Did you ever do a good or bad thing about finding a lost item
By CrashO
@CrashO (698)
January 11, 2008 7:10am CST
I mean, did you ever find something and try to get it back to the owner or did you ever take it without tring to give it back or worst if the owners come backs to you and say if you founded it you say no but you actualy did find it.
I work in a netcafe and sometimes people forget, my colleague everything he finds he never give it back, he made a headline that wrote "WE are not guilty of everything you lose" something like that.
I found an I.D. and i google it for his phone number and I got it and called at his come and told him to come to the club and pick his ID coz i know how hard is it here to make a new one.He gaved me a soda, but thats not why I intented to give him back
Second time somebody forgot and expensive camera it was like 300e+ atleast!
They comed back after 5h and asked me if I founded it first, and I did, and told them and gave it back, they were tourist.. they didn't give me nothing in return :/
And maybe "my karma" helped me, I forgot my phone in a taxi, and when i called my self he answer it and told me that were should he come back with it, he comed to me and I gave him like 4$ [ here the minimum wage is 70$] ps: wasn't an expensive phone but I had a contract with the number on it
So? whats your story?!
6 responses
@Uroborus (908)
• Canada
11 Jan 08
A long time ago, on a winter day, I got into a car accident with someone. It was a minor fender bender and we were both very civil about it. It was no ones fault since the roads were very icy and we both lost control. Anyway, we exchnged insurance info etc. After the other driver left I noticed he had dropped his wallet on the road. I pucked it up and took it to him using the address I found inside.
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@Noxmorexlies (739)
• United States
12 Jan 08
That's nice of you, and glad that you both were civil about the accident. I bet he was happy that you returned his wallet!
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@mtgrlz_zerocool (708)
• Romania
20 Jun 08
I once saw a man losing 30$ on the street. i got the money and ran after him and gave him the money. it was a very rewarding experience, not financiary, but spiritualy. it is very of you to give things back, especially id. sometimes you might even get rewarded. but the fact that you helped a person is greater than any money you can get. you are a very good person.
@Noxmorexlies (739)
• United States
12 Jan 08
That's very nice of you very few people would take the time to get it back to the owner. I often do what I can to contact and find the owner, if it is something important like an ID, Wallet, Camera I do my best to find the owner but if it is a $1, $5 bill it is a different story.
@piatos03 (393)
• Philippines
11 Jan 08
You are a really good Samaritan to do that. For me, it usually depends on what and where I find that certain thing.
This one time in class, me and my friend we're on our way out when we saw this 20 bill on the floor. She quickly swooped down and took it. Then we just ran out. If we asked whose it was, a lot of people would probably come forward, so what's the point right?
I can't really remember a time when I found something and actually returned it. But I do remember this one time similar to yours when I left my bag in a taxi. I was really going crazy. And my cellphone wasn't in there either so I couldn't call. It's a good thing that the next passenger of the taxi noticed the bag. The driver remembered me and he returned it. I wasn't able to give him anything but a thank you.
@CrashO (698)
• Romania
11 Jan 08
Yeah nice post ! :)
I remembered a story exactly the same as yours, I went to shop something and I had a bill 100 RON [ thats our money ] and 5 RON bill, and when I was shoping in the market, one worker there asked me If i lost a bill and I looked at her and it was a 100 RON [ see the funny thing it was I checked my pocket to see if it was my bill, the funny part is that if it was somebody else probably would have said yes before actualy checking the pocket] and I did check my pocket and it was my bill who dropped out, and I told her yes i lost it, and she gaved me, and me stupid thing didn't give her nothing back felt really bad after it, coz it was my last money in the future 20days.
My salary is 700 RON so 100 RON is much, and 100$ = 250 RON, so it was huge money for me for losing it!
@Alucifer89 (292)
• India
20 Jun 08
To be honest .. it depend on the thing to me.. If it is something small, like, say a CD or a small book or something, i usually dont bother. My reasoning is ...
1: If i pick it up and try my very best to try and find the owner.. he would think of me as crazy .. coz its a small thing he lost, and I am not sure if he left it there on purpose.
2: why would i take it, i dont need it :P
.. so in case of a small thing, i dont return it and i dont keep it.
If it is an expensive thing, and an important one .. like say a wallet, some important documents, a cellphone .. i do try my best to give it back. The owner would be worried sick .. it might be something 'very' important to him .. say, the documents were of his property and fell from his breifcase or somethign.. U know. So i try to get them back to their owner, coz frankly, i have my money, i have a cellphone and a camera .. and the documents dont mean anythin to me .. not to mention i was brought up in a way which makes me think keepin smthin that is not urs is stealing.
If all else fails, knowing i have tried my best to find the owner .. I deposit the item to the police station .. if in a city or lost and found/help desk if in some organization,
.. Ususal occurence so i wont write out a specific incident :P