More work less pay

@Uroborus (908)
January 7, 2008 8:21pm CST
For a while now I've been researching ways to makes money on the internet. It seems that most of the methods require the input of a tremendous amount of time for very little return. I think what draws people to it is the push-button aspect of it. Getting money, any amount of money, for just pressing buttons on a keyboard or mouse. Take some of the Pay-to-click sites. They pay you so little that the best ones would give you 20 or 30 cents an hour. That is far below the minimum wage. Are internet money making schemes the beginning of a trend that would have people get comfortable with making less pay for more work?
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6 responses
• United States
8 Jan 08
i don't think people are going to get accustomed to receiving little pay, no. the only way to really make a significant amount of money with any online money making sites is with referrals.
@Uroborus (908)
• Canada
8 Jan 08
Yes, but that isn't sustainable. See my comment above.
• United States
8 Jan 08
of course they are not paying you more than you expect. be thankful you're getting paid anyways - remember you didn't sign an application, put a resume or interview - it's suppose to be an optional activity and fun.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
8 Jan 08
even with writing now adays. when i first started writing i was getting about $10- for 500 words, now because of a glut of writers (i guess) most places only offer you about $3!
• United States
8 Jan 08
The truth is it ISN'T push-button simple. The human race may not like the idea that someone sitting behind their computer at home is working, but one day they'll have to grow up, diaper themselves, and accept the fact that it does constitute work to be sitting at your machine tapping away endlessly in order to make money. What would hopefully follow would be that we would have to be getting paid at least minimum wage for our toils in what now remains nothing more than a money-making scheme or con job, but since the government and media like to THINK they can throw their weight around on the information superhighway, then the news networks and municipalities can foot the bill for us.
• China
8 Jan 08
haha,earn money on internet is really a extral job.At the beginning, the cash is a little.but please do not lose heart your heart. good luck.
@adforme (2114)
8 Jan 08
Hi Uroborus, I think people are not realizing that the amount of money you actually "make" from some sites is quite minimial. Even if a site gives you just a penny for your earnings from your participation in it, you cannot say you did not earn, and if you have to reach a certain "payout amount" then you have to reach that goal to receive it, and even then there is no guarantee that you will receive your funds. How much "work" a person does and how they perceive the earnings they get from it is defined by the individual. Be careful and Take Care.