Music Quality ....Is It No Longer Important?

December 30, 2007 11:58am CST
Once upon a time there appeared to be a great push to IMPROVE the quality of music recordings. There was a general attempt to create a recording that closely matched a "live performance". As an "audiophile", one would spend vast amounts of their income on electronic equipment,loudspeakers and of course carefully mastered recordings, in hopes of enjoying the best sound possible from their favorite recording artists. Today, with the wide acceptance of MP3 quality music (you are only hearing about 10% of the actual music) and with the quick demise of the local Music Store,where are we headed? If you truly love listening to "quality music"... your future options may be limited to attending live performances. Of course the recording industry has to be thrilled that you are willing to accept this lower standard of "downloadable products"...No packaging, No manufacturing costs and No middleman! Actually,they could probably reduce costs even further by replacing the orchestra,with synthesizers...since you probably won't be able to discern the difference anyway. Before it's too late.. try this test....Listen to a CD recording of your favorite song.......then listen to an MP3 of the same song.
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