Have you been Stalked before or Stalked people before?

@poohgal (6845)
January 9, 2008 11:58am CST
I have a friend who has been Stalked before. He is not too bad looking and he was stalked by 2 girls a few years ago. It was quite a traumatizing experience for him. He had to take a different route to school then just to avoid the girls. And Yes.. You did not read wrongly. The Stalkers are girls not guys. Usually when we think Stalkers, we think guys. LOL Anyway, have you been Stalked before? How did you manage to shake off the Stalker? Or have you Stalked people before? (Let's see who is really honest here. Usually people do not dare to admit to this) Why?
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7 responses
@mjasmin (178)
• Micronesia
10 Jan 08
Yeah I've stalked (shame on me!) a few people online but they never know that I'm doing it :D
@mjasmin (178)
• Micronesia
11 Jan 08
Well usually it does not last too long as the interest in the person fades. I'm kind of like a spy, that's why the people that I stalk don't realize that I'm doing it.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
12 Jan 08
LOL Like having Crushes? =P
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
10 Jan 08
Wow.. you are a good stalker. You stalk without people realizing it. But perhaps you should try not to stalk anymore. Anyway, you are the third to admit =D
• United States
10 Jan 08
I was in high school when I stalked my first and only person. He was a football player I had a crush on. It wasn't scary stalking. I already knew his class schedule because we had the same classe, but I will admit that I memorized his car license plate number...until my friend pointed out to me that it was a teacher's car and not his (he and a teacher had the same exact car...even down to the color). His best friend happened to live in the apartment building next to me so I got to see him pretty regularly and sometimes I'd show up at a few places they were at...but for the most part, I kept it to knowing what he was up to at school.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
10 Jan 08
Did he ever find out you have a crush on him? Yours is not too bad. At least you did not invade his privacy. Anyway, you are the second person to admit. =P
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
12 Jan 08
Yea. A lot of silly but yet funny things happened when we were schooling =P
@anonymili (3138)
10 Jan 08
I have never stalked anyone, nor have I been stalked (thank goodness)! I do know a girl who was stalking her ex to find out what he was up to and she kept telling me that she followed him here, there and everywhere. I gave her a good telling off and because she was a good sensible girl deep down it worked. I reminded her that she had a good job and a family who loved her and friends that cared. How would she be able to face them if he got a restraining order or worse still she crossed the line and did something that would get her arrested and put in prison. Was a guy who dumped her worth putting herself in that position? This seemed to sink in as well as the fact that I reminded her about a guy we went to college with who used to follow her around like a puppy and she hated it and started to get really scared and had to report him to the college before it stopped. She actually now felt sorry for the guy because he was following her because he liked her but realised that the person being followed can never second guess what you can do and don't know if you're going to turn psycho or violent... For those of you have stalked people and won't admit it - think about how crazy you seem to the person you stalk and how crazy you seem to others. Are you crazy? Is that how you want to be thought of? Do you think you're capable of crossing the line and doing something that can end in violence by you or against you? Just some thoughts to ponder to hopefully put you against doing such a stupid thing :)
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
10 Jan 08
You have described it very aptly. Stalkers are usually obsessive human beings. I hope none of us will do those silly things too.
• Singapore
12 Jan 08
Sure I have been stalked before. I am so handsome and dashing and all so I am not surprised at all (lol). Ok, it happened in primary school. This guy kept clinging to me. I can't remember whether I chased him off or... really I can't even remember what happened. But the end result was that he no longer clung to me and I felt sort of "empty". You know that feeling? As for that idiot guy friend of yours, why can't he just be good friends with the 2 girls? It is nice to have company. I was young and stupid. He how old already? Zzz...
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• Singapore
12 Jan 08
You are right. Guys are pathetic superficial creatures.
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
12 Jan 08
LOL Haha.. I'm sure you chased away your pri sch fren. So mean... As for my friend, it happened many years ago when he was in secondary school. He's from a boy's school and the 2 gals were from a girls' school (thank God not mine). He did not like the 2 gals.. that's why. Guys are superficial creatures.. By the way, he's my age.
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• United States
12 Jan 08
I had a stalker in the 9th grade. This crazy guy with a long trench coat and glasses would follow me around school and tell me how much he loved me. He would also walk to my bus stop in the mornings which would take him like an hour to walk it, just so that he could catch the bus with me. Lol. He was 16 or 17 and I was 14. He actually locked me in a bathroom at school and would not let me out of there until I agreed to date him. He is now my husband. I thank him so much for doing that to me because we are so in love and have 2 beautiful little girls. =), so in my case it worked out very well. Sounds crazy though.
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
12 Jan 08
Wow.. that's so sweet =D
• United States
10 Jan 08
I been stalked before and it was the worst thing you can have is that feeling that there is no place you can hide...I hate them for it that was when I was a kid and bullies use to pick on me because one of the girls bf liked me and that started the stalking thingy and abuse...even though I don't like her bf...
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@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
10 Jan 08
Jealousy makes people do horrible things. I really wonder what we can do to improve that.
• United States
12 Jan 08
Yeah but it's human nature we can learn and change it but we have to be willing for the change to take affect...God gave human beings free will...
@eyewitness (1575)
• Netherlands
9 Jan 08
I have been stalked and it was my own colleague.It started with calling every day and when i didn't pick up the phone he would threaten me or pretend he was someone else he did this for a couple of years but it's finally over.But since this experience i hate the telephone and i will always hate it i was afraid to pick up the phone for a while so when someone calls me and it's anonymous i don't pick up the phone and when i recognise the number i will pick up the phone.I don't think this ever will pass by,but i can manage thanks to my job i learned to pick up the phone.
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
10 Jan 08
I can totally relate to how you feel. I hate to pick up anonymous calls too.