which is better, beauty or brains???

@maebelle (190)
January 11, 2008 7:43am CST
which do u prefer in a person, beauty or brains??
3 responses
• India
28 Jan 08
beauti or brain - Beauti with Brain
Hi maebelle, From the given choice I always prefer Brain. Beauty and brain seldom coexist in human body. Beauty is only skin deep. When it comes to perception of beauty, it is all in the Brain.
• Australia
28 Jan 08
Its hard to separate to either having one or the other. If you have beauty you can get a lot more than if you don't with anything. However the brains allow you to know how to use that to your advantage. I would probably choose beauty because you could still do something brainless like modelling or hosting some television show.
• China
11 Jan 08
yeah.so many people so smart while with a ugly face.that's really hard to choose if you can only choose one.i think i will choose the brain