Has Anyone Ever Danced In The Rain

United States
January 9, 2008 7:14pm CST
About five years ago I was really stressed out. It was the fouth of July and it just statred to Pour. I was having a really bad day so I ran outside and statred dancing in the rain. My kids looked at me funny and then asked if they could join me. Of course I said come on and play with me. We all felt much better when we were done fooling around. Then we proceeded to go to the FIREWORKS. Has anyone danced in the rain? What is your story?
7 responses
@maniaxx (34)
• Pakistan
17 Jan 08
once i danced in the rain and its really a wonderful experience, i can still feel rain all over me...
• Pakistan
18 Jan 08
you are absolutely right, we can still feel any good act of kindness and all things around us. By the way, it is raining in my city and I am feeling rain all over me.
• United States
17 Jan 08
That's an awesome feeling. when you can think back to when you did something and you can still feel it.
• China
10 Jan 08
Your discussion really reminded me some happy memories. And I know exactly how you felt when you were dancing in the rain. My primary school had a very bad drainage system. Every rainy season, the school turned into a pond and all students got a few days off school! Image how happy we were when it was raining! My classmates and I would walk in the water, splashed around and even danced dramatically. On another occasion, my bosom friend was oppressed. And I accompanied her running crazily in the heavy rain. Although we both got a cold afterwards, but we were happy we did it.
• United States
10 Jan 08
That's kinda like havimg a snow day. Those were the days. Snow days and bad drainage days. It's amazind how such a small thing can make our lives a little better. Then years down the road yo look back on it and it brings a smile to your face.
• China
10 Jan 08
snow days was even greater than rainy days! because in my hometown, it rarely snows, only once in about ten years. i frist saw snow when i was eleven. i stayed out all day, just can't play enough.now i'm afraid it snows even less because of global warming. what a pity
@buddhan (28)
• India
14 Jan 08
we used to dance in rain when we were kids. The best thing to do when its raining is to play football... I really love that...
• United States
15 Jan 08
Yes playing football in the rain sounds like fun. Especially on the grass.
• New Zealand
15 Jan 08
I am not good dancer but whenever we get first rain i run outside and get wet ...and enjoy a lot ..my heart dances but my dancing capabilty hold my body not to dance ..cheers
• United States
15 Jan 08
It's all in what you make of it. As long as you feel good and are having fun. That's what it's all about.
• United States
18 Jan 08
if twirling around in circles counts as dancing in the rain, count me in! i grew up in seattle and as you may know, that is the city of rain. now that i'm in north carolina, where it doesn't rain much to a point of drout, i really do miss it. when it rains here though, i start feeling like i'm back home. i remember once, it was one of those POURING rains. you know, the kind where you'd just jump in and jump right out to be soaked wet. to top it all off, it was a warm weather so i took this grand chance to just run out. my neighbors must've thought i was crazy but i even decided to take out the garbage as an "excuse". i ran out there in my khakis and a t-shirt and almost fell face forward because of a deep puddle. ;) I had my sandals on but luckily i didn't! i ran back home drenched wet and just stood there laughing with my husband. :) he's from seattle too so we both really love it when it rains here. it reminds us of home. :)
• United States
18 Jan 08
Sounds like you realy enjoy the rain. i am moving to Washington in a few weeks so I will get lots of rain to dance in. I hope you get to dance in the rain many more times. Have Fun
@urtison (75)
• India
15 Jan 08
i have danced in rain many times , me & my friends always hangout. so when it rain we guys dance in rain ... i also love rain walking....
• United States
15 Jan 08
Sounds like you really enjoy it. It really is fun. Makes you feel alive. I have to say I have never taken a walk in the rain. At least not without an umbrella.
• United States
10 Jan 08
I have danced in the rain once. I heard it raining outside so I went out to check it out. It was one of those nice warm rain's and it was at night so I ran out side and spun around in it. for really no reason but I had fun.
• United States
10 Jan 08
Sounds like you really enjoyed yourself. It's those little things in life that make us our happiest.