Video games make history in 2007
By keminem001
@keminem001 (779)
Saint Lucia
December 31, 2007 4:00pm CST
The last 12 months have been one of the best years in video game history, both critically and commercially.
Gamers have been able to revel in some of the most exhilarating interactive experiences ever designed.
Sales in the UK are at an all-time high, with more than £1.52bn taken in the last 12 months.
Some video games crossed over into blockbuster entertainment territory. Halo 3, for example, earned £84m in its first 24 hours on sale.
Many people will be joining the gaming revolution this Christmas - but what were the games which had people talking in the past year?
The stand out moments for many gamers include Master Chief delivering his "Wake me when you need me" line in Halo 3, to the nuclear bomb blast in Call of Duty 4, the arrival in Rapture in Bioshock, and the innovative gaming of Super Mario Galaxy.
But what did our expert judges pick out as their game of the year?
1. Ratchet and Clank - PlayStation 3
This was the first time I have looked at the visuals of a video game and thought I was playing a Pixar movie.
There was just no difference between the interactive and non-interactive sequences in the game.
2. Super Mario Galaxy - Nintendo Wii
Mario games are always fun and it's always interesting to see what gameplay dynamics are introduced.
There was a lot of pressure for it to succeed - and it does.
3. Command and Conquer - PC
I played the demo and got drawn in. The online aspect of the game is now so established and so mature. The game shows just how far online experiences have come in a short space of time.
1. The Darkness - Xbox 360
It may be very cliched and did not really offer an open experience, it felt like it did. It was a very interesting world to play in and having seen so many games over so many years, something interesting always surprises.
2. Bioshock - PC and Xbox 360
This was a really beautiful game. The architecture, 1950s-style production design and graphics were first rate.
The gameplay felt like something we had seen before but the world was so beautifully realised.
3. Halo 3 - Xbox 360
The game had not really moved on from previous Halo titles, other than in its online play.
There's something very immersive about playing it on a big screen. And for many developers this is the game, the standard they are aiming for.
1. Super Mario Galaxy
It has more ideas in it than any other game I can remember playing for years. It's so innovative and so bold and technically very good.
And because it is so much fun and so good to play you forget how technically proficient it actually is.
2. Final Fantasy XII - PlayStation 2
It's astoundingly accomplished. It may be an old game series but its still innovative - and with all Final Fantasy games it is beautiful and technically excellent.
3. Planet Puzzle League - Nintendo DS
It's a simple idea, beautifully produced and one of my favourite puzzle games ever.
1. Super Mario Galaxy
It is a video game in the truest sense of the term. Colourful, fun-filled with lots of play around with.
2. The Orange Box - PC, PS3, Xbox 360
I really enjoyed Portal because was something different and innovative. I have always enjoyed the Half Life series and to get the two episodic games with Half Life 2 itself is great value.
3. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - PlayStation 3
This has finally given people a reason to play PlayStation 3. It is not a very long game but it is unashamed fun.
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