I think my cat is dying. Please help I'm so sad right now.
By Anakata2007
@Anakata2007 (1785)
January 6, 2008 10:02pm CST
I'v had my little white cat for a whopping 22 years, ever since I turned 18 and moved out of my parents home. I realized I had this cat even before I lost my virginity and before I went to university and met my husband etc. She's been with me through multiple breakups, and the loss of 4 pregnancies.
I love her so much and she's not doing so well. She's lost weight in the last year. I brought her in to the vet and found out she has a heart murmur and kidney disease. There is food and medication she can take for this, which I am trying to give her but she hardly ever eats. She's lost more weight and sometimes has trouble walking with her weak back legs. She has good hours though where she can eat and jump on the couch and purr and I just don't know what to do.
In the last week though, she's gotten considerably worse and I know that it is time. She also now has a cold, the poor thing and seems to be having trouble breathing through her nose.
It's SO HARD for me to know what to do. I love her with all my heart and I ask her what she wants me to do, and she will climb on my lap and lick my hand. Is now the time or do I wait until she gets sicker?
Please don't judge me in anyway if you can try not to. I'm in a lot of pain. I posted this question on Yahoo answers and the responses ranged from people who were angry at me that I hadn't put her down already and other answers were from people who were mad at me that I was even considering putting her down.
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13 responses
@Wario_1 (965)
• Sweden
7 Jan 08
I dont want to judge you, its sad that you got many angry responces about this, don't think its something you need right now. if i have to get pissed on something its that people responded you with such harsh words and coldhearted thinking. I think its a good time to let the vet put your cat to sleep, trying any type of treatment can either just prolonge the suffering, cost very much or even both.
I know its tough on you, living so long with a cat you get attached to it in a special way, its like the cat is like a brother or a child in the family. I promise you on my coming grave, id also have so hard to decide what to do. Taking her to a vet to be put to sleep can feel like a overwhelming thing, but i still think that putting her to sleep is best, i could not prolong her suffering. Please dont get offended by that, she maj not have to much time left on this earth and majbe this is the time to say goodbye when she is still has some health left.
You can always remember the wonderful time you had together with your cat, and cherich it. Since you had her so long you probably have tons of memories. If you have any pictures or drawings on her, save them so you can look back to the times you had with her.
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@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
7 Jan 08
Hi, thanks for your response. I had to put my cat down this morning. Monday at 9:30. It was heartbreaking but I woke up and saw her and she could barely walk and was having trouble breathing. It was like my denial completely dissappeared and I knew I had to put her out of her misery. It was so hard watching her suffer. I'm so heartbroken right now but I'm glad that I made the choice that I finally made and I take heart in the fact that besides her last 2 weeks of life, she generally had a pretty good long healthy fun life and definately knew what it was like to be a very well loved kitty.
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@Wario_1 (965)
• Sweden
7 Jan 08
Damn, sorry that i misunderstood you. please accept my apology for that misstake. I was thinking that your cat wasnt in such good shape and letting her live would worsen her condition, inflicting unneccesary suffering. Didnt think that your cat still isnt in any suffering untill jwfarrimond wrote it. I agre with her, make it som comfortable as possible for your cat. i still think that puting her to sleep is something worth thinking of, but only if the other option is prolonged suffering.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
7 Jan 08
Oh Anakata I know exactly how you feel, I had my cat Smokey for 17years and she had kidney problems I took her to the vet and the vet explained to me what kidney problems meant and how just giving a cat medication at this point is not doing it any favours, they can go through a lot of pain and as much as I know how hard it is to do the best thing you can do for your little cat is to stop the pain for her, it is kinder, it can be a hard thing to do but I held my Smokey while the vet gave her a needle then just held her until the pain went away....believe me it is the kindest thing you can do... my thoughts are with you my friend....
@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
7 Jan 08
thanks for your response. I'm so sad right now. I'm so sorry for your cat Smokey's loss. Was she a grey cat is that why you named her Smokey? That's sweet.
I keep looking at my cat's food dish with the uneatened food in it and her bed by the heater and her water fountain and realizing how horribly sad I will be coming home from the vet without her. I think we might bring her in tomorrow.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
7 Jan 08
Yes I know it is not easy I was lucky as not long after Smokey went another cat adopted me so I think what you have to start thinking about is the good life you gave to your cat, some are not so lucky. That is all be can do for our pets is give them the best life possible while we have them...
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@RobinJ (2501)
• Canada
7 Jan 08
I believe no matter what you will do the cat will die, that is very old for a cat and it sounds like you will have years and year of memories, yes it is sad that she is dying but every living thing eventually does die, plants animals all will die. So remember the good times and let the sorrow go,
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@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
7 Jan 08
thanks. I'm sure in the end I will only be left with good memories, but now, I'm filled with sorrow and grief. My house feels empty without her. It's the first time that I'v ever lived alone without a pet (I have my husband but it's not the same)
@Nan110 (469)
• United States
7 Jan 08
I know how you must feel. We had to put one of our cats down cause she got really sick with sugar diabetes. It was the hardest decision we had to make but it was for the best. She's not suffering anymore. The best thing to do is put her down. Don't let her suffer any longer. I'm here if you ever need to talk.
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@nichole1983 (1187)
• Canada
7 Jan 08
It's very hard to go through putting an animal down. I know what its like. You know I think your cat gave you a sign when you asked her what she wanted you to do. She hopped in your lap and licked your hand. I think it's time to put the cat down and put her out of the pain that she is suffereing from. Yes she can probably go on for awhile yet with this pain and suffereing. But I think that is cruel when you know the animal is sick. Good luck to you and be strong.
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@janisspaggiari59 (656)
• United States
7 Jan 08
It doesn't sound like she is in any pain to me.I would keep giving her the medication and see how she does.I don't think I would put her down just yet.I would give her a chance to be on her medication and see if she improves.The only
thing I'm curius about is that I've never seen a dog or a cat have cold symptoms that have had all their shots.
Good luck.
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@Anakata2007 (1785)
• Canada
7 Jan 08
Cold symptoms or respiratory symptoms are a side effect of kidney disease in its advanced stages. She's had upper respiratory illnesses a few times.
@jwfarrimond (4473)
7 Jan 08
That is a good age for a cat, but you don't actually say if the cat is in pain or not. If she's not, then I would not take the decision to have her put down I would find that very hard to do in any case but if she does not seem to be in a lot of pain and is eating and drinking at least something, then I'd just try to make her as comfortable as possible and give her all the love and attention that you can for what remains of her life.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
8 Jan 08
I am not judging you! I teared up when I read your discussion! I have a white cat that I got 4 years ago, I'm 19 now. I can not IMAGINE the day I lose her. She is young now, so hopely I have a long life ahead with her, like you had with your cat. I am so sorry this is happening, I wish it never had to! :(
My sister had a very sick cat too, he lost a lot of weight.,..could barely walk. She had him for so long, and she was so upset when she had to put him to sleep. But we knew she had to, he was too sick. He fekt cold and couldn't walk anymore :(
I really do think it is time. We had to put 2 of our dogs to sleep last year, and my older sis had to put 2 of her cats too sleep. It is awful for us, but believe me, it is not awful for them. It does not hurt them. It's just like how we feel when we take a sleeping pill and it starts to work. That's it, they go to sleep before they pass on. They won't feel ANYTHING.
I'm so sorry :(
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
8 Jan 08
I forgot to add:
Most people don't believe it, but it REALLY helps to get a new pet really soon after lossing one. I think it would be really good for you to go to your local animal shelter and adopt another cat. It will help you get through this tough time.
When we lost our first do glast year (we lost a total of 3 in 6 months) I lost it! She was my favorite dog, and I still cry over her sometimes! After we lost our 3rd dog we got my mom a new one for Mothers Day. And she really has helped my mom a lot. And I have grown used to her too, even though I NEVER forget Mocha...my favorite dog we've ever owned!
Here's Mocha's Picture.
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
7 Jan 08
I just went through this with my cat. It was to late to do anything for her when we found the lump in here body. The doctor said due to her age and the fact that she will not be healed it was not worth putting the possible 2000 dollars into trying to fix her. So we determined that as long as she was not in pain we would hang on to her. In about two months you could see she was very uncomfortable. We didn't want her to suffer because we loved her to much. So as heart breaking as it was we took her to the vet and put her to sleep. I think she was so grateful to us for doing this. It was so sweet that last day with her. She had been keeping to herself and sleeping a lot, not wanting to be touched but the day we decided we had to do this for her she came to us and slept beside us, she nuzzled into us as much as she could. She hates the car but did not resist she just seemed happy it was so so strange. It really was like she new we were going to help her out. I miss seeing her saunter through the house like the Queen of Sheba and curl up in my favorite spot; she new I wouldn't move her!
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@gmakesmoney (2923)
• United States
7 Jan 08
I can understand how hard this must be for you. I've only had my cat for 5 years but she has been with me through heartbreak and so many other things in life. I got her right after a pregnancy loss and have been through 3 others with her and it really has helped me cope. I would hate to not have her in my life.
I have one suggestion for you to try before you make the choice to put her down and perhaps it will help. Go to www.earthclinic.com/pets.html, there you will find natural remedies as well as messages from those who have tried them out. Natural cures can work wonders for both pets and people and often times can save a life. At the very least, they can help you make her comfortable for the time she has left.
Good luck!
@lightningd (1039)
• United States
7 Jan 08
I am so saddened by your post. I know that it is hard to know what to do when a dear member of your family and a huge part of your life becomes so frail. I too went through this recently. My cat, Miss Boots, who was 19, had been with me through the birth of my two children, had started to deteriorate, and was having problems getting around the house. She wasn't eating like she should, and would sometimes howl in pain when she was trying to get back on her favorite loveseat.
I made the tough decision to go ahead and have her put to sleep, because I couldn't bear to see her suffering.
I guess I knew in my heart that it was better to end her suffering than to make her continue on in pain. I think maybe her licking your hand is her way of trying to comfort you and let you know that she is ready.
Hope that helps.
@m_ulrich (1)
• United States
17 Jul 09
I know this is old, but I was researching some things. My cat is very sick, he has an upper respiritory/sinus infection. He has been to the vet 2 times now, and both times they gave him a steroid, fluids, antibiotic shot, and a B12 shot, and sent us home with an antibiotic to give him twice a day.
He has stopped eating and drinking, so we have to force feed him (this has been going on for 2 days) just to keep him hydrated and nurished. He's lost like 4 pounds and he's not getting better.
He stopped going to the bathroom yesterday. I took him to the vet again today, they have done some xrays and bloodwork. The doctor will be in at 3pm (15 minutes from now) to have a look and let us know what we face.
Kitty Witty (that is his name) is one of my truest and best friends. I can't stand the thought of him not being here, but I also cannot stand the thought of him suffering. I am so scared because I know what we have to do. It is going to be so hard to go there and watch him be put to sleep. My heart is devistated right now and I can't stop crying. He was a good boy and he doesn't deserve this. I love him so much.