What's your way to beat depression?

@sergedan (767)
January 4, 2008 11:54pm CST
I find that all my motivation and energy collapses( phase 1: depression),I become paranoid and delirious(phase 2) and finally rages of psychotic feelings(phase 3) come upon me if I don't go out for a walk or do a little shopping .
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10 responses
@shadow9 (238)
• Romania
5 Jan 08
nice partition :P ... well in phase 1: taken literally: call an expert electrician ^^ ... real answer: try to get positive and optimistic, although i know that it already gets hard to do that so find something that you like to do and get motivated on that ... phase 2: taken literally: run, run, run! ^^ ... real answer: remember that it's just paranoia and make it amuseing or know that it's not so ... phase 3: taken literally: get a tranquiliser ^^ ... real answer: just think about how much those glasses and plates costed you! ... but mostly for all just stop thinking about it, try to get amused or do something that makes you feel good .. although i just go with the flow untill i find a solution for the problem or forget about it :P
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@besthope44 (12123)
• India
10 Oct 10
i feel i get refreshed after having my chocolates. And best remedy is Meditation, try breathing exercise, it will help you balance and handle depression.
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
18 Jan 08
Hello,sergedan! depression?don't worry.you will come out of depression if you follow the following suggestions.a friend of mine has been benefited of this formula.ventilate your feelings and emotions to people close to you.talk to a councellor and narrate your problems.the more you bottle up,the more you will find it difficult to find hope.avoid polarising your thoughts. go for walk at least for 20 minutes every day.try coming close to nature--feel the sound on the beach,the texture of petals....and try to appreciate God's creations.come home,take a deep breath and visualize all that you just saw and felt. have good diet.during depression,you may loss your appetite but don't skip meals.have plenty of fluids. when you are tensed certain hormone work over time.to balance that have proper diet.but don't skip either your breakfast or launch or dinner.have positive thoughts.try to meditate for 15 minutes at least and pray to God for Overcoming the depression.thank you.all the best.
@maria560 (39)
• United States
9 Jan 08
i think the best thing to do is hang out with people that you have fun with and make you laugh...and most importantly, think about things that your looking forward to, even if its something small like a new episode of your favorite tv show...it really does help...but you definitely wana avoid being alone
@bigfrank1 (114)
• United States
22 Jan 08
I attempt to play my guitar as often as possible. I'm tying to write songs about depression as well. Try to study self-hypnosis too.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
10 Oct 10
i feel i get refreshed after having my chocolates. And best remedy is Meditation, try breathing exercise, it will help you balance and handle depression.
@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
6 Jan 08
hi sergedan! shopping...well that costs money though...as i have written, i blog...and it helps me. and it helps if you are part of a community when you blog so that you will get responses immediately. you get advise, sympathy, humor, etc. so you enjoy it. thanks! God bless you! :-)
@nangel78 (1454)
• United States
5 Jan 08
Well I am taking Prozac and I tend to communicate with my husband and friends more. I also read more than I used to which has helped a lot. I am working on enjoying hobbies that I like more as well.
• Philippines
7 Jan 08
depressed - a not-so-good feeling
when i feel depressed, i try my best to look for ways to somehow be happy. i look for things that would uplift my spirit like listen to happy and upbeat music or watch happy films. i also talk to my friends about how i feel and let them make me feel better. i do my best to avoid pessimistic people also.
@angepange (123)
• Australia
5 Jan 08
depression is so overwhelming at times it has a mind of its own. i think i am finally coming out of depression but its not easy. take each day as it comes, talk to someone, find the source (there is usually a place where depression breeds from) - for me it was the relationship i was in. i stepped out of it and day by day i feel happier. i still get down and cant control it, but i just accept that i am only human and we all get down at times. this is life and its scarey, im sure you agree. but stay strong and true to yourself. believe that you can beat this. anti depressants do help. i am still on mine and will not come off them until my life becomes stable. i have 2 young children and cannot afford to lose control. if you need to talk. i am here to listen or offer advice.