do u find useful the new ranking interest on mylot?

January 3, 2008 8:41pm CST
surely one of the big changes on mylot lastly is the new interest ranking added to discussion and in relation to user!!so do you think useful in general this when you answering a discussion?or not?if yes why?what is the great advantage about this system in relation to the past for you?
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9 responses
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
5 Jan 08
I don't find it useful. I'm not even sure what the point is. Anyone know?
@shinjiao (1457)
• China
4 Jan 08
I don't think this new system is useful to me but at least when I join in discussions,I would like to see the red words besides the users' names.Sometimes,I think maybe my responses may help this topic reach a higher level.^_^
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
4 Jan 08
I don't really think of it as useful. I don't decide whose discussions to respond to by it, nor do I decide how to rate other users on my discussions by it. So I don't really use it at all I guess. I do, however, derive some amount of amusement from it. There are certain categories I have goals to become top-ranked in, for my own amusement, and it does interest me to see where my friends rank under certain interests. All just for fun. :)
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
4 Jan 08
hmmmm well i dont think it make much of differnce i just think its motivational tool so that people respond more to get better rating in intrests now
@irene_27 (542)
• Philippines
4 Jan 08
The addition of the new interest ranking didn't have any effect on my perspective when it comes to my responses here so i guess it's not useful at all. the only difference now is that i'm a bit curious on what my ranking would be after i've posted my response. I'll be happy to see if my ranking is high and i just shrug it off when it's low.
• Australia
4 Jan 08
I don't find it useful at all. I really don't care about the ranking and it doesn't affect my response in anyway.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I don't find it to be useful at all. The rating doesn't change my responses or opinons. Am thinking myLot could have done a few other things to their site to make it top quality such as increase our earnings. That sounds like a winner, huh?
• United States
4 Jan 08
I really don't see much use out of the ranking. I thought that it was a little bit strange that they even added this feature. I doesn't make me post more discussions in that topic just so that I can get my ranking up and I don't post replies on discussions by people just because it is higher in that field of discussion either.
@kdhartford (1151)
• United States
4 Jan 08
I like it. I think that it should motivate people to have more meaningful discussions. Although, I would hope that the chance to have a meaningful discussion is reward enough.