dehydration related to illness of the gastrointestinal tract

January 7, 2008 10:01am CST
dehydration occurs when the body loses an excessive amount of fluid. imbalances of electrolytes needed for daily homeostasis and function are the result of dehydration and excessive fluid loss. dehydration of cells is possible and often occurs although the patient presents with edema. keep in mind intracellular fluids are inside the cell and extracellular fluids are outside the cell. the proper amount of the nutrient water promotes functionality of cells. dehydration is a potential any time the body is experiencing vomiting and diarrhea. terms associated with dehydration include, anhydration or the absence of water and desiccation. absolute hydration is a deficit of water in relation to solutes. voluntary dehydration occurs when an individual does not have a thirst.
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