How Do You Stop Yourself From Doing Something Stupid?
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
United States
January 10, 2008 12:42pm CST
Silly question right? If you already know it's stupid why would you do it in the first place, yeah I know.
You live you learn, hind sight is always 20/20 yeah yeah I know I know. But seriously.....
I have a decision I need to make about something that has been troubling me since November. Every time I think I have made my mind up something else happens to change it. I know I am probably over reacting to the situation that put me in the position to make this decision in the first place. But that is what I do.
I've discussed numerous options, and what ifs, with my friends and they are tell me I am making a mistake.
I really can't be any more descriptive then this but have you ever done something that you knew probably wasn't a good idea in the first place and did you try to stop yourself from doing it?
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8 responses
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
11 Jan 08
Ok ok so vague, But if I knew or felt I was making a stupid decision I would have to sit down and pro and con it. If the pro's for the decision are longer than the cons then your pretty safe doing it but since we have no clue what it is your going to have to pretty much rely on friends talk to those that you are closest with and who know you. Good luck love and remember the bus is coming you need to get your but on it.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
11 Jan 08
Can I use the bus to run away from home. I'll have to bring my avatar with me. She can play with the dogs.
I have to be vague because being descriptive will just cause people to ask more questions and the more questions I have to answer the further away from my issue I will ultimately end up.
I have pro'd and con'd it. The list evens out. Back to square 1 I go.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jan 08
Cyn- Hi hun, missed you so I'm catching up with some lounge discussions. Are we seriously the same person- sheesh.
Ok- head v/s heart- I'm in a situation right now where I have these 2 fighting- well kind of. I'm not going to go into everything- pm me if you want to hear the story and I'll mail it to you. We have all done stupid stuff- don't care who you are- Captain Fantastic excluded-:) I think that life is too short as cliche as this is- it's true. There are people you meet and things that happen for a reason and a lot of the time we aren't sure of the reason. My friends are saying the same thing for me and my heart is saying that I'm not making a mistake. I trust the way my heart is going- my mind would say no but my heart is saying go for it. So I'm going with my heart instead on missing out on something that may turn out to be so beautiful or not- I guess that's the risk I'm taking and life is full of these. But if you don't take the risk, your going to wonder if you did do the right thing and follow the right part of you. I say go with your heart and see where it takes you as long as you and the kids are safe...
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
15 Jan 08
Not a another follow your heart person. *sigh* There really is something to be said for over thinking a situation. Honest there is. we will talk more in pm.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
15 Jan 08
If it were only that easy. LoL Thanks for the comment.
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@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
15 Jan 08
Not at all. I don't do anything to impress others. Other peoples opinions and perceptions of me mean very little to me. If you are not someone who has direct influence on my life then you don't make the list of important people. But thanks for the comment anyway.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
11 Jan 08
I only feel the way that you describe if I am wanting to have or do something really bad. If it is REALLY a bad idea I almost always stop myself. Almost. Nobody is perfect.
My husband on the other hand...acts...then decides AFTER the fact that it was a stupid idea! He has a hard time even realizing what he is doing is stupid in the first place, which is why I want to choke him so often! :)
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
15 Jan 08
LOL. All men are like that to some extent. Thanks for the comment.
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@jtownesquire (104)
• United States
17 Jan 08
If your level of descriptiveness was the same when you discussed the "numerous options, and what ifs" with your friends, there is no wonder you still don't have an answer.
You could be pondering a life-altering decision or whether or not to dye your hair!!!
Alas, I will not offer any advice. If you wanted any from me, you would have asked. Which may be another issue in and of itself.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
17 Jan 08
I will not ask you advice on something I already feel to be a stupid decision. I know the way you feel about stupidity. Your advice would have been "if you know it's stupid then just don't do it". I love you.
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@jtownesquire (104)
• United States
17 Jan 08
I love you too. But if you are putting this much thought (or whatever) into it, then apparently you don't think it is all that stupid. At least not the situation. Now, maybe one of the choices is stupid...but for some reason you are considering it. Maybe that is the real question to answer. If you think it is a stupid choice/decision, then why are you even considering it?
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
11 Jan 08
There is a simple way for me to stop myself from doing or making a silly choice.
first of all i do not make my mind immediately, i stop and take my time before making my decision.
the key word here in not being emotional or not rational about a decision that has to be made.
so i take my time, i calculate the benefits and disadvantages of the situation,
and after i get to a conclusion, that this decision will be good for my life, i do it.
just think if it is going to do you good, especially in the long run, if it does not, just don't do it.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
15 Jan 08
It is impossible to tell if this is going to do me good in the long run. That requires me to predict the future and while I can gaze into my imaginary crystal ball the images are blurry at best. If I am going off of just the events of today I should do it in a heart beat and all will be fine. But I'm too practical to allow myself to believe that just because something is right today it could turn very wrong tomorrow.
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