What do you think of the quest idea I had.
By uath13
@uath13 (8192)
United States
January 2, 2008 12:45pm CST
For those of you that play the game you may have noticed that a lot of the anchient history of the RS world is lost. I came up with a quest to fill in some of the pieces. Yes, it gets long. Most of it would be in a long cut scene.
Tell me what you think of it.
Anchient Dragons PT1 ( I'll write up more if there's interest )
The natives around shilo are worried. The sacred spring to the south has dried up and a large crack has opened up nearby. Smoke bellows forth & people have reported hearing growling from inside.
Is there any brave adventurer( meaning you ) willing to investigate?
You enter the crack wielding a dragon weapon or armor & dragonfire shield ( required items ). You use your agility to manover through the crevase around boulders & over gaps. Finally you come to rest by a huge oddly shaped rock. Suddenly a giant eye opens up. You are snatched up & slammed against the wall, pinned there.
The anchient dragon roars " who dares?" & is about to make a snack of you when he sees your weapon & shield. This perplexes him.
"Who are you who dares to wear the gear of both the dragon knight & the kalaphite?" he bellows. You look equally surprised as you respond " Um... Kalaphite?... Dragon Knight?"
"Your wearing the arms of the Dragon Knights & the Kalaphite soldiers" he says.
"OK....". Your feeling dumbfounded.
He drops you," Well at least I'll make an educated meal of you if nothing else, perhaps you can serve some purpose. Tell me why does my scrying pool not work?"
You look to find that the sacred spring was actually runoff from this pool which has now been repaired." I...I don't know" is your reply
The foggy images of the dragons anchient world fade as you observe, slowly fading into the modern world of your memories. " What is this?" he scrolls about finally breaking into huge tears when he sees what has happened to the lands above Varrok.
After much discussion you learn much about the anchient days of Runescape as you tell him of modern events.
Years ago during the early god wars there were two great civilizations. One to the north , the dragonians ( a species of lizard men with the power to transform themselves into dragons ) & one to the south in the grasslands south of shanti's pass known as the Kalaphite. The Kalaphite led by their gods had invaded the north. The Draconians retaliated. The war continued for years. The draconians took a slash & burn tactic that destoryed the grasslands turning them into the deserts of today. The kalaphites developed shields resistant to dragonfire. This however wasn't enough. Soon their mages began combining the essence of local cave beetles with their soldiers. The men grew larger & an exoskeleton that was resistant to attack & dragonfire. With the new army they resurged through the pass again. The Draconians call upon their friends the dwarves to help forge the dragon weapons from stones found deep within their mines. They then gave these weapons to their barbarian allies who became the dragon knights & riders. Their combined forces were able to drive the kalaphite back through the pass.
With their forces completely defeted the kalaphites went into decline. Their great cities often destroyed by the decendants of the very army they created. Those decendants grew larger & more beetlelike with each generation.
The Draconians prosper for some time. Eventually being solicited to join the forces of darkness but refusing. One day the draconian king was visiting his summer caves with his grandson( triumverate ). Two figures enter the caves as well. Elvarg has led someone to the royal family. The strange figure demands the Draconians serve him. The draconian king again refuses & is attacked. He transforms into his massive dragon form & battles with the stranger. The battle continues shaking the very earth until they come to a standstill. Elvarge snatches Triumverate & drags him from the cave. The stranger follows then casts a strange spell on the king. The king leaps forward jaws wide as the stranger brings the roof of the cave down before him sealing him in.
Thus the anchient king has slept, locked in his dragon form & sealed in a cave for centuries.
Now can you help him to find his grandson & learn why a great civilization has been reduced to beasts?
( know anything about 3 headed dragon kings? , if not, you will.)
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3 responses
@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
3 Jan 08
that's a pretty well wrote out quest idea, have you posted it on the official forums yet? if you have, give me the quick find code and i will pop over there to post on it :)
as you know i have the quest cape, so if they brought it out i would be compelled to do it (lol, gotta keep the ability to wear it hehe). and it seems like it would certainly be a fun and chalanging quest to do, which runescape lacks at the moment, each new quest comes out, and oh my what a bore! though yesterdays quest was okish (scarabas quest) at least it took me some time to finish it and a couple of nice puzzles to solve.
some of what i would like to see are more quests like mournings end part 2, at least that offered a mind boggling chalange!
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
3 Jan 08
This is just the first part. I was hoping to see peoples input before I progress any further. If they like it then I'll submit the full thing to Jagex. I want the quest to tie in how Zammarok was able to transform Triumverate into the KBD & thus lock all draconian in their beastly forms & reduced their intelligence. I'd also have to find a way to tie in the elemental workshop 3 quest I wrote up as well. I had the shop being the reason for the destruction of the original wizard tower & more history there. That post is no longer in the forems except maybe as a stickey, I'll have to check.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
3 Jan 08
There'd also be a couple of miniquests attacked in order to become a new dragon knight & recieve the dragonwing cape & lance. The cape could only be equiped with full dragon, Would look like folded wings behind the player & would give a significant weight reduction & the ability to glide for short distances. The miniquests would also introduce the flourintie ability ( fighting with a weapon in each hand ). Could you imagine using your dragon scimitar's special followed with the DD++ special in the same attack?
The lance would be an incredibly high stabbing weapon with reach like the hallies but longer & who's special would be the fiery joust where you attack from the glide with a magic fireball on the lance for a devastating attack. of course you couldn't get airborne again once in combat.
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