Can't wait to wear it!

United States
January 9, 2008 3:26pm CST
Are you like me, when you go shopping and get new clothes, shoes or jewelry, you can't wait for the opportunity to wear it? I bought a sweater last week that I just love and I couldn't wait to wear it. I am like that with all new stuff I get. Are you impatient like me? Or do you wait a while to try out your new purchases?
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5 responses
@Madona1 (2096)
• Gibraltar
13 Jan 08
It depends. If there is something can match the new staff I just bought, I will be the same as you – couldn’t wait to find the chance to put it on. However, if there is no other outfit can match the new staff, I rather not to wear it and wait till I find the matches. I am quite fussy with my outlook. LOL
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• United States
10 Jan 08
Yeah I get really bad sometimes...I remember there was one time I went shopping with my sister and she got me this cute sweater that I wanted to get so right when I got into the car I changed out of my own clothes and put the new ones on even down to the pants heheh....
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@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
24 Jan 08
I want to try it on as soon as I get home. I know that the lighting in the store is different - well used to be before flurescent lights - than what is in my home so if I am going to take it back, it might as well be the same day then waiting for a week or so. I learned my lessson when I bought a pair of shoes that fit okay in the store, but were not that comfortable after wearing them on a cruise.
• Hong Kong
23 Jan 08
I would be impatient too! I can't wait to try out the new things, especially for clothes and ear-rings. I am like, "I have to wear that the very next day"! My friend said I am really excited to try out my new outfit *laughs*.
@aaidjs (1149)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
9 Jan 08
Hello,i ma just like you are!!I like shoes,and now ,in this time off the year i like to go shopping!!Goes why?See you and Regards Silvana
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