Debtors too many - life full of worries
By sukumar794
@sukumar794 (5040)
Thiruvananthapuram, India
January 11, 2008 5:20am CST
How would you react when you are continuously harassed by people and institutions from where you have borrowed money ? Life suddenly becomes meaningless and all sorts of desperate thinking creeps up in your heart. Won't you even think of committing the ultimate(you have guessed it!) when alternate sources of funds are not foreseen?
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12 responses
@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
11 Jan 08
Never, not once in a million years would I think of that just because I have debts. I have many debts, and bill collectors calling all the time. I never let it stress me because I know somewhere down the line I will be able to pay it off. I usually just hang up on bill collectors because its futile to try and talk to them. They want the money, I don't have it yet, and I don't know when I will get it. When I do talk to them and they want to get nasty, I just get nasty right back to them. There is no more that they can do except to call me back, and getting nasty with me isn't going to get them their money any faster. I say to you, don't let bill collectors stress you out, that's what they want because they think that it will get them the money faster. The money will come eventually, so just wait it out.
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@toms65 (84)
• United States
12 Jan 08
Hey, not sure if you know this, but if they yell or curse at you...that is illegal...and then you've got them by the you-know-whats !!
I've had friends break down crying when this happened to them and I told them to cheer up cause it was the best thing that could have happened. Bill collectors face thousands of $$ in fines for these kinds of infractions. The laws are heavily favoring the consumer.
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@Cajunhellcat (2073)
• United States
15 Jan 08
Been there when I lost my job i got way behind they would call all the time with all kinds of treaths not i just let the answering machine pick up when it is a 800 number or a private number don't worry about it any more I know god will make a way for me to work it out Just have faith
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
16 Jan 08
First off, do not even think of what you are thinking about,that is not an answer,its a cowards way out of a tough situation,and thats not you..It is easy to get a debt over load, we don't mean to do it, but it just happens...I have been there and it is a bad place to be ,it makes life miserable..People calling you and pestering you on the phone is harrassment, and not allowed..You need to write each creditor a note and tell them not to call you and pester you,that is against the law...What you need to do now is free yourself from stress..Why not change your phone number and if you have a cell number change it..Its not the way to do things but since you are not able to pay them you do not need to be tormented all the time by their calls..Just pay your personal bills like your utilities and food and just put all the creditors on hold for awhile, forget them until you are in a position to pay them..If you send each one just 2.00 a month they can do nothing to you,they cannot do anything anyway except pester you..When i was in that situation i just changed all my numbers and let it go because if i had not i would have went crazy,its not like you did it on purpose just to beat debt..Take care of your self first, if you cannot pay then you can;t pay but do not let them ruin your life...
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
16 Jan 08
Sukumar, hope you are doing good and fine after a break. Though life may be harsh and difficult at times, it is not worth doing the ultimate as it merely transfers the baggage from one person to another. Many would rather shoulder the pain and shelter their loved ones. May God bless you happiness and wisdom.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
16 Jan 08
The first thing to ask is what are the laws in your country? Because in our country we can go bankrupt and get some relief from the people we owe money to, and more time to pay them back. Do you have something like this?
It is very hard to owe money I know because my Ex husband put me in debt to 30,000 dollars befor he left me. It took me years to pay it off. And still there was loans that I did not know about for some time that accrued interest and ruined my credit because he charged things in my name. So I know your pain!
But I survived. I have no credit, but I have my life!! And I raised my daughters and put them through college my myself! I did not go bankrupt either.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
11 Jan 08
Ending one's life because of dets is never the answer to any problems. You must consider the ones that would be left behind. I would talk to the debters and most times they will work with you lowering the payments so that you can meet them. After all they do want their money.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Jan 08
TEll them they cant get blood out of a turnip and if you are paying some on all of them they can stop getting onto you about it dont answer they phone!SOmething always turns up some where down the line! DOnt think that way! We always hold on even if money is tight we end up making it some how! hugs and blessings
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@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
14 Jan 08
I have been in debt and it took a long time to get out. I first got rid of all the credit cards. Then I paid a little each month. I talked to the creditors to get them to accept the least amount of money on the bill. Most creditors are happy to be getting something. In about three years we were debt free and much happier. Now days I do not put anything on a credit card that i can not pay off right away. I remember when my daughter was born there was a ton of hospital bills. I was paying them a little on each bill but the hospital was not happy and sent them to collections. I kept getting calls that threatened to take me to court and other things. I finally had enough and talked to a lawyer. It seems as long as the collection agency cashes the check every month they are saying ok we accept this deal. Then I told them about another little law that has to do with harasment and phone abuse. This seemed to cool their jets. The next thing I did was send them a money order each month for $5.00. That is right. I thought if you are going to try and drive me nuts I am going to return the favor. The collection agency gets a percentage of the money they collect so this cut into their pockets. My daughter was five years old before I have the hospital totally paid off. In order to get out of debt you have to work very hard. Good luck to you in this endevor.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
12 Jan 08
If I were you I would talk to a debt consolidator. they will know what to do and who to talk to. most of the time, 30% or more of your debts are interest and this fee that fee, take that off, you will come up with an amount you can pay by installment without interest. your debt consolidator will be able to figure that out.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
12 Jan 08
I can't say I've been so bad as to get to the point of thinking of the you guessed it but I have been in some very bad positions. Each time I found myself turning to a higher power and asking for help and help was provided where I never would have thought it could.
@PunkyMcPunk (1477)
• Canada
11 Jan 08
Ending your life is never the solution to anything. And I don't care if you are catholic and believe in the whole Damn@ation thing or not. There is so much in life that we take for granted that is good and other people get hurt when people do that horrid thing. Anyways... as for mounting bills funny you should say this, I know a few people in this very situation. The advice I can give you is that if you take small steps it will get better. Cut your spending. Look at what the "one time" bills are that when you pay them they are gone never to return. Pay these off if possible. Take a look at things like your phone bill. Do you have features or add ons that you DON'T really need? Do you have satellite? If so do you really need it or can you cope without it? If you are yes and no on this there are a million programs online now (don't know how legal they are) but you can watch satellite from your Internet and you do get a plethora of channels and a lot of the popular ones too.
Clip coupons for groceries. Do you really need that pre-made food or can you get it cheaper by buying the ingredients and making it yourself? It usually tastes WAY better when you make it from scratch-not that I'm implying you don't do this. I'm just offering any possibilities I can.
Why not go to a bank or a financial institute and "lay your cards on the table". Say look, I need help. I'm drowning. Maybe they can consolidate your bills into one easier payment and help you manage things.
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