Help! My face is falling off!!

United States
January 6, 2008 11:06pm CST
Ok so I have bad psoriasis on my forehead and cheeks and it flares up from time to time. My doctor never did much except give me some kind of shampoo for my scalp (get it there too) but said I couldn't use it on my face. Okay so this weekend I went and bought some stuff for it, I think it's called Psoriasin or something like that. Well not only did this stuff look and smell like old gasoline but it super flared up the condition and made my face so sensative that I cried when I patted it with a towel after washing my face. I only used it for one day (on Thursday) and it still looks like my face is literally coming off in giant oatmeal like flakes... and I have a job interview tomorrow! I've been constantly putting lotion on it but now they're just soft flakes, lol. Any ideas that may help? Usually I'll just use an oatmeal and honey scrub to get the flakes off and then lotion right away to keep it smooth but the skin is a bright red/almost purple color now and hyper sensative so that's out of the question. Oh and I just read the "small print" on the box and it said: Warning: This product has an ingredient which has been proven to cause cancer in the state of California. WTF? Good think I don't live in California, right? I mean really, how stupid, so do they think it might not cause cancer anywhere else on earth?
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7 responses
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
7 Jan 08
Oh don't you just love those warnings that in the state of CA the ingredient in it can cause cancer..why of course it would cause cancer anywhere else why should CA be exclusive..LOL Do you have any Noxema??? That's a medicated cream and feels nice and cool to the skin. you have any rubbed sage leaves? I've done this myself. I had some kind of weird rash on my face and made my face feel like it was burning. So I relied on my good ole sage solution (like I did for my kitty pyewacket's abscess)--Boil a cup or two of water and then put in about half a cup of the sage..let steep for about ten minutes or so...then with a strainer, place a paper towel in the strainer and pour in the sage solution into a bowl to drain out. Place the solution and let chill. Once it's cold you can use a tissue and pat on your face...It really made my skin feel better and cooled it might help in your case??
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• United States
7 Jan 08
I don't have any noxema or sage :( but that is an awsome recipe and I'll get some sage for future use. Thanks! I always have some sort of weird rash since my body normally decides to become allergic to random things at any given moment... good times. So that would be awsome for those times. I'm freaking out though because I've got that job interview tomorrow evening, I don't know why I made the appointment if I knew my face was all icky looking but when he called today and said I was his last interview I choked. I can't use makeup to cover it up, I've done that before and it makes it look 10 times worse. OMG that warning... I know! How stupid is that? I was like oh ok I'm safe cuz I'm in Alabama, lol. I won't use it again, I mean really not only does the stuff make your face a million times worse but then it gives you cancer.
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@alamode (3071)
• United States
7 Jan 08
This page was pretty helpful for my Mom's significant other... or her main squeeze, as he is also called... I don't know how long any of these would take to work, but the nice thing is, they're reasonably priced!
• United States
7 Jan 08
I'll check that site out thanks! I don't know what's up with my skin lately, it's gone nuts. My face is all flaky in some parts and decided to be cool and break out wherever it wasn't flaking. Then I've got eczema from like the neck down. I'm wondering if it isn't something in my diet? I'm a mess inside and out and food is the only thing that I can think would affect both your insides and skin. Hmmm.
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• United States
7 Jan 08
Yay! I love these ideas, it's great that a lot of them are natural things. I think I bought some apple cider vineger for a recipe, I'll have to run downstairs and check.
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@alamode (3071)
• United States
7 Jan 08
B vitamins... this is the second time in my life that they're working wonders for my hair, nails, skin, immune system, metabolism, etc... don't know why I get stoopid and stop taking 'em... I was getting acne, and I've only had about a half-dozen pimples in my life! And throw some vitamin D in there, too! It couldn't hurt!
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
10 Jan 08
I know that sunshine sometimes helps with psoriasis symptoms. I would look for an ointment with A and D in it, because A makes for healthy skin cells, and D is what you get from getting a little sun. Maybe a fish oil or cod liver oil capsule, broken open and dabbed on it. Other than that, I know that they say that Preparation H takes out puffiness, and Visine gets the red out of pimples. I hope you are better by tomorrow, dear.
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
8 Jan 08
Hi gmakesmoney, I'd only be guessing here, but try massaging some Emu Oil into your scalp and on your face each night before you go to sleep. Emu Oil is a marvellous healing agent, and it's also the best transdermal agent available (better even than the best pharmaceutical transdermals). You probably don't have to race out and catch an Emu and squeeze him each night, either. You can probably get Emu Oil from any decent Health Food or Natural Food place. Store it in the fridge, and use it anywhere you'd otherwise be likely to use moisturizer. Another suggestion is to try some Comfrey Cream if you can get it. Comfrey is a powerful regenerative agent, and should help underlying layers of skin to heal and develop properly. Mix Emu Oil in with it if you want it to soak right in. Yet another suggestion - and this one is probably more well known and popular - rub some Aloe Vera into your scalp and over your face each night before you go to sleep. Use the clear gel out of the middle of the plant, not the yellow sap. The clear gel is where the Aloe Vera plant stores all it's nutrients, and this stuff has powerful nutritional and healing properties. the clear gel from the middle of the plant is also quite edible, and will do you a world of good to have some each morning. It stores well in the fridge if kept in the leaf itself, and you just take out what you want when you want. You can easily (and I mean EASILY) grow your own Aloe Vera in a large pot or two. The plant hardly ever needs to be watered - it's a desert plant, and seems to just suck whatever it needs right out of the air. It will just grow and grow and grow without any attention at all, but it likes a good deal of sunshine, and doesn't like frost. Or you could just buy some decent Aloe Vera cream from the chemist or the supermarket. Last suggestion - drink a glass of warm water with a spoonful of Cayenne Pepper stirred in each morning. There's nothing better than Cayenne Pepper for nourishing the heart and cardiovascular system, and it encourages blood flow to all the peripheries, including the scalp, brain, eyes, fingers and toes. A good healthy blood supply is essential to maintaining good, healthy skin, and there's nothing better than Cayenne Pepper for that purpose. It might sound a bit extreme to be talking about Cayenne Pepper, but it's really not so bad as one might imagine, and is actually very good for one's general health. Anyway, try those things if you get a chance. I'd expect they will probably help, and won't hurt any.
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
9 Jan 08
Well that's a stroke of good fortune! I live in Australia, and the nearest Emu to me is about 500 miles away, and I'd have to go chase them down in a kangaroo sled and squeeze them between the butt cheeks of a Bondi lifesaver if I wanted any oil out of them... You should be able to get buckets of the stuff from a local Emu farm, and best of all, it should be very inexpensive if you can get it from them wholesale. Also, if you're not vegan, the Emu drumsticks go well on the barbie.
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• United States
9 Jan 08
I would think there would be Emu all over Australlia. Then again I've never been there so I have no clue, lol. I'm going to try and go up there this weekend, I only found it once by accident so we'll see.
• United States
8 Jan 08
Thanks for all of those great tips, I'll save these. I love treating natural as much a posssible. I might just try and grow some aloe, I remember my grandmother always growing it to use for remedies along with a ton of other plants. Oh and we actually have an Emu farm about half an hour away, I'm not sure what they do with them but maybe they'll have some fresh oil? If not I could always break in and squeeze one myself, lol.
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
8 Jan 08
LOL Its not that it doesn't cause cancer in other states, it's just that California is the only state that has a law that it has to be written on the packaging. My dad uses his psoriasis shampoo on his body and face and it has helped him a lot. His shampoo is over the counter though. You might want to wait until your skin heals, but I have heard many times that the tanning bed helps too.
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• United States
8 Jan 08
If I get cancer I'm sewing the maker of the product, it clearly states only in California and I'm in Alabama, lol. That is just the oddest thing ever, lol. If California has passed that law I think the FDA should make it a standard for all states so we could have labels that were a bit less silly and a lot more helpful. I heard about the tanning bed thing too, might as well kill two birds with one stone.
• Canada
7 Jan 08
I was in pharmacy a few years ago and one of the pharmacist sweared by green tea is suppose to help with that kind of can get lotions and creams and the straight can try that....hopefully that will help...i also had a friend her mother had it all over and she use to go for swims in the ocean...the salt water would would sting but it would also help....i don't know how quickly this stuff works but i hope it will work for u.
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• United States
7 Jan 08
Thanks for all the tips.
• United States
1 Sep 08
lol...never read the small print, but it's also a good thing I'm not in CA!! I just tried Psoriasin on my hands. I have had psoriasis to some degree since I was 13, but never before on my palms. Right now my hands hurt so dang bad! That stuff made me nausious from the smell, and like you said, made it look like oatmeal. And it itches. Usually, I have no itchy feeling on my elbows or legs, where I usually break out. I have been on vacation from work and go back tomorrow, and I work in a bank. I have been trying everything I can think of to get this cleared up. It seem that stress is a big contributor, and like a catch-22, the more I break out, the more stressed I get! I have been putting cortisone cream and triple antibiotic on the last few days, and it seems to be working better than the rest. I will have to try the vinegar! Good luck!