never accurate.
It bothers me when I meet someone and they instantly judge me by the color of my hair. To me, that's just as bad as judging someone by the color of their skin.
When I meet someone and practically the first thing they say to me is something along the lines of; "I bet you have one heck of a temper!", or something like that, I usually respond with, "You never know, I just might so be careful!" LOL...Of course I'm joking, but hey, they don't know that! hehehe!
That's funny about you at the racetrack with the tire, hehe! Bet they thought twice about ever giving you a hard time again!
Thanks for replying!
@glitzypurple (1477)
• Philippines
31 Dec 07
Stereotyping is now normal in our world. I guess if one person appears to another person as dumb and that person is blonde the other person would just generalize all blondes then!
I think that's not proper and people should realize that there are still individual differences in thsi world =)
@adforme (2114)
30 Dec 07
Hi betsyraeduke,
I think all stereotyping is wrong, but it has been so ingrained in American culture. Just check out the media and how many starlets go blonde. It really is ignorant to use hair color as a factor in deciding whose having more fun, whose smarter, dumber, more tempermental, or whatever. By the way, would that stereotype make a yellow lab dumber than a chocolate one he he he he.