Public Schools!!!
By bellaofchaos
@bellaofchaos (11538)
United States
January 11, 2008 10:09am CST
Alright this might start a good debate!!
How many of feel that the public schools are not meeting your childs needs?
Do you feel that they are overcrowded?
Not enough teacher to student ratio?
Do you feel that you childs education is suffering?
Academically do you feel that they are on target with private or catholic schools? (this has nothing to do with religion just academics!!!)
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10 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
11 Jan 08
At my sons school there is a low student teacher ratio. I find that a lot of families do not give a darn and do not participate in any of the family activities. However, there has been an improvement of that over last year.
Yes, the education compared to private school is deplorable! At the local private school gets get computer classes, art, real gym classes (with things like archery), advanced courses and cover other subjects besides what is on the LEAP test. Whereas the public school teachers are claiming that they barely have time to teach the leap test and don't have time to give a full well rounded education. In my opinion, they need to keep the kids in school instead of having so many days off.
At the school my son attends they have no reason to say that they don't have enough resources because they offer science, art, dance etc after hours and the parents have to pay for it. The school board just had CISCO come in and rewire the school with fully upgraded computers, TV monitors, etc. and the school just redid their entire A/C duct work and units. They are also redoing the Auditorium (pulled up the floor and moldings, repainted everything, replaced the lights) and buying a lot of equipment for the school. Granted some of those items had to be done because of hurricane damage, but even so you can see that the PTF and School Board has a good budget.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
12 Jan 08
My son goes to public school. They are doing renovations to all the schools with a lot of help of local businesses. The school is 1 in our area for the Elementary School. Scary thing is, they have teachers that are not that good. My son does good in school and doesn't struggle with his homework. He has friends that take hours to do 4 pages of homework. Makes you wonder what the other schools are like....If he Dad would pay all of his child support we could afford to send him to private school (it runs roughly $10K/year + you have to pay for buses + paying for any daycare)
Kids have many, many days off here. They get an insane amount of vacation and for too long of periods. For example, they had Dec 21nd until Jan 8th off for Winter Break, then they are just getting back into the swing of things - they have Martin Luther King Day off in about a week; then First week in Feb is Mardi Gras here, so they get 3 days off! That is too many days for the kids to completely forget what they have learned. There is no reason for the kids to have that much time off. There should be year round school with 2 weeks off between every semester/9 weeks.
You mention that you are from a town with employment problems. Well, if your kids had 10 weeks a year off instead of 20 weeks, that saves you 10 weeks of full daycare. Now I know here daycare costs really varies, but lets say you have 2 kids at $75 per kid, per week, that saves you $1,500. Even if you had to pay for before school care or after school care for 2 kids, that is still much less than what you would pay for full days of daycare.
I don't feel that the school is academically sound at all. They only are teaching kids what is on the LEAP test, but there is so much else to school. What about art, science, history, etc? Teachers are cramming so much information into what few days that they have, the kids are focusing on almost a new key idea every day. Plus since they don't have a lot of day in school, the school has all the test for the week given on one day. If they have 4 tests, by the time the kids get to test #4, they can't even think straight and can not be expected to do good.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
12 Jan 08
I have five kids none which have ever seen the likes of day care because one it's to expensive and two because me and my other half work opposite shifts so that we don't have to put them in daycare.
Now the way are schools are we they have science, art and history they also have music and gym and library and they go by days like on F day they have art and on B day they have music and on A and C they have gym and on E Library and D day they have computers and this is at our public schools. The maind curriculum meaning math science,english , history and so on are given every day. Also my kids had an hour early dismissal on dec 21st and they went back on the 3rd of jan. This is the longest vacation they had. they has a day and a half for thanksgiving and they have a day here and there and some day are days that will be canceled if we have snow day. So I must say that it's not all public schools that struggle with the problem you have discribed. I thank you for your time and insight. You can always have your child checked to see if he is above his classmates and then if they don't provide him a learning setting for his abilities then you can move him into another district and the district that he came from would have to pay for his schooling.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
12 Jan 08
So does your son go to a private or public schools.
It also depends on the econmic stucture of the place where you live. Where I live both ahve to work to barely get ends meat. The town is slowly dying and the unemployment rate is high. Families don't have the money to afford the special after school activities. So you feel that the days they get off for vacation shouldn't happen. I feel different I feel if the school was better with their budget and the board and commity members took a hit to their salaries so they could afford upgrades or even more teachers then they should do it. I also think they need to rework the sports budget make them do more fundraisers to get money not hand it to them. I have notice that we I live they cater to sports instead academics it makes me sick .. I really think that it's more than offering the after school activty of being able to have dance, art and science offered after school. If you take that away I think you would still see that the school is academically sound.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jan 08
Ok- I can only speak for my district since my daughter goes to public school. I'm happy to say that moving into the neighborhood that I did for the school system was a great choice. Just like anything, it has it's problems but generally my daughter has an amazing teacher and a rigorous academic curriculm. I think our system here is better than the private schools in my area- I have friends with kids in the local Catholic school and they are pulling their kids out because they are sick of paying 5 grand a year per kid just so the kid learns religion- academics aren't even better in fact they may not be as good. But this is just my situation and our system.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
12 Jan 08
When I was looking around at schools last year,I found that the Catholic and Public school curriculum were very comparable, but private school blew those out of the park. I can see why your friends are pulling their kids out of Catholic School. Why spend all that money when you can get the same thing for free.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
12 Jan 08
That's what they are saying- save the money for college..
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
12 Jan 08
Hi Skinnychick, !st I wanna say we all missed you and that it's nice to see you again.
but back to the subject at task I agree that some public schools actually do awesome jobs with the curriculum. I haev had the pleasure in my child hood to go to a public, private and catholic school. No offense but I felt that the public and private schools were much better. I felt that they both have different strengths at times The private I went to in Texas was better than the public school I went to in Pennsylvania and the Public School I graduated from blew them both out of the water because we had people with their doctorates teaching us and preparing us for college specifically they starting in the middle of 10th to start gearing us to how we will be taught in a college setting what would be ecpected of us and everything it was great. Also the diversity of the school that I went to was great you were with all walks of life and every one was so nice. They were nicer than the public school that I came from in Pennsylvania it was great . So I think it does at times have to deal with location/district. I don't blame your friends for pulling their kids out if they are getting the same education from the publice schools. Agian thank you for responding and Have a nice day.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
11 Jan 08
I think it's called 'government schools' here in India. But I'm sure most of our kids (those of the Indian mylotters)go to private schools. It's mostly kids from the low income families that go to government schools.
And I would say that the government schools and private schools are not on par and no one who can afford it will consider sending their kids to a government school. Having said that, I must say, that there are a few (very few if you count the numbers) government schools which can keep up with the private schools. But those are few in number and so most people who can afford it will prefer not to take the risk of having their child in a government school.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
11 Jan 08
thank you for your response I really appreciate it. In the states it's more common to send your kids to a public school .. thank you for the insight on your country. I appriciate it...
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@starmashgate40sg177 (252)
• United States
11 Jan 08
Ive always thought public schools lacked in so much. Including student to teacher ratio. But with the number of school aged children there just arent enough qualified people to fill in the gap. I mean we dont want to just put anyone in a teaching position right? I think maybe private schools or even homeschools can be okay, but just like with public schools, they too can lack at some things. Im not saying they do, Im saying they can. Ive never gone to a private or catholic school so I know nothing of them. With the way a lot of children these days are rebeling against society, there are a lot less people willing to become teachers. I fear one day our schools,especially our junior high and senior high schools, will become even more overcrowded with even less teachers to go around.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
11 Jan 08
You have some very good points. I too fear that with the way children keep acting out that there are going to be less and less teachers for the student of the jr-sr high schools. And no we don't just want anyone teaching teaching our kids. So I pose the questions how do we make our schools better and get better teachers any thoughts or suggestions.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
19 Jan 08
My child isn't old enough for me to even be thinking about schools yet i dont think lol. But i'm SCARED about sending her to school! all the bad things she's going to learn!!! i just want to keep her sheltered all her life and keep her little and cute! lol. Well that's a pipe dream. Now the reality.
I think that there are pro's and con's to both public and private schools, but because of the student teacher ratio, as well as the teacher screening in private schools, i would much rather send her to a private school, but not a catholic private school, those nuns can be harsh i hear! lol. I hope that financially when the time comes we can make the right choice for her and her future.
You forgot one option.. Home schooling. Although this would be the SELFISH way for me to go.. lol. I think it would be somewhat cruel to keep her from making friends and learning about the world on her own. After all i do want her to grow up and become a respected and well adjusted adult... Even if i'd rather keep her under my wing to protect her, i still wanna do what's right for her in the l ong run! :)
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
19 Jan 08
I just asked hubby if he had thought of it and he said NO i hadn't thought of it that's at least 5 years away lol. But he doesnt want her to go to a catholic school, and neither do i, but there are MANY in our little town.. We are not sure if there is a public school around here that isnt run by a church.. I hope so!
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
20 Jan 08
See I'm with you I don't want to send them to a catholic school. I want a private or a good public school system we do have some but don't live in the area's were they are. So I'm hoping to find a nice private school that has scholarships .. Take care and good luck in finding what you want.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
19 Jan 08
I have to agree with you I was scared when my first child was able to start attending school for many reasons. right now I'm unable financially to send them to private or catholic school in my area there are many catholic schools rather than private schools. But I'm hoping that next year that we will be able to get them out of the public school system.
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
11 Jan 08
I think that a lot of public schools are not meeting children's needs. A lot not all of them. When we lived in a big city my son was not doing well in school mostly because the teacher did not have time to help him with what he was struggling with. We currently live in a rural area and the school is much better out here. The classes are not much smaller, but the teacher seems to have more time for the students. I think that private or religious schools are doing a better job than most public schools mainly because of the teacher to student ratio and the different selection of students.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
11 Jan 08
That is a very good point is it because the private and catholic schools having a smaller child to teacher ratio than publics that some do better? I also see the point where rural public might be better than city because of maybe a slight smaller ratio than city. Thank you for your response.
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@tmcspadden (220)
• United States
11 Jan 08
When it comes to public vs private in my opinion it really depends on what area you are in. The public schools I attended in Northern Virginia were better than a lot of the private schools in certain parts of Atlanta. I've attended public schools in the mid west where there was a very small population so our high school only had a few hundred students and teachers.
Of course there are also areas where both public AND private schools are lacking in a major way.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
12 Jan 08
I would have to agree that sometimes the area you live in depends which is better. How would you get it so that they are equal in every way though?
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@webster12 (51)
• Philippines
20 Jan 08
well in the philippines public schools are definitely crowded! maximum of a hundred or more students in some class and minimum of 50 students per class...THAT IS CROWDED!!!
I dunno about the teacher ration here but i don't think it's a lot either.
The child's education is definitely suffering!
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
20 Jan 08
thankyou for your response. I agree that there is suffereing from overcrowding in classrooms. Have a nice day.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
11 Jan 08
My daughter is in 6th grade in a public school and the curriculum is the same for her now as it was for me in 4th grade at a catholic school 20 years ago.
There were 3 12th grade home rooms the year I graduated. 64 kids total back in 1996. In my daughters school there are 3 sixth grade home rooms with a total of 96 students.
Scholastic testing results have my daughters school ranked 4th in the county. That is out of roughly 12 other schools (not included catholic schools). It just makes me wonder how horrible the teaching conditions are in the other 8 schools if I am so disgusted with the conditions where my daughter goes.
And it does no use complaining because the response for the school board is, we need this and we need that and to do this we have to do that and the only way we can even begin to plan any of this is to raise your school tax 842%. (slight exaggeration)
So no public schools do not meet my childs needs. I have no doubt she would be able to strive as a sophomore in high school for as brilliant as she is. They have just had to dumb down their curriculum thanks to the "no child left behind" act. Can't segregate the slow kids anymore so the rest of the class actually has a chance to learn, now they all have to be given the same right to the same education even when clearly they are well below the learning curve.
You just wait, when our kids are sending out their transcripts to get into college a C average is going to be good enough to get you in the door almost anywhere.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
12 Jan 08
Yes, no child left behind is a HUGE problem. That program is leading to the demise of the public school system and causes students to be dumber than they were years ago.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
12 Jan 08
so you feel the no child left behind act is part of the problem ? Does anyone feel that way? That is another thing that needs to be looked at in order to have equality of learning do we hurt the children? Thanks for your response that should give everyone lots more to think about.
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@SixPaulEleven (552)
• United States
11 Jan 08
You can take the worst kids in the world and put them in a $16,000 a year private school and that'll bring down what the public thinks of private schools.
But you can also take the best and brighest students and throw them into a public school and make that one of the top public schools in the country.
It's all about the students. You can't force a child to learn. They have to want to learn. All the punishments and discipline in the world won't faze them if they just don't care. It's the kids like that which hold back the other kids who are there to learn and as a result that joke of an act that Bush signed, NCLBH, was created. It's a joke. You need to reach the kids that don't care before you can fix the problem. Either take them all out and put them in a flunkie class or just kick them out of school.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
12 Jan 08
ok that's a little harsh .. But you then also agree with cynical that part of the problem is the no child left behind act. What do you think we would need to do in order to fix this .. without kicking them out and flunkie classes be a solution as you stated previously.
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@SixPaulEleven (552)
• United States
19 Jan 08
Bella, you can't force any child to do anything they don't want, especially 'get educated' as the case might be. The child has to want to learn. The child has to want to accept what the teacher is saying and remember the facts.
If he or she doesn't, there is not much you can do but remove the child who is a distraction so that the other children can learn. With the one or two bad kids in the class, it makes it hard for the other students to get a quality education with the 1 or 2 distracting kids goofing off and sleeping.
I had a kid like that when I was in school. I went to a Catholic school so we had nuns as teachers. We had one kids during class that actually took his books and threw them out the window and then just walked out of class. The nuns caught up to him and let's just say that kicking him out of school was the nicest thing that happened to him that day.
They tried to get him to learn. They tried to get him to want to be in school, but he didn't care.
Last I heard, that kid was in jail for armed robbery. At least in Texas, you can get on the DOJ website and see who is in jail for what. It's available online. And he was there.
And yes, we agree on the NCLBH act is a joke. It's a useless piece of legislation that punishes the good kids because the bad kids are eff ups.
@SixPaulEleven (552)
• United States
21 Jan 08
Punish them? A lot of times, a simple spanking, which Catholic schools believed in, or a time out or an "unhappy face" on their progress report for the day was enough to scare kids into doing right.
The teachers should have the option to kick a kid out of class. Some teachers are too permissive and too nice and maybe the kid needs to be put in a classroom with a strict teacher to whip him into shape.
It all depends on the kid.