friends or family?!

love for everybody... - love is love...
@hanreq (1444)
January 1, 2008 1:52am CST
.....for you,whatz the most important in your life,friends or family....?!not at all,choice a family because its not satisfied for love......right?!....the other people choice a friends because of love that she/he needs a for understanding,accepting,and what else...?! is for everybody,we needs to be happy with love......happy new year...:)
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10 responses
@noriko (1254)
1 Jan 08
it depends on what kind of family a certain person comes from. i have a friend who came from a family who doesnt care so much. as far as he can remember he always tells us that he never celebrated birthday with his parents. his mom and da just gave him money and let him and his twin brother do what ever they want to do. so now that he is all grown up he spends more time with good friends than his family. i came from a small family. my mom always works abroad and so as my dad. i grew up with my grandmother but she tauht me how important family is. now that i have my own family, my hubby and my son i always make them priority. i love my family and i will do anything and everything to make them happy.
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
2 Jan 08
....oh.....thats great......give more time with family....remember life to short for that reason.....we enjoy our life with family and friends.......u know what,you're so nice for your family.......thanks...... happy new year....:)
@noriko (1254)
3 Jan 08
i grew up without a family to call my own but still i understand why it has to be that way. now that i have a family that i call my own i want my child to experience what i did not have when i was a child. yes life is to short spend it with worthy people
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
3 Jan 08 if what you want to do for your family....:)
• Pakistan
1 Jan 08
Definitely FAMILY ! Friends are of lower priority.You are alwasy with your family and they are the first one from whom you share every thing and seek advice immediately in case you need one.Friends and others come after that.
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
2 Jan 08
......yup...thats great.......thanks...happy new year....:)
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
5 Jan 08're so nice.....if what your opinion,i respect it..,:)
@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
3 Jan 08
I have learned new things through this, I mostly go for my family since they were the only ones that understood and knows me personally. I look at it this way, I treat my family as friends and my friends as family. There's no difference in it, you'll get to realize that both are important for an individual to prosper in life..
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
5 Jan 08,that great.........thanks...:)
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
1 Jan 08
Hi Happy new year to U Sure Family is most important its Blood relation, have its own attraction and effection u cant deny it friends are important too but u cant get family back if u once looose it its what i think take care
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
2 Jan 08're perfectly together will last forever.....:)
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
2 Jan 08
yeah right take care
@nkhanna (922)
• India
3 Jan 08
well for me family is more important than friends.though both have thier own importance ,however if i had to choose between one i would go for my family,since they have always supported me whenever i needed them.even when i was wrong and broken the consoled me and helped me a lot.they are always there with for me they have an upper edge.friends are also very near to my heart.
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
5 Jan 08
.....thats're very nice......:)
@dlsheng (136)
• China
8 Jan 08
i choice family. there is no true friendship in the world.
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
8 Jan 08
...oh......not at all can't trust need sometimes to trust your friends....friends is also a part of our life in outside the way,thanks...:)
• Philippines
3 Jan 08
Blood is thicker than water, that is the saying and this is true and so I prefer my family than friends. But of course, we go with friends. Friends are different from family members and sometimes friends are really better than some family members.
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
4 Jan 08
....uhmmp.,'re correct......its great...thanks...:)
@Ngippol (567)
• Philippines
1 Jan 08
Family can never be traded to friends. Families are forever as one movie says. Friends may come but family is more important than them. You are right, my friend!
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
1 Jan 08
yup.,you're perfectly right.....he he.....happy new year....:)
@kwenge (2487)
• Kenya
2 Jan 08
To me, family comes first and last. I love my family soo much and they love me too no matter what i do to them, unlike friends if you do something bad, they will drop you like u were hot, if you are progressing well in life, they can go about gossiping you and if you are doing bad, they will laugh at you behind your back. Friends can mean to backstub you. Someone you were never borne with is difficult to stand by you when in need. Though sometimes, friends can pull you out of danger when non of your family can not help. That why I put friendship in the middle.
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
3 Jan 08're correct....the other people find a bad influence.....that cause of bad effect in life....if they want to find a friends,they make sure,its not bad influence....thanks....happy new year...:)
@zealard (320)
• Philippines
2 Jan 08
It is always family first before the other....
@hanreq (1444)
• Philippines
3 Jan 08
yup....happy new year....;)