Potty Training A 2 Year Old
@headprofmorris (10)
January 2, 2008 1:10pm CST
Hello all! I have a bouncing baby girl, who is begining to grow up. She's reached the age where she likes to explore the bathroom, and will say words like "peepee" and "bathroom". How ever, when I go to sit her on either her potty or an adult toilet, she screams like the damned. Does any one have any adivce or funny stories they would like to share?
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10 responses
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
2 Jan 08
Let her sit on the little potty with her clothes on, so she can get comfortable with it. Let her look at a book while she sits. Read her some books about using the potty, and let her see you use it. Let her go at her own pace.
She is ready when she is uncomfortable in a wet or soiled diaper, when she tells you she has gone or has to go, and when she is showing some signs of independence, such as getting herself dressed.
Encourage her, but don't push. She will do it when she is ready, and pushing will make it a more stressful experience for both of you.
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@GottaIndulge (4)
• United States
2 Jan 08
Great idea! Our daughter went through a phase where she just didn't like having her clothes off at all. I mean I think she'd rather sit in time-out than have to take her clothes off.
I can't remember exactly but that phase may have been around the same time that we were trying to start with the potty. If so, It definitely would have helped to let her st with her clothes on.
I'm sure it's bad enough just trying to adjust to something new like a potty. Much less having to do it along with something else you already don't like. Children connect everything. My daughter may have been associating no clothes with the potty time. Interesting.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
3 Jan 08
I'd first say, give them time. They will work it out. There's no "age" that they shoul dor shouldn't be potty trained. Don't demand or make the experience kaotic or a bad experience, They'll do it when they are ready. Just keep at giving them the option, telling them the option and that kind of thing, but dont' make it something they fear or get mad about.
My daughter was nearly trained 3 times, and just as she was nearly trained,, we'd move (following construction jobs in a travel trailer) and when we'd move, she'd be upset and go back to diapers. But she eventually figured it all out. My son, we lived in a travel trailer and in Trvel trailers, the toilet is a manul flush. YOu have to step on thisl ittle level to make the toilet flush and another one to refill it. My son was 18 month old and he wanted to "fill" the potty - he thought that was the neatest thing to be able to do - step on that level and watch the water fill up. So I told him he couldn't step on the level unti he went potty in the potty. Within 2 weeks, he was potty trained at 18 months!
My grand daughter, she loved books, so I got her a little potty chair, and had some books setting there, and they were "new" ones or ones she hadn't seen but in order to look at the books, she had to sit on the potty and go potty. Yes, she sat there for up to 1/2 hour, but she was potty trained in 2 weeks. My 18 month old grand daughter, loves to go sit on the toilet. I don't have her very often, but she says "potty", pats at her diaper (most likely she just went) and I ask her "do you need to go potty?" and she says "yes" and runs to the toilet and starts pulling at her diaper. She'll sit for a few minutes then say she is done. No, she didn't go, but she's got the idea and knows the process! Just has to get her timing right!
Moral of the story: Make it an interesting venture. Give them a reason for going potty. Make it something they want to do. They are just children, not stupid, so if you give the the idea and the option, they'll figure out the rest!
@kunwar123 (88)
• India
3 Jan 08
it is natural.it can not be avoided.it can create trouble if not released.training kids at a tender age is advisable.
@garnet80 (349)
• Australia
3 Jan 08
My son is 3 next month and wasn't that interested in potty training at first. We have both a potty and a toddler toilet seat and even a toddler seat with stairs which lead up to the big toilet. I went on the huggies website for help and they said that when the toddler is ready they will let you know. And they were right my son only has the occasional accident now and he usally likes to use the big toilet without the toddler seat. I still keep the potty and the toddler seat in the bathroom though and let him make up his mind how he wants to go to the toilet. It makes him feel more grown up and helps him to learn how to make discions. She'll let you know when she is ready. My son's daycare was also a great help.
@mummybec (685)
• Australia
3 Jan 08
Unfortunatley I didnt have this problem with my daughter, she is now toilet trained.
Ummm sorry just thinking of some ways you could encourage her... do you try her on the potty while running a bath? Maybe let her read some books while sitting on it (maybe say just sit here and read while the bath is running - or something like that)
I am sure if you can get her to sit on there long enough to do a wee and then praise her & make a huge deal - like YAY!!! she might then be ok with it.
I really hope this makes sense - sorry if it doesnt I am tired!!
Hope it helps a bit too :)
@4monsters4me (2569)
• United States
2 Jan 08
My best advice is don't push it. Forcing them never works. My 2 girls didn't start using the potty until they were 3 (the oldest was 3 years, 2 months and the other one was 3 years and 8 months) even though I started them both right after they turned 2. It was a year or more of complete frustration for all of us.
My son was the easiest (once again bucking the common ideas of life, lol). he started a couple months after 2 and was using the potty full time maybe 3 months after that when he was just 2 1/2.
My oldest was just the most stubborn child ever. She understood the concept and techniques by 2 1/2 but just wouldn't do it simply because I wanted her to. We were in the car one day for a drive and stopped to get gas. She was almost 3 and got mad because we refused to get her a snack (we were about 20 minutes from our destination where we were going to eat). She screamed at us and said, "if you don't get me a snack I'm never using the potty ever again!" Up until then she had been at least trying and only having a couple accidents a day. After that she refused to use it at all and ended up back in pull-ups all day long.
@irh888 (35)
• Indonesia
3 Jan 08
When I teach my baby around 2years, I tell her that adult toilet is only for big girl. then she say "I'm a big girl" then I say "OK, let's learn how to use that" before she feel need to pee (sorry is that right-(pee)?). Just to feel what it's feel. when she can't 'pee' I only said "It's OK, tomorrow we'll try again". It's only a week to teach her. just chat like with adult with baby with simple world of course. Pretend that we don't know that they are a baby..
@GottaIndulge (4)
• United States
2 Jan 08
I have A 2 old who did the same thing. She asked to go "potty" shortly after her first birthday. When we got the little potty out, she just wanted to throw balls in it. And if we were out of the house and used a big potty, she would cry.
What worked best for us was just to not push it. If she asked for her little potty then we put her on it. If she started to play then we took it away. If she asked to sit on the big potty we let her. Even though we knew she was going to cry. As soon as she started to cry, we took her off of it.
Eventually she stopped crying when she would ask to sit on it. Now that the crying has stopped, I don't leave it up to her any more. I sit her on it on a regular basis and just wait a minute to see if she needs to go.
Sometimes we see progress and sometimes she has just gone in her diaper right before. Right now, we are just thrilled that she is not afraid of it any more. Now that that is over, we can focus more on actually using the potty instead of just getting used to it.
@lilbuggy19 (1)
• United States
2 Jan 08
I don't know if you have tried this or not, but offer some type of reward. Like using M&Ms or something small like that. Whichever is her favorite. Start small....whenever she says pee pee and goes into the bathroom give her one. After she has mastered that without getting mad, move to the next step, standing next to the toilet. so on and so forth. After a few weeks of "training" her, she will being sitting on the potty with no problem. Let me know how it goes.