Which is better - Finding A Surrogate or Adopting Someone Else's Child?
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
United States
January 8, 2008 11:36am CST
If you've been a regular visitor to my discussions you will know that I already have 4 children and you are probably wondering why on earth I would want to have more. Here's why. The man I am about to marry does not have any children of his own and even though he is going to adopt 3 of mine he still wants to have the experience of sleepless nights, 3 AM feedings, getting puke on his suit, and the joy of hearing his baby call him Da Da for the first time.
I cannot physically have any more children of my own. I was advised by my doctor when I was pregnant with my last not to even have her. So after she was born it was either have a tubal ligation or risk miscarriage or still birth of any other children I would try to carry.
So the only options him and I have available to us are finding a surrogate or adopting someone else's child?
If you were in this situation which would you do?
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13 responses
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
8 Jan 08
There are pro's and con's to both my dear. My bluntly honest opinion is a surrogate, it's an "own flesh and blood thing". I know that there are plenty of babies to be adopted but they wouldn't be even his blood- most guys want their own flesh and blood. It really seems to be the way it is. The real question is are you ready to be a mom again when that child has not come out of you, will you be able to love it despite that. You know you are going to be that one up in the AM with his support of course but guys no matter how great they are, don't have maternal instinct like we do. Your an awesome person and a fab mom so I don't think that the baby will affect you because mom instinct will take over. But just really think hard and make sure that you are doing it because you both want to and not just because he does. Much love- Good luck with whatever you decide.

@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jan 08
This is the response I knew I would get for you as long as your sure. As Loungy said case closed! Good luck hun!
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
8 Jan 08
I have already been told I am crazy for even considering getting a child this way because there is "no way I could ever love a baby I didn't carry". My ex psycho said that. So it is already something I have thought long and hard about.
It nearly put me in a mental ward to have my tubal ligation. I woke myself out of anesthesia crying. The doctor told me I cried through almost the whole surgery. I cried every time I looked at my baby for darn near 3 months knowing I could never have another one. I had PPD and PTSD at the same time. Boy was I a mess. But I just felt I would have an easier time with that depression then I would if I ever lost a baby.
After my honey and I started talking about this, and still feeling the weight of what my ex psycho said about me not being able to love the child, I wanted to add the option of getting my tubal ligation reversed just so I wouldn't find out too late that he was right. That caused a big fight. Me being as stubborn as I am would choose to save the baby and possibly kill myself if there were complications and my honey would just not let me put myself in a position to make my other 4 children motherless.
A man I have never met that I only talk to online who lives a good 1200 miles away from me put it in perspective for me one day so easily I felt like an idiot for ever having doubts in the first place. He ran down the long list of children related things I do. CASA advocate, March of Dimes organizer, volunteer for a local childrens center etc. etc. etc. He said that I spend as much time worrying about hundreds of other peoples kids as I do my own. I give of myself freely to hundreds of other peoples kids. I cry because of other peoples kids. I laugh because of other peoples kids. I love other peoples kids. etc etc etc
Why in the heck would I ever allow myself to think I wouldn't be able to love, nurture, care for, a child that I didn't give birth to. So simple a question. I didn't have an answer that didn't start with "But so and so said..."
To make a long story short. I would be a mother again to anyone's child biologically mine or not 100 times over if I could. This is definitely something I want to do again my honey has just given me the ability to.
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@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
8 Jan 08
As another poster responded, it really depends on how badly he wants a biological child, or whether he just wants the baby experience! If it were me, and biology wasn't an issue, I would first look for a baby who was already on the way, or already delivered, that needed some loving parents.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
8 Jan 08
He says biology doesn't really matter but I do know that he wants to be there when the baby is born. That is the hard part. You get that with surrogacy, not always with adoptions unless it is a private adoption and good luck finding someone who isn't out for tens of thousands of dollars for their baby in a private adoption. I think I am going to use this discussion depending on how many responses it gets to decide which method we are going to try first. Thanks for your comment.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
9 Jan 08
Well, if he really wants one of his own (truly truly own), then I think finding a surrogate is a better option. But if all he wants is to go through the experience first hand and it doesn't really matter that the baby is not his own 'flesh and blood' , so to speak, then adoption I guess would be an easier option.
We are considering adopting a girl in a few years from now. We have two boys and I'd like a girl and don't want to go through a pregnancy again. I've always wanted to have a child of my own and adopt one...but my husband didn't think an adoption would go down very well with his family. But now he has changed his mind and doesn't care about what his family thinks and he also feels that a child is child and it doesn't really matter if it's his own.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
10 Jan 08
lol..I wouldn't be too quick to say I've got a good man.
Obviously, your partner wouldn't mind either ways. If he can adopt your kids as his own, I guess all he's looking for is to have the hands-on experience of being there when the baby is born and see it grow....the best option would be adoption but you'll still need to find someone who is pregnant and willing to give up the baby soon after delivery...and that might be practically difficult...with all the paper work and all that?
You guys are the best people to judge what is best for you. You know the pros and cons both ways and know yourselves better than any of us and should be able to make an informed choice based on your situation and how long it will take.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
10 Jan 08
Every time we think we know someone else says something or we come across a new piece of information that tips the scales in another favor. Since we want a newborn baby it will take longer to adopt unless we find our own mother who doesn't want her baby and do a private adoption. Which could turn more costly then going through an agency. Surrogacy starts out being more expensive and if it doesn't work the first time the cost just keeps going up and up and up and if we stop trying we would have wasted all the time and money we invested.
My new brightest idea, that he doesn't know about yet :) is to get put on the adoption list the same time we begin the surrogacy process. If we don't have a baby in 3 years we quit them both. If we end up with 2 babies then that is just double the fun. :) Now it's just going to be convincing him to have a family of 8 is the next step.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
9 Jan 08
You've got yourself a real good man. My soon to be sister in law has already made the comment to me "You already got four, why would you ever want to go through all that hassle again?" But I accept that she was a "one and done" mom so I don't hold it against her. I already got two boys and two girls so the only requirement on my side of the table is that it be a baby. He said he would like it to be his own flesh and blood but if it isn't he won't love it any less. I believe him. He is adopting 3 of mine after we get married and you would never know they weren't his biological children.
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
8 Jan 08
Ok, well I don't know much about tubal ligation...do you still have eggs? If you do then I would say try for a surrogate first. I think it would be special to have a baby that comes from both of you. Then, if a surrogate isn't possible or couldn't be found, I would consider adoption. I might even lean more towards adoption because there are just so many babies being born that need adopted.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
8 Jan 08
Thanks for the comment Ravin. Yes, I still have eggs and if we did the surrogate route the baby would be biologically ours. We wouldn't inseminate a surrogate with just his DNA. I think it's being a new born baby that is more important to him than it being of our DNA though. He says he doesn't care either way though and really neither do I. I probably care less than he does about specifics. The waiting list for newborn adoptions is so very long and who knows how many attempts it would take for a surrogate's body not to reject our embryo. Both sides have their pros and cons. Thank you for your comment though it will ultimately help us make a decision on which one to do first.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
9 Jan 08
Hmm, that is interesting. Do you mind telling me why you are opposed to surrogacy?
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
9 Jan 08
Thank you dayzz. You have a great day too!
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@talisman (1300)
• United States
9 Jan 08
Do you even want to have another child? You've mentioned how much he wants to have a baby and experience that stage of parenting, but you haven't mentioned if this is even something that you're wanting. You should never bring a child into this world (or into a new family) that isn't wanted by both parents.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
9 Jan 08
I've wanted another baby since my daughter in my avatar was 3 months old. I love children and would have a dozen of them if I could afford it. This is something we both want but for different reasons.
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@vivasuzi (4127)
• United States
9 Jan 08
Why don't you tell him you can cause him the sleepless nights, he can feed you at 3 AM :) Just kidding.
I would rather do the adopt a child b/c I feel like those kids are already born and looking for a family. While a surrogate is nice, the surrogate is only having the kid b/c you want one and wouldn't be having one otherwise. The kids that are up for adopting were had on accident or by people who couldn't keep them, so I think it would be nice to be able to give them a family.
Either way, Good luck!!
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
9 Jan 08
Thanks Viva. You made me laugh. I told him I could always pretend to have 2 AM cravings for watermelon in the middle of a blizzard in February if he wants the "full" experience. I just want another baby. It doesn't have to be biologically related to either one of us as far as I'm concerned. I am taking what my honey wants as the deciding factor on this one but I must say you and so many others make a strong argument for adoption.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
9 Jan 08
Wow i think i would need more time to think about this then the 5 mins i spent pondering before i started to type.. however, upon QUICK analysis! lol. I would think that it would be better at least if i was you to have a surrogate mother to bear my child. I mean, i know that people say when you adopt it's the same feeling as holding your own child as if you birthed it.. but As i have never done that before, I find it hard to believe that you could love another persons child teh same way as a child that has your blood running through it. Now maybe my opinion would change if i knew someone that has adopted, or if i had adopted myself. but Untill i experience something i dont know the facts! So i would try to find someone to carry the baby for me and that way your hubby will have a bloodline to one of your children too. And i think that is something special you would be able to share. I however dont know what you will do with 5 children *smile* i have one and one on the way and i am scared of being outnumbered! *giggles*
Good luck with whatever you decide, and i hope it all works out for you :)
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@bagumbayan (2705)
• Philippines
25 Feb 08
Adopting a baby is the best for now. There are lots of children for adoption, talk to your nearest social worker area and you can get one. Of course when you adopt, you will not be able to see the mother, and to me it is the best. In surrogating, the possibility of seeing the real mother is possible, so the worry that she will one day get the child. For me it is better to adopt but not seeing the real parents of the child.
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@nothingbetter2do (235)
• Australia
9 Jan 08
This is not an easy decision! I think I would prefer to have a surrogate because the child would be my own flesh and blood.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
9 Jan 08
That is always something to consider. But would if these were the only options you had of having a child would you love a child any less because you adopted it? Kind of doesn't make sense to me. You would want a surrogate so the child would be your flesh and blood but to make the decision to adopt would make someone think that you loved the child enough to raise it.
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@ramoore (72)
• United States
8 Jan 08
i've never been first hand with either adoption or surrogatesy. i vote for surrogate and this is why:
if you and your husband want to be there from the begining you will have the excitement of "are we pergnant yet". i've read your comments and i understand you are not most likely "get pergnant" the first time. my sister was a surrogate and it only took 2 tries. she said the parents of the baby where there for every appointment and were there to cut the cord when the baby was born. i remember (in another comment) you said you still have your eggs so they will be able to take an egg from you and sperm from your husband and implant it into a women who is willing.
thank you for reading
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
8 Jan 08
Thank you for commenting. Even second hand knowledge from someone who went through it is helpful.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Mar 08
I am not too sure I thought about the surrogate route but know sometimes women do not want to give up that child so think I would go with adoption.