My son got the cutest gift from my sister

@lilybug (21107)
United States
January 8, 2008 12:08pm CST
My sister got my son the cutest gift for Christmas that I forgot to share. She also go the same thing for my niece. They both got measuring spoons, measuring cups, a colander, a mixing spoon, a bowl scraper, 2 mini muffin tins, a kitchen timer, and a few other little kitchen things. It was so cute. Now he is all about wanting to bake things. Do you have a kid that likes to help in the kitchen?
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3 responses
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
16 Jan 08
That's adorable. I think most kids love to help in the kitchen if they're given the chance. I love that boys are now being encouraged to do things like that rather than being told they should play "only" with "boy" things. Annie
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Mar 08
Thank you for the BR. I meant to add that my grandson still loves to cook now and then and he just turned 13. His dad and his pop (my hubby) both can find their way around the kitchen too, so he's gotten it from them I guess. Annie
@tanaclark (570)
• United States
8 Jan 08
Yes I do. My 3 year old daughter loves to be in the kitchen . She loves to stir everything( even if it dont require it) . She loves making salads, baking cakes, and her all time favorite scrambling eggs. I allow her to do this I just make sure I am always right over her shoulder. Who knows maybe she will grow up to be a chef.
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
8 Jan 08
What a great gift idea. Both of my older grand kids love to help in the kitchen. my grandsons birthday is in March. You just gave a great idea. I'll include a few mixes for cookies and such and a few easy recipes. Thanks so much for sharing this.
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