Evolution and Creation. What is your belief?
By emrald1
@emrald1 (48)
January 10, 2008 7:15am CST
Creation and Evolution are two major beliefs that people follow as a guideline. The two philosophies have different effects on our lives and the make up who we are what we do. Whatever you believe in, each theory will determine your makeup, how you think in life, how you live your life and if there is an after life. I believe it is easy to say that the God of the creation theory actually used evolution in creating us. What is your say in this?
8 responses
@oscarbartoni (2581)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Since many humans have interpreted the bible in his/her own ideas then there are many different ways to interpret the bible (that is why there are so many different religions) As far as how long it took to create Earth, how long is God's day, is it 24 hours (there was not the earth rotating around in 24 hours before it was "created") or is it 24 or more billions years or even variable in the number of our days for his day?
It is said that He created us in his image by moulding clay into his image. Why could not this clay being molded into his image be the evolution in progress? I believe in both evolution and creation as they can be thought to be one if you open you mind to the possibility.

@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
29 Jan 08
Absolutely agreed with your point here.
I believe Genesis text is not one that should be literally interpreted. It is a semite-poetic text as modern biblical scholarship has shown. It is weird to interpret a literal speaking snake, a tree that bears fruit of the kind that gives knowledge of good and evil or tree that bears fruit which will give eternal life to humankind.
I think framework view best describes the Genesis text.
@oscarbartoni (2581)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Story abut the double post, I tried to edit my firs post but it wast sent and posted and also I edited it without knowing that it got posted for the first one.

@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
13 Jan 08
Evolution is NOT a belief. Creationists pretend that it is in order to make it sound like creationism is just as valid, but don't buy it. Evolution is established science, and in fact, it's one of the most well-understood and well-evidenced pieces of science in all of human history, on par with our understanding of gravity.
If I drop an apple, gravity will make it fall no matter what I believe. Evolution is the same way. It is NOT comparable to creationism, which is a religious concept, and not scientific in the least.
Evolution is not a philosophy or ethics system either. All evolution is is the change in allele frequency in a population (of living things, obviously). That's it--it doesn't dictate what should be or what ought to be, which is what a morality or ethics system would do.
"each theory will determine your makeup, how you think in life, how you live your life and if there is an after life."
The Theory of Evolution has zero effect on how someone thinks or how they live life. Also, the Theory of Evolution, like all science, makes NO comment on the supernatural at ALL. NOTHING in science is atheistic, nor requires there to be no 'supreme being' in order to work. Many people accept evolution fully, and simply believe that evolution, like all natural laws and theories, came from whatever god or gods they worship.
"I believe it is easy to say that the God of the creation theory actually used evolution in creating us."
Sure, it's easy to say. Whether it can be backed up is a different story, but at least someone who believes this will not be the kind of person lying about evolution in a desperate attempt to make it sound less robust and strong (meaning having lots of evidence backing it up) than it actually is.
HOWEVER, there is one more misconception I want to clear up here. The Theory of Evolution is NOT about the origin of life (so the idea of 'using evolution to create' doesn't make sense)--abiogenesis is the science that covers that. Evolution only starts being applicable AFTER life starts. It doesn't really 'know' or 'care' HOW life started on Earth; it works regardless.
"What is your say in this?"
Evolution is a fact--there is no dispute about this in any major scientific community in the world. All of the "controversy" on this subject has been completely made up by creationists who wish to falsely portray evolution as weak, refuted, or even a religion (!).
The science speaks for itself--anytime some dishonest creationist tells me that evolution isn't real or is a 'lie,' I calmly remind them that the vaccine for polio didn't appear out of thin air. It was invented as a direct result of our understanding of how life evolves, and as a result, no one has to fear getting polio anymore. Then I ask the person how many cures for diseases or vaccines against them were developed as a result of creationism. You can't argue with results. :)
Accepting evolution (again, it's not something to be "believed," but to be accepted, based on its merits (namely, the mountains of evidence :P)) does not automatically conflict with theistic belief--it DOES contradict a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis, but frankly, so does common sense, in my opinion.

@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
14 Jan 08
There are countless possibilities as far as how 'everything' started, but realize that even THAT may be a nonsense question! It's absolutely possible that the universe has ALWAYS existed in some form (the Big Bang does not contradict this--it only talks about the start of the universe AS WE KNOW IT--the universe didn't 'not exist' before the Big Bang, it's just that the entire universe was condensed into a singularity. Contrary to creationist belief, the Big Bang has nothing to do with "something came from nothing"), and if that's the case, then asking about its 'origin' is meaningless. Even assuming that there was a true origin to 'everything' is premature!
However, what can't be escaped is the infinite regression problem that creationism creates. In other words, who/what created the creator? If a creationist says "God always existed," then that shows a special pleading fallacy (in other words, not applying 'the rules' uniformly), because we could just as easily posit the suggestion that the universe ITSELF always existed, and Occam's Razor (the philosophy that the least complicated solution is most often the correct one) would dictate that THAT would be more likely true, because it adds fewer variables (the universe is a variable either way, but the creationist argument adds a HUGE variable: God).
That's why I can say with confidence that the most-likely-to-be-correct answer to "Did God, the Christian deity (using the definition of God Christians themselves use) create everything?" question, is "probably not."
@oscarbartoni (2581)
• United States
28 Jan 08
Since many humans have interpreted the bible in his/her own ideas then there are many different ways to interpret the bible (that is why there are so many different religions) As far as how long it took to create Earth, How long i God's day, is it 24 hours (there was not the earth rotating around in 24 hours before it was "created") or is it 24 or more billions years or even variable in the number of our days for his day?
It is said that He created us in his image by moulding clay into his image. Why could not this clay being molded into his image be the evolution in progress? I believe in both evolution and creation as they can be thought to be one if you open you mind to the possibility.
@edgedbgold (48)
• United States
10 Jan 08
This is a very hot topic, and one could reconcile it by saying God does not follow a linear time frame and the seven days were 4 billion years, but the bible is specific that the seven days were 24 hour days. i am in school to be a pastor and one of my professors a man trained in the secular world with a doctorate in psychology and very into scientific method is a creationist and his theory is an analogy to Adam and Eve being created as adults so he feels god created an "old earth". I am still pondering the subject as I beleive in God and in the divine design he gave our scientific community.
@emrald1 (48)
• India
14 Jan 08
Thanks a lot for writing back, i think what you are saying is i also believe in. Am a roman catholic and have full faith in the Holy Bible too. But nevertheless if you think on how did it actually came into existence, there are certain question which are still unanswered. You really need to be very critical to understand both the evolution and creation of earth.
@edgedbgold (48)
• United States
14 Jan 08
Thanks for sharing your opinion once again. Critical analysis ids key to all facets of science and bible study. If we are not "hip" to the hermeneutics of the bible today we will have trouble relating to the Word. Very good response and it enduced more creative thinkin on my behalf :)
@babyfirefighter (568)
• United States
6 Aug 08
I believe in Creation not in eveloution. Think about this real quick. Say evelution was actually factual and it really did happen ok. Evelution states that man came from monkeys right? Well, if monkeys evolved into man then why are there monkeys still around? Monkeys would be none existant because they all turned into humans. But, like I said I believe in God I believe in the word of God and I believe in creationism.
@muneyuki04 (343)
• Philippines
31 Jul 08
i believe in creation theory,,,
cause the GOD only created man...
but those who believes in evolution theory,,,
is not true,,,
that is only a opinionn and a scientific basis...
but not provenn,,,,
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
25 Jan 08
It depends on how to we take Genesis texts. And I would say that Genesis texts specially chapter 1 and 2 are semite poetic texts.And therefore the texts must be interpreted as the texts demand it. And if we do honest hermeneutics I would say that God is the creator, but he never said whether evolution is true or not. and for for we go to science and science says that evolution is true. so i would say that God used evolution to bring about human being.
@browneyez2387 (47)
• United States
27 Jan 08
I believe in a mix of the two. I believe God created us. I believe he created some animals. I also believe that the animals he created have evolved over time into the ones we see today. I'm not asking anyone to confirm or support my belief. It's just what I choose to believe.