Did Jesus Exist?
By thepiddler
@thepiddler (133)
United States
December 30, 2007 12:07am CST
Did Jesus the Christ exist?
These days there is much debate as to whether or not we can trust the Bible as we know it today.
While there is proof that the Bible was corrupted on one side of the Bible debate, there is also proof that the Bible we have today is exactly the same as when it was penned down from the original author.
If you like to explore the history of the Bible I refer you to www.allabouttruth.org for those who may not trust the Bible.
The point I want to make is that whatever way you look at it, is that the corrupted Bible and the Bible we have today both talk about Jesus Christ.
But now we can look outside the Bible for proof that Jesus did exist.
There is a document that talks about the early christians and Christ crucifixion. This document was written by a Roman historian, Tacitus. In this document he put Christ crucifixion coming from the hands of Pontius Pilate.
You can read about it at this link: www.livius.org/cg-cm/christianity/tacitus.html
There is another historian who talks about this same crucifixion in his writings. You can read this at: www.livius.org/pi-pm/pilate/pilate06.html#Testimonium
So you see even though this is only a couple examples, one can't deny that Jesus did exist.
Now based on these facts alone, we have to ask why did he exist.
Jesus Christ came into this world to atone for the sins man. He did this for those of us who want to enter into His Kingdom. And all He ask's us to do is to believe in Him. The Old Testament is filled with prophecy that foretold us about a coming Messiah, and this Messiah was Jesus Christ.
The Old Testament also tells why He had to come. Jesus came to take back what satan has stole from God.
God ask's us to believe in His Son's finished work on the cross to enter into His Kingdom. Jesus said "....no man cometh to the Father, but by Me." John 14:6
Like I said there is alot of debate about the Bible and if we can trust it. But alot of these debates can be solved by anyone who truly wants to know the truth. There is all kinds of archeaological evidence being unearthed everyday that back the Bible up. History has shows that events happened just as the Bible said it Has.
Google is a great tool to use to find the truth and shed light on the half truths and lies.
When we rely on man to point us to God we will only be lead into Hell. God has left man a bread crumb trail of ancient artifacts that back up the Bible. And there has never been anything found that has contradicted the Bible.
Eternity is a long time to spend. And living this life without Christ in your heart means an eternity in a tormenting hell. This hell will be like living in a pool of lava that will never cool. Imagine spending the rest of eternity in this lava pit.
Christ is the only way we can keep from falling into this pit.
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20 responses
• United States
26 Feb 08
Let me tell you something then look it up Yashua or Yeshua is the true name of christ not Jesus for one there was no J in the time of christ they spoke Aramaic which a e i o u could be added to the nouns in any way to make words If you dont think it is important read your bible ACTS 4:12 and remember Christ name was never Jesus but was Yashua or Yeshua. YHWH Bless you in the name Yashua
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@muppetsnap (229)
• Canada
30 Dec 07
There is indeed a mass of historical evidence that Jesus existed. It's not entirely clear what his position and actions were, in any detail, outside of the bible.
It's fairly well regarded from a historical point of view that Peter is very likely to have worked hard on the bible to give it his own perspective.
Solid historical documents from the biblical period are so scarce that it is very hard to say that things did or did not happen as the bible states. So that shouldn't be the basis for anyones' faith. And I find it unlikely that any work so fond of allegory would be designed to be taken at all literally...

@muppetsnap (229)
• Canada
4 Jan 08
I'm more interested in the New Testament - it's called Christianity after all. But as for the Old, well, I don't dispute it's old.
But that doesn't mean that it's literal. And from a personal perspective, I don't believe that a God worth worshipping is going to condemn everyone who fails some test to an eternity of Hell.
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Only a fool would say that Jesus/Yeshua did not exist, as there are to many non biblical accounts of him. If he was the "Son of Gos" is a matter of faith. And the bible being corupted is a differnt story. First you have to look at Who says it is corupted and their angle for saying so. The Ctholics say the prodestant bibles are corupted, the prodostants say the Catholice bible is corupted, The muslams say all bibles are corupted as well as the athiest. Ask yourself, why? Only becouse what is in the bible goes against their beleifs. If the bible is corect then they are wrong. And when Christains talk about the bible being corupted we are usely talking old testament. The cathilic bible "Roman Volgate" was taken from the Septuigent (greek/egyption) and coptic sources, While the king james version is based on the Mosaic scriptures of the jews. The muslams say it (the bible)has been corupted becouse it speaks of Jesus being the Son of God. Everyone wants to be right. But it doesn't matter. It is all about faith. If someone wants to believe that Alice in the looking glass was writen by God then why stop them? Why do we always have to prove we are right? Does it realy matter? Does God need one grope to tell another group they are wrong? does hae ask us to prove anything? The answer is NO. All he asks Christians to do is share the words, (plant a seed) if they beleive then great! rejoyce! If not ,well then do as he said "Shake the dust from your sandles and move on. Osama Bin Laden and others would have us believe that God told them that if one doesn't convert to Islam they should cut off their heads, Do we as Christians want to be put in his company? Christians got a bad name a few hundred years ago when some greedy kings and roman pontifs becan the crusades. What about forced conversion and conquest is a christian idea and teaching? Was it "ratical christianity"? No it was some ungodly men in power abuseing scriptures to justify their means. Do not be fooled by "profits" or "holy men" or leaders of contries that qoute sscriptures and sound wise with their interpitations of Holy Books, But discern their spirits, God has not called anyone to war against "unbelievers", What kind of God would we serve if he depended on man to fight his battles?
@fightingistheonlyway (2658)
• Canada
2 Jan 08
wow, only a fool would say that? only a fool wouldnt look at both sides... and btw, THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF JESUS.. he could have just as well been a made up story
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
2 Jan 08
Why would someone doubt his existance? The Romans wrote about him, The jews who rejected him as massiah wrote about him. you might as well say, I dont beleive George Washington ever existed, The myth about the father of this country is made up lies handed down thrugh centuries of myths like this like the myth of Romulus and Remus. There is no evidence out side your history book that he ever existed, and besides the history books have been corupted through out history and the languge origenaly spoken was the kings english and maybe our english doesn't mean the same thing. People who believe in George Washington are just fools. What BS you pipe out, Jesus was a real person, You don't have to beleive he was the son of God any more than I have to beleive George Washinton never told a freaking lie.
@janisspaggiari59 (656)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Thanks for the great information.Better safe than sorry.Better to believe than not to believe.I'm so glad to be a believer who doesn't need it proven.All I have to do is look out my window to see the sky,the trees,birds and nature
and I'm a believer.This world didn't just happen by itself.We were bought and paid for with the blood of Jesus.You have a very good post here which may help a lot of people become a believer if not already.

@thepiddler (133)
• United States
3 Jan 08
Thanks for your compliment. I also want to give God the glory for leading me down this path in helping others see the full truth.
Now days there is so much half truth, deception, and flat out lies trying to push God and His Son, Jesus Christ, out of this world.
As a result we see violence, murder, corruption, crimes against children, and, sadly, the list goes on, increasing everyday.
It is my desire to see this change. It is my prayer that post's like this will help others see the real truth, which is Jesus Christ, by shedding light on these lies.
Please pray that it helps as well.
@Nafee1235 (12)
• Bangladesh
31 Dec 07
Actualy, you don't need physical or material evidence to believe but it is good to believe only when your faith is logical and when there is logical evidence backing it up.I am a Muslim because of all the logical facts that back Islam.Blind faith isn't good

@kdhartford (1151)
• United States
30 Dec 07
Of course Jesus existed, there are plenty of historical documents that document the fact that he existed. But, it is not about proving it as much as having faith...the faith is what defines us as Christians.
@thepiddler (133)
• United States
3 Jan 08
Thank you for you response. Your response is exactly what this discussion is pointing out. There is so much evidence that proves that Jesus did live. wether you look at it from the negative side or the positive side one cannot deny that Jesus did exist.
As I stated in the last half of this post, one has to ask themselve's why did Jesus exist? And if we look at the Bible, that pointed to His coming, we can find that He came so that we may have an everlasting life with Him. By putting our faith in Jesus instead of trusting only half truths and flat out lies that man is teaching today.
@anotherbirthday (810)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 08
Jesus (or Isa) really exist, but he's not the son of God as claimed. He is a prophet that brought the Bible. He's still alive and will appear before the end of day to clarify the truth about one religion, and one God that exist!The fact that Jesus was killed by the Jewish who not acknowledged him as the next prophet and the Bible to replace the Torah that time. But Almighty God saved him at the time (before he's successfully killed) and placed him is heavenly safe place. ( We know God always save His prophets just like what happened to Jonah, Mosses, Abraham, and the rest). It said that Jesus will appear at the end of day, with more power, to tell the truth.
He will eventually save all the Christians that time from all the lying of the religion. In other words, he will purify the religion. (We all know that there's no more original Bible exist except some in the biggest church, where its been secure saved and stored from others view. The bible we have here have been modified many times, so it's not really original and pure anymore)-- so the religion.
(and please ignore the fact below if you want to stay Christian)
Jesus will reveal to all Christians the truth about the last prophet, which actually stated in the original bible that God sent. The prophecy about the next, and last prophet was stated also in the Holy Torah, the book before Bible. The next prophet that brought the book after Torah was Jesus (Bible), while the last prophet to complete the religion was Muhammad S.A.W. After the religion was completed, It should be named Islam, which mean peaceful. The last chapter, and final version of the book is al-Quran.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
2 Jan 08
Well of course Jesus existed. I mean even if not as God’s son, but definitely as a historical character. I mean even if you want to look at it from a non-religious point of view, there is nothing to prevent you from believing the existence of such tribes as described in the Bible. West Asia is rich with history and I am sure historians and archeologists will find many more proofs to corroborate the existence of Jesus and his people.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
22 Feb 08
He lived. It would be only those who have not done serious study of history who denies Jesus' historicity. Scholars from Yale, Oxford, Cambridge, Duke etc have written volumes of books to prove beyond any reasonable doubt about Jesus and his life and stuffs.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
31 Dec 07
Hi thepiddler, I think that Jesus Christ probably did exist. I know there are many who have studied and read much more than I have, who would not agree with me. It is difficult however for people to disagree with most of what is suppose to be his teachings. I find it difficult to believe that a religion with as many followers as Christianity has, could be founded upon a myth. Blessings.
@kundalini444 (194)
• Italy
31 Dec 07
Indeed christianity is mainly founded upon very reasonable and widely acceptable teachings, made into myth; more, made into religious belief... but the important message (to me) is the teachings that Jesus did or did not gave, NOT the resurrection and magic miracles that Jesus most probably did not perform!
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
26 Feb 08
i have to disagree. He was a MAN that may have had some great teachings and stuff like that, but I dont believe he was anything more, He comes from a tiem when any body that did something extrodanary was considered GOD people have always done this. Why do people follow on book that has a meaning but doesnt mean its the only way. I tell you what "god" gave us to follow and know which way to go and that is our hearts and mind, not words written by spiritual people. Tahts there hearts and mind and they are good to follow as a guidline but not as a lifeline. The only thing we can really trust is truth. there is no higher religion that Truth
@Nafee1235 (12)
• Bangladesh
30 Dec 07
Yes, there is proof of Jesus(PBUH) existing and I believe he does exist and he was our Prophet we respect him(I am a MUslim) But the Bible, if u read it u will find thousands of errors and mistkaes in it and so the Bible was corrupted and changed since it was first released...But if u read the Quran the Holy Book of the Muslims and Islam then u will not find evena single mistake or error! and Jesus was sent as a Prophet by God and Muhammed was also a aProphet...SO at one time Bible wss the Holy book but aftr it got corrupted God revealed the Koran.....and if u read it i challenge u that u will not find a single error in it!....but many bad Muslims put a bad name to our religion and believeme the religion does not teach violence ! Islam is peaceful!
@kundalini444 (194)
• Italy
30 Dec 07
I think that Jesus Christ really existed...
or, at least, someone very similar to the character described by the Bible as we read it now in the New Testament.
BUT the historical relevance of the existence of Jesus is not the real point of the discussion, in my opinion.
Christ probably existed and said amazing things; they were amazing at that time, and they are amazing now; but the real point is if he was just a man or something else.
My opinion on that is: the existence of Jesus and his speakings are historical truth; but his resurrection is a myth (as well as his miracles are).
The message of Jesus can be amazing and world shaking in itself (aka, because of its pure contents) without any supernatural event, i.e. withouth the need of being "christians" (in the sense of believing in his supernatural elements/ resurrection).
In other words, I can believe in love among humans with no need of believing in God!
@posham (1236)
• Philippines
15 Feb 08
like any other history books, the bibl is the interpretation of what actually happened by people in that era. and their account is the only thing we have here because there is no relics. but his existence is not that unbelievable, it's the accounts of divinity that is in question by humanity.
@goldwin65 (935)
• Malaysia
24 Feb 08
What do you think? Take out the bible and read it and you will see the light of GOD. Yes, of course he existed and he is very much exist right now. His apparition is all over thec world even in a muslim country. Last month one village in my country experince the apparition of Jesus and Mary. How can we deny when thousands of pilgrim took the pictures of Jesus, the cross and Mary on top of a palm tree. Even the muslims and non-believe flocked to this village and some even convert Christian after witnessing the apparition. How can you explain this. For your information, I'm living in a muslim country. In the Koran, the muslims also believed in Jesus but as a prophet and not the son of GOD. It is not easy to understand the bible and the meaning behind some words and don't read word by word. Please read the bible and you will 'see' Jesus. God bless you and will show you the true light of GOD.
@erminiasanjose (1588)
• Philippines
30 Dec 07
Very good. Of course the Lord Jesus was here on earth and in fact A.D. means Year of the Lord and that was supposed to start the present year which is now called the common era. B.C. means Before Christ which is now called Before Common Era. Even if they changed the Year of the Lord to Common Era, they are not able to erase history. The Lord Jesus is a Man of History.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
30 Dec 07
one can also read of Jesus existance in the works of the historian Josephus who lived at the time!
@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
30 Dec 07
From your post, I don't think the real question is 'did Jesus Christ exist' or not.
The real question (to me) is the validity of the Bible. One can only believe it or not.
While this is and always will be a very controversial issue between those who believe it and those who don't, or think it's just a book of history, the fact remains that, it is the only thing we have (as beleivers) to refer to and/or to apply to our lives (if we believe in it).
One must research the origin of the Bible as well as the the author(s). Why it was written, When it was written, Where, What it was for, and how it relates to us today.
To find the true and most in depth meaning one must also study the original writings (in the language it was written) and understand the meaning of the words used at the time of the writings.
Much of the orginal interpretation of the original writings have been interpreted through the years by people with different understandings and meanings. Because of that, if we intend on finding out what the original writings meant, we have to be able to understand them from their point of view, which is almost impossible, but not totally.
It's a very in depth study and one that takes an individual a lifetime to be qualified to make perfect statements on. I certainly wouldn't seek to endeavor such a task.
I can only say we should try to have as much knowledge as we can and as much wisdom on the matter as possible.
"My people perish for lack of knowledge".....
It's not because we don't have the knowledge. It's because we depend on what other people say instead of looking it up for ourselves.
Great discussion.
@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
30 Dec 07
Most of the people nowadays doubt about Bible, who corrupted it. Those who do not like to see good things, they prefer to destroy it. When Pharisees sent Temple guards to arrest Jesus Christ, hearing His message they returned to the masters, they asked them, why did they not arrest Him. They said, NO BODY TALKED LIKE HIM.This world is a good place because of people love Jesus Christ.
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
30 Dec 07
I'm not a Christtian, nor believe in god/ follow the bible, but I do believe SOME of the events in the bible were true. I also think Jesus really exsisted once; he may have not been the son of god or anything, but I think he represented strong virtues and good.
@adnanezzi (243)
• India
30 Dec 07
as one saying goes"one only sees what he wants to"
there r 2 types of people like u ve said 1 think that jesus is the sun of god and others who altogether any idea of jesus.
but there r some who really believe in jesus but not as sun of god but as a messiah.
if u study the history carefully u will find that the bible which we see now was created some 200 years after crist by one roman empror for spreading his power and influence.
so the conclusion is believe in crist but the bible which we read is manmade as history tell us, and is full of halfthruths as u ve pointed out