How much do you spend on gifts for kids?

United States
January 11, 2008 7:01pm CST
I am always having to go buy birthday gifts for children it seems like. We have another birthday party to go to tomorrow so I had to go buy another gift. I usually try to spend like $10-$15 for each child that I have to buy a gift for. My son is only a year old and has been invited to so many birthday parties's crazy. I guess it doesn't help though that we have lots of family and lots of friends either LOL. But anyway, my question is....How much do you usually spend on a gift for a child (that is not your own child) when you have to buy one?
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8 responses
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
12 Jan 08
i don't usually spend much on gifts for other kids. (i can't put the price range since we don't have the same currencies.) i spend much on gifts for my nephews and nieces and "special" godchildren. special godchildren are those kids of my close friends and the others, are those whose mothers are just my acquaintances. i don't know if that's unfair but i think its natural. ^__^
• United States
12 Jan 08
Oh I understand about spending more on your family and "special" people. I spend more on my son then I do if it's somebody else's birthday. I think I just do that because he's my son and I just want him to be able to have things that he likes. I think it is fine for us to do that.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
19 Jan 08
yeah. we want our loved ones to have the things they want. especially the things we didn't get when we were young, we want them to have that. ^__^
@leeesa (884)
• United States
12 Jan 08
If it's not a relative or someone I know very well, I try to stay under $10. I've seen too many times that people have elaborate parties for their kids just so they can rake in lots of presents. I'm not saying that everyone does this, but I did have a few parents comment to me personally about the gift aspect, so I am mainly referring to them. But I think I'm not alone on this way of thinking. My daughter was invited to a party recently of a girl at her daycare. Aside from family, we were the only ones to show up. I felt really bad for the little girl.
• United States
14 Jan 08
That's sad that she didn't have any little friends there. I bet she was glad that you brought your daughter though.
@patgalca (18335)
• Orangeville, Ontario
12 Jan 08
I tried to stick within a $10 limit but nowadays it's hard to find anything decent for that kind of money. I have bought a few gifts at dollar stores but they have to be something I know will last like a decorative mirror or note paper, not some toy that will break in five minutes. If I don't know the child very well I try to stick within the $10. If my daughter doesn't think it is enough then it is up to her to put in the extra cash. If we know the child very well, like a neighbour, then I might spend as much as $20. But these days I can't spend much of anything. So if the kids get invited to birthday parties it will be up to them to pay for the gift. That is not a problem for my 14 year-old who has a paper route and babysits. I don't give allowance so my 11 year-old has more trouble coming up with money. She does a little babysitting. It is very hard when a whole bunch of birthdays come up at the same time.
• United States
12 Jan 08
I know we don't have a lot of extra money so when we get invited to all these parties it starts using up a lot of our money and it's hard sometimes. I can't let my son pay for anything yet cause he's only a year old. :-) But that sounds like a good idea for when he gets older cause then it will teach him the value of a dollar.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
17 Jan 08
Maximum I spend is $20. I can usually find something on sale from various children's stores and can buy two outfits for $20. We have a birthday to go do on Saturday for a 7 year old girl, so I am going to the mall tommorrow to see if i can buy something on sale that doesn't cost more than $20.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
12 Jan 08
I usually spend anywhere from 10.00 to 15.00. I try to pick up some gifts to keep stashed in case of emergency. It's tough these days keeping up with it all , huh?
• United States
12 Jan 08
It is tough keeping up with everything these days. Things just keep getting more expensive and we just keep getting invited to all these parties.
@bowtieguy (5915)
• United States
14 Jan 08
For birthdays I usualy tend to spend more than I shuld and each year older they get, the more I seem to spend on them. When my oldest son turned 16 2 years ago I got him a new car and for my yonger son this year I got him this really nice looking chemestry set, he is really into science and other acedemics.
• Kuwait
12 Jan 08
I dont care how much i spend on buying gifts for the children as much as they are desrving,,, and they will benefit in good from the gift or they will be happy,,
@nichole1983 (1187)
• Canada
12 Jan 08
Really all depends on the child itself. If they are close to me and or the family then sometimes I will go a little overboard. But if its a child that we rarely see or have contact with their family then its a little down to what others is. I usually get the child something that they would constantly use and that the child would like.