Stupid People Should Not Be Permitted to Breed
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
United States
January 3, 2008 4:15pm CST
Yes, I said it. Yes, I mean it. And yes I am prepared for the controversy this topic has the potential of creating. But I don't want to alienate anyone here so not only stupid people should be banned from having children this ban should also extend to people who cannot afford to raise children. I am sick of my tax paying dollars going to support the nine kids and one on the way to the woman who won't give up her monthly public assistance check and food vouchers. But those people are easy enough to take care of. The moment they file for public assistance they should be required to get their tubes tied and their husbands vasectomies. The stupid people are harder to single out. So wouldn't it just be easier to create a test that could be administered when someone applies for their drivers license or registers to vote. If they don't pass the test then on with the sterilization. Just think of how much better the human race would be. Thanks to technology natural selection doesn't stand a chance in weeding out the weakest or dumbest of our gene pool but seriously something has got to be done before we end up a nation full of Dan Quayles and George Bushs.
I know at least one of you is going to tell me I should be "ashamed of myself" for thinking this way and that all human life is precious blah blah blah. Save it. I've heard that all before. My opinion still hasn't changed! However if someone were to ever create a cure for stupid they would be rich and then maybe I wouldn't hold so strongly to this belief.
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15 responses
@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I was just wondering what makes you think you're so smart?
Having 4 kids that you have to work 3 jobs to support does not sound all that smart to me.
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@zigzagbuddha (4601)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I already knew the answer. I was doing the asking for your benefit. A little bit of self-examination never hurt anybody. And by the way, the list of 'rules' that you use to justify a negative view of life is not the right answer to the question.
But I can see by your writing that you prefer a shallow and superficial existence. And that's ok. Everybody makes their own choices in life.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
5 Jan 08
ROFL...yes me shallow and superficial, boy have you got me pegged. If i ever get banned I'll be sure to use that as my new name.
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@nothingbetter2do (235)
• Australia
4 Jan 08
What is your definition of stupid? Mentally disabled or just 'not very smart'??
I agree that some mentally disabled people should not have children because they can't even take care of themselves.
Some people may not have had much education (and therefore classified as "stupid" by some people) but they can be very good at what they do and become successful whereas some people may have a phD and earn a good living but they can still make some really stupid decisions. Children are a blessing and is a gift from God. We have no right to say who can or cannot have children.
Yes, I agree. Some people do take advantage of government benefits, public assistance, charities etc but others are genuinely in need and they really can't do anything about their situations.
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@Amberina (1541)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I agree with you on this one my cousin was going to school has one child in middle school. Life was great for her she had never been on welfare or food stamps or anything she was a strong woman who was going to school to become a lawyer. One day she decided to take her son and her nieces and nephews to the lake for some summertime fun. As they were driving to the lake a man who owned his own business and was wealthy one of the smart people this discussion is talking about, hit my cousins car head on cripling one of the nephews and putting my cousin in a wheelchair for about a year she still walks with a cane and it's been two years. It crushed her legs and almost killed all the kids in the car you might be wondering what happened to the man to make him hit her head on well he was high on painpills and he had been drinking fell asleep at the wheel and when he woke up he was in the hospital with a broken leg. As soon as he was awake he had all his businesses put in his girlfriends name so that my cousin couldn't touch any of his money. She is now on welfare she's not proud of that she is working on getting off welfare so she can get a job that she is able to do. She is not planning on living on welfare for the rest of her life, but for now it is helping her because the "smart guy" made it so she can't work right now. Not everyone on welfare or who have many kids is stupid and reminds me of a saying my great granny used to say "If you point your finger at someone in judgement just remember you have three fingers pointing back at you." -Amberina
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I've already made these distinctions in previous comments but I will do so again. There is nothing shameful about someone who has become the victim of circumstance using the benefits that so many others take advantage of every day. We have all had some trying times in our lives where we have needed help. It is the people who constantly strive to stay in the system that should be sterilized. The woman going to school supporting her family was a victim of circumstance. The "smart guy" will get what is coming to him someday. Mentally disabled people should not have children not only because they cannot take care of themselves but also because even if the child is alright in the beginning who is going to be there to teach them besides the school. That is why this extends to people who just aren't very smart. My dad even falls in this category. He dropped out of school in 8th grade. He is super skilled with his hands, speaks very eloquently, and is in charge of the checkbook because my step mom couldn't balance it with a scale. But my father wasn't the smartest man in the decisions he would make. He lacked common sense. He was constantly cheating on the women he was with, that is how I ended up one of 5 of his kids. I wasn't raised by him. I know I never could have gone to him and asked for help in algebra or chemistry. He just doesn't have that kind of intelligence. That is why I said previously simple life skills. Average intelligence. The ability to comprehend and speak fluent english if you are from the United States, the ability to do the simple math required to balance a check book, those types of things. If you can't do the very basic things in life who is going to teach your children how to do them? Smarter people (meaning more intelligent people) are better capable of passing their knowledge onto their kids. I guess you could always create more tax payer funded agencies to tutor and school people who don't fit into this category but for all I know they probably already have them.
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
4 Jan 08
I agree with part of you discussion, but how do you define stupid? because I am sorry but most people do stupid things, every day I see drivers that do not believe the laws apply to them. I see abuse toward others who are unable to defend themselves and these acts are carried out by a mentality that screams me first and its all about me. I have seen and spoken with welfare advocates that spent most of their life on welfare and are now in the process of teaching others how to use the system, and they are not stupid people, they know every law rule and regulation like their middle name and could and to teach others a few new tricks,
My suggestion is that we start by making every one responsible for their actions, Have as many kids as you can afford to raise on your own hook, because the welfare state is closed,
To dehumanize people is to take away their responsibilities. You give some one welfare and you have given them permission to sit back and not be responsible. There are countries that give welfare to those who work, I would sooner see the rewards go to those who worked for them. Right now those that work are penalized by having to pay for those who refuse to. As for keeping on having more children to get more money must stop, a minimum and maximum must be set if necessary welfare will help you for 6 month only if you have not more and not less than 2 children.
As for jobs for all these people they are there if you want them and are willing to get your hands dirty and do a bit of hard work, as I said reward the working class no penalize
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Very well put Robin. If only people like you were able to have some input into how the laws are written this country would be a better place. But Programmer said it best, the morons who run this country can't ever take anything away from the people who already have it because who do you think elected those morons in the first place. all a candidate needs to do is say in their campaign they are going to push for higher welfare benefits and they would get elected in a heartbeat. This world is in a sad sad state and only going further down the drain.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
4 Jan 08
How dare you, cynical, appoint yourself as judge and jury in deciding who has the right to bear children, and under what circumstances they should be given the right! Yes, you should be ashamed of yourself-because your statements are misguided and hurtful. There are plenty of people who have had to go on public assistance for one reason or another, but they still managed to succeed and become solid citizens who are gainfully employed and contribute positively to society. You have to have some faith in people, and not believe they are all bad. Some just need a helping hand for awhile.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
4 Jan 08
"You have to have some faith in people, and not believe they are all bad. Some just need a helping hand for awhile"
I agree...AND it really needs to be mentioned that sometimes you HAVE TO abuse the system somewhat....I was on mothers allowance some yrs ago and I DID work under the table just to make ends meet because the system BARELY gave us enough to live on AND I dont drive so I dont have insurance or car payments, we didnt have expensive clothes in fact much of our clothes came from Goodwill and the Sally Anne..Xmas shopping was done at the Dollar Store and there were more times than I care to count that I had to use the food bank.....THAT BEING SAID...there are those who use to bold face, completely in the wrong, abused the system which is EXACTLY WHY Ontario has CHANGED the system over the past far so good..
Rather than screening for "stupid" ppl (who would decide what IS stupid anyway?!) and forcing sterilization the U.S needs to UPDATE their system...simple as that....but coming up with scatterbrained "STUPID" ideas like this one is just ridiculous :-/
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Ravenladyj, I would just like to add that there are many poor people who are decent and deserving of a chance, but the system constantly works against them. I don't know about other states, but I do know that there has been an overhaul of the welfare system in my state that is overly radical. In their zeal to put young mothers to work, the lawmakers have left many without adequate daycare options for their babies and some, such as my granddaughter who is 24 with two young sons, and has been a diabetic since the age of 4, with little or no health-care. These young mothers are not sitting at home waiting for the piddling amount of money the state doles out once a month. They get up and go to work each day, trying to make something out of very little.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Oh for the love of god. I never said I was appointing myself as anything and in my example it was the fat woman with 7 kids and one on the way so she would not lose her welfare benefits that should be sterilized. I will NOT be ashamed of myself when I see this constant fleecing of america and my hard earned tax paying dollars going to support women such as this. Everyone falls on hard times in their life me included. I just busted my behind and worked 3 jobs rather than opt to become one of the minority who ran to take the hand out. Call it my pride. Call it me be stubborn. Whatever. And as for the intelligence factor I have stated it half a dozen times already. simple academic knowledge that would get anyone by in America. Simple math, a grasp of the english language if you are from the US etc etc. I am beginning to think the people who get so bent out of shape over this post are the ones who fear they might not quite measure up if such laws were ever implemented. But thank you both for your comments. I always appreciate seeing everyones point of view.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I've had my driver's license for many many years and I have 4 children that I support all on my own without any help from the welfare system. And as a matter of fact if there were ever such a test made I would most definitely be in line to be the first tested. I would do it just to set the bar a little higher for those behind me.
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@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Cynical, your ideas sound very familiar to me. Where have I heard them before? Hmmm, let me think. Oh yeah, from Hitler. He believed in one pure race. He believed that if he killed all the people he considered to be bad, that the world would be a better place. So my question to you is, how are you any more qualified than Hitler was to make that call? So you are suggesting a slower process. Instead of rounding up the stupid people, just sterilize them and when they die off then there will be no one left but the smart people, right?
I have read some of your responses in this discussion, and I have to say, you think pretty highly of yourself. And I'm sure you should. You worked hard to support yourself and your children. Good for you. But when you were working those 3 jobs, who was raising your children? Someone besides you, right? I'm not saying that it's wrong for mothers to work, or that you made the wrong choice, but my point is simply this: No one is perfect, there are down sides to everything. You talk about giving these babies to 'educated people' who can afford to take care of them. Well, why didn't you do that? You obviously didn't have a high paying job, or you wouldn't have needed 3 of them. You were not able to offer your children EVERYTHING because you had to work to support them. Again, not saying you should have stayed home and collected welfare, just that there are 2 sides to every coin.
Don't sit there on your high horse and judge other people. You don't know the circumstances that led them to this point in their lives, you don't know just because a person has difficulty with math that they are stupid. What qualifies you to judge others and decide the fate of the world. I suggest you stop trying to save the world and just stick to the task of raising your own children.
And by the way money and education do not determine the ability to be a good parent. I have known plenty of well educated, high earning individuals who didn't know the first thing about being a parent, but according to your standards they would be more qualified than a poor person with enough love to give to a dozen children.
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@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Wow, you really are full of yourself. I suppose going 48 hours without sleep was nothing to you, and you were at your best at all times and giving the best of yourself to your children. You were never too tired to play with them or short on patience because of a hard night at work and sleep deprivation. Well, good for you. Sorry, but most of us mere mortals can not live up to the superhuman standard you have set. We will all just bow to you because you are superior.
No, by the way, it does not surprise me to hear that you grew up poor. I'm sure that adds to your ridiculous holier-than-thou attitude. You think that makes you qualified to judge everyone else? No, it doesn't. Lots of people grow up poor. That doesn't give them the right to criticize others who are going through difficult times.
Sure there are people who abuse the system. Just like there are rich people who find loopholes to avoid paying taxes. Maybe if those people were forced to pay their share, taxes wouldn't be such a burden on the middle class.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
5 Jan 08
While you are down their bowing could you paint my toenails? It's been forever since I've had a pedicure.
And yes it was growing up poor that has helped me come to this "holier than thou" opinion I have. Because we weren't poor for lack of money. We were poor because all the money my mother got from being a genius when it came to screwing the system went to her drinking and gambling addictions.
I made the decision to have my kids. I have excellent kids. I very rarely have to tell them anything twice and I have NEVER taken any personal issues I was having out on them be it lack of sleep or anything else. I don't see why you are getting so bent out of shape over this. Even though I now work for the federal government it is not like anyone is going to ever elect me into office where I could try to make such "ridiculous" ideas (as you put them) into law.
I have every right to feel the way I do. My convictions and my actions made me better than the type of people I am writing about and anyone should be able to see that. AGAIN, I have never said that people who fall on hard times should not be entitled to seek the help that is available to them, it is only the people who abuse the system that would be subjected to such "horrific violations" as those I describe. No where in my scenario is the woman with 3 kids who gets hit by a car and loses her job while she fights for months and months with an insurance company to get her money so has to file for welfare going to get sterilized for needing help.
And no one is going to change my mind ever that stupid people, (by my definition I give time and time again) or people who have some sort of genetic disability, that makes them barely capable of caring for themselves, should be allowed to populate the gene pool with more people just like them.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Not more qualified but that high earning individual wouldn't be sucking up my tax paying dollar to pay for the children they didn't know how to raise. They would hire other people to do that. Who was raising my kids when I was working 3 jobs? I was. I worked 1 full and 2 part time jobs. Full time 10PM-6Am 5 days a week at my full time job and then 11pm-7Am 2 days a week at one part time job and 6-10pm 2 days a week at my other part time job. So I never slept on the weekends and my kids got the benefit of spending time with their grand parents. And I was able to support ALL the basic needs of my family on my 1 full time job but my children deserve better than basic so that is why I took on the extra jobs to make sure they knew what family vacations were, days at the beach, and had more than some string and a couple of tin cans to play with in the backyard. Would it surprise you to learn that I grew up in a very poor family? I busted my butt for everything this family has and I will never regret the decisions I made to get us where we are today.
Hitler's views and plans for a perfect world were just a little more uncivilized than mine. I am not blond or blue eyed so I would have been gassed in a chamber right along with everyone else.
But hey if you don't mind busting your behind so some woman can keep popping out babies on a whim to get more and more out of our government then that is your opinion. Just like it is my opinion that that same woman should have been sterilized the minute she got pregnant with another child while on welfare.
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@HellaBass (117)
• United States
5 Jan 08
I completely agree, we could also do some good be sterlizing people who keep having unwanted childred
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Preach on Hella! I have a whole different discussion that would antagonize people on having unwanted children but I think I have started enough controversy for the day so that one will have to wait.
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@mcjeannie (703)
• Philippines
4 Jan 08
This is an intense topic and you made a strong point on this issue.
If I may define stupidity, An action that is kept repeated over and over with the doer expecting a different result...that is stupidity.People who don't learn from their experience suffer a lot.Why should they expect a different result where infact it has proven otherwise!!!A practical picture of this or as an example is your topic LOL!
Well, I can say that the welfare system is abused by many who have a hopeless situation.The government should actually assess and screen who gets such benefit.Eligibility should be done with a specified number of children and if they exceed to the max, then they should be barred from receiving this welfare benefit.
I understand that children are one of the purpose of marriage, but using this innocent ones "babies" to get lazy is not right.The government should give them jobs to sustain their needs rather than hand it to them.Like in the saying" teach them how to fish rather than give fish all the time". In the end, the government is teaching this people to get more lazy, thus the abusive reproduction of babies continue.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Funny you define an act of stupidity as doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome. These women who constantly give birth to stay on welfare do the same thing over and over TO get the same outcome. More free government benefits. LoL Just thought I would point that out but I do agree with you.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
12 Feb 08
WEll im looking for your discussion about your poem and cant find it but im going to respond to alot of your discussions b/c I Like you so far LOL. I agree with you we need to evolve and get rid of all thes stupid people mooching off of us. my fiance and I were actually talking about that last night and said if they are going to do it might as well have little medicare towns that you go to to have medicare and make them work for us b/c were paying them. LOL If there were less laws and we were aloud to live as we pleased as long as we harm none than I think stupid people would naturaly die away. Then we as humans can finally live in our true nature LOL if you know what i mean
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
12 Feb 08
The one you are looking for is "how could a father do such a thing" but thanks for visiting this one as well. I like the way you and your fiance think. And I laugh because before I wrote this discussion I really believed I was in the minority on this one.
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I definitely have to agree with you somewhat. I do remember a time when, unfortunately, I had to be on welfare for a short period after getting divorced and having my two boys to raise on my own. It was a very short period though until I could get on my feet, but I was working my butt off everyday at a job working 8 to 6 most i don't consider myself one of the stupid ones or the other ones. I maybe was on it for two months, at the most, if not less than that. It really does bother me though and makes me so upset to see all of these people out here with no job, 10 kids, and living off every penny they can get from the government...or should I say, us the tax payers, who have to give that money to the government to support all the ones that won't work and pay taxes. It really does chap my a**. I know there are people out there really struggling who are working really hard though to to make ends meet and may need a little help...those I do not mind helping as much, but it's the ones that won't stop having kids and expect us to feed them that really makes me hate people at times. A lot of families that were doing well when they were married, like in my case, and then through stupidity of the man having to get divorced and left with two children to raise...again like in my case, might need a little help...but just a little. They should still be doing everything they can for themselves and their children without the help of anyone else. I understand though that sometimes circumstances like that come up and respect them for working as hard as they possibly can while still trying to be a mother at the same time. To those sitting on their butts though, with diamond rings on every finger...a brand new car in the drive way...200 pairs of shoes...getting money from the government to live on, shame on them and shame on the government for allowing it. It's absolutely ridiculous and it really hurts the people that honestly need it. Thanks for your discussion and God bless!

@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Oh I know it. It seems to me that with it being our money that we make, we should have some say in where it goes. We are so far in debt though from other countries that it's only a matter of time before they raise everything again for us to help pay more on that to. It's really messed up and the one's that work the hardest are the ones that suffer the most for it.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
4 Jan 08
Too bad there truly wasn't a way to separate out where our money goes after we are forced to give it to the government. If I know a working mother with 3 kids getting assistance to help ends meet then I should be allowed to allot my money to her through my taxes instead of the woman with 7 kids, 200 pairs of shoes, a new car in the driveway of her government funded duplex who has a diamond ring on every finger.
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@vera5d (4005)
• United States
4 Jan 08
you really need to watch the moivie idiosynchracy...
I don't know if I agree or disagree with you about the rest though
welfare should not exist. there are people who completely abuse the system, then there are people who would benefit from it, but cannot take advantage of it...
possibly sterilization should be more promoted as an alternative to birth control...but I honestly believe nature is taking care of itself in keeping population intact.
stupid is an opinion however...often marked with ignorance
anyways, watch completely agrees your point :) it's kind of funny, too.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Thank you Vera I will rent it the next time I go to the video store.
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@mag_keizer2007 (1282)
• Canada
3 Jan 08
I agree with you. My brotherin law is one of them and i feel soooo sorry for his kids he had his first taken away from him then had 2 more and they are not treated right. And on the same line of discussion...what about the slower people as well...We have neighbors that are both slow...and they had a child and they are only permitted to see the child under supervision and i just feel so sorry for them....and the child....that is no life to lead...
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
4 Jan 08
See perfect example. After the first kid is taken, MANDATORY vasectomy! That way there wouldn't be 3 children suffering because he is their father. People with any type of disability be it mental or physical should be banned from reproducing and I cannot for the life me understand how they would want to. They have had to struggle all of their lives. They know first hand how hard it is yet they want to play the odds their kid won't be born with whatever it is they have. Then when the child is born with the same disease they have just condemned that baby to a life as bad as theirs. Some people are just selfish. Thanks for the comment mag.
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
4 Jan 08
Don't have enough time at this point to say all I'd like, but I'll start with
FORCED STERILIZATION!!!! What is this, Nazi Germany? Yeah, too many people having too many children that the rest of us are forced to pay for, and it's always stupid people that will most procreate - they can't think of anything else to do. But there's got to be a better way - not that I have any real suggestions, but forced sterilization is NOT an option that I will ever go for. I shudder at the thought that you could even consider it. Yikes!
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
5 Jan 08
I have 4 children so it comes as a surprise to almost anyone who hears that I would suggest such a thing but honestly you yourself can't think of anything better. I'm sorry that I feel it is the only way to get these people up off their butts and force them to take some responsibility and accountability for their actions. But please if you think of a better way I would love to hear it.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
16 Mar 08
I knew I would find it. This is the discussion that started it all. lol
Just look at how far we have come from Nazi Germany to where we are today :)
@jtownesquire (104)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I have siad for many years now that there is an easy way to deal with this situation.
Because women are born with every egg they will ever have, simply perform surgery early on in her life and remove the eggs. You can also perform a vasectomy on the males. This will in now way effect hormone levels or development.
Then, upon reaching age 18 (or some other arbitrary age...21....25....whatever) every person is required to undergo testing. If they pass, they get their eggs back and/or vasectomy reversed.
The added benefit to this is that women do not waste eggs during the period of their teens. They will then have a longer reproductive "life span" when they are mature and responsible.
Oh, and by the way, I don't care if anyone agrees with my plan. I know it would work and I know it would be best for the world in general and the children that suffer because they get born to a couple of teenagers who have no idea how to take care of themselves let alone a child. Or, get born to supposed adults who don't have the mental, emotional or psychological capacity to think beyond the moment.

@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I'll be nice cause I love you but there is nothing beneficial about extending someone's child bearing years. The child would hard hardships being born of a woman in her late 40's or 50's just the same as they would have hardships being born of someone stupid. I also happen to know some teenagers who gave birth to children and did just fine. (raising eyebrow)
But overall it is a good plan.
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@jtownesquire (104)
• United States
4 Jan 08
Excuse the typos. Computer decided to lock up during typing and I accidentally posted before spellchecking, etc...

@janisspaggiari59 (656)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I don't think stupid people should create stupid people.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I couldn't have said it any better myself. ;)
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