How do you pray and what do you pray for?
By miamilady
@miamilady (4910)
United States
January 14, 2008 9:38am CST
This question just came to me as I was thinking about my (or my mom's) situation.
She's been in a coma for 16 days now.
I've prayed a lot lately.
I have always prayed, but I'm praying more now.
I also know that a lot of people are praying for her.
My mom happened to be transfered to a Catholic hospital because it was one of the few hospital's here that have a Hyberbaric Chamber, which she needed.
My family is Catholic. We all have different degrees of how we feel about Catholicism. But, I feel that her being at this particular hospital seems appropriate.
Sometimes I'm not sure what to pray for.
Do I pray that "God's will be done"?
Do I pray that she get better or that she go in peace?
My family and I had a conversation with a nun recently and it was her belief that when we pray, we need to be very specific.
She used the example of praying "to let her live" when there is the possiblity that she could remain alive, but with severe brain damage.
I have always wondered this, but now I feel compelled to ask all of you. How do you pray?
Do you pray for specific things.
Do you pray to thank God for the blessings you do have?
(I read in a book that we should remember to thank God for our blessings and also that thanking God in advance for what we are praying for demonstrates our belief that he will answer our prayers)
Do you have conversations with God, in your head?
Do you recite prayers that you learned in church or Sunday school?
I look forward to learning how all of you pray.
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31 responses
@girlgonefishing (2174)
• United States
14 Jan 08
Still in a coma huh. My heart breaks for you sweetie. I don't really pray. I carry on really long conversations as if I were talking to my best friend. I let him know how my day is going or how it went. I remind him of all of the people that I am thinking about because they are so special, hurting in some way or ill, etc... I end it with "talk to ya later" Guess it's just my Southern girl redneck way of prayin. LOL
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
14 Jan 08
I do sort of the same thing sometimes without the "Southern Girl" twist though. I do like that though!
Thanks for your caring empathy. It's been a rough 16 days.
@joey_matthews (8354)
14 Jan 08
This will amuse some.
I don't believe in a god or gods. although, when time calls I do pray just incase there is someone up there. I think if they're was, they'd accept our opinions and thoughts and under moments that are needed then I'm sure it would be granted. (I just do fool myself)
I pray for friends, family, people living hard lives, I pray for my wife and son to be happy and that I'll always be around for them when they need me.
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@ASL19741978 (319)
• United States
15 Jan 08
It is interesting that you "don't believe in a god or gods" but "I do pray just in case there is someone up there." Do you see the extreme conflict in your beliefs? Either you believe in God and trust Him, or you don't--there's no middle ground. I'd be happy to discuss this with you. I'll add you as a friend on myLot so you can do this more easily. :) Someone who cares.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
15 Jan 08
It is possible to believe in something and not trust it. So I don't think trust is the real point here.
Joey believes in something, just doesn't feel sure about what. Sometimes religion can confuse a person that way. Religion is not God, though. So you can accept that there is a supreme being without being part of a church or other institution.
I think all prayers make a difference. They are positive energy that the world needs.
@joey_matthews (8354)
15 Jan 08
The problem I see with most religons is they seem to forget that people "tend" to have their own thoughts, instead of trusting what some else say/a book. personally I don't see how impossible it can be to "pray" yet have no faith.
Just like I said before, i don't "believe" anyones up there however I do pray when it's really need. (most of the time it's for friends who do believe) and from what i've been told about it, when someone asks for prayers when some prays it goes towards being answered.
Anywho.. each to our own =)
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@isikopeacejohn (109)
• Uganda
21 Jan 08
Somewhere in the bible, in the old testament, it's written that we should ask God for what we want in faith and with a thankful heart, though it's a true feeling that you cant be thankful and worried at the same time...
Simply ask God for what you want to happen to your Mom...
But, sorry darling for what you're passing through, i pray too that she gets better... that you'll be happy with her again, someday but soon enough...
Have courage...
@naty1941 (2336)
• United States
20 Jan 08
I have a daughter that has been in a Persistent Vegetative State (Coma) for almost 6 years. I pray that God let her rest in peace. She has extensive brain danage and if we were to unplug her she would die in 5 minutes. I pray that God give me the necessary strength to continue to raise her children. I recite prayers; I pray with specific requests and also have conversations with God.
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@gantwick (849)
• United States
30 Jan 08
I pray for the means to cope with whatever life throws my way. I also give thanks for all the things I have seen and have done in my life, and for the lessons I've learned along the way. I give thanks for my friends, family, and acquaintances, anf for their continued health and good fortune. I believe that God has a plan for everyone, and I hope I'm heading in the right direction to fulfill that plan for me. And then I listen. Sometimes God speaks to me. And sometimes I get a cosmic hug as a feeling of peace passes through me. And sometimes, when I figure something out (and it's usually a "well, duh!" moment), I feel a chuckle in my soul.
I hope things turn out well for your mom. And I pray that you and your family will find ways to cope with whatever the next steps along your paths.
@Jimmy3371 (142)
• United States
20 Jan 08
The bible shows us how to pray and thats in John chapter 14:13 And whatsover ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. The main purpose of Prayer is not to get us out of trouble or to get us through the pain of life. Thou God is interested in these problem and is deeply interested in conversing with you over area of life, but his primary purpose goes beyond our immediate needs. Prayer that seeks His glory is of Primary importance. So much of our prayer treats God like a genie. WE rub the lamp of prayer and He appears asking, " Yes Master, what do you wish?" we are to pray in the name of Christ and for the glory of God is the right picture! if we pray for you mother comes out of her coma and when the answer comes God Glory is shown and if she does not come out of the coma God Glory still is shown and I will be praying for your mother here.
@msqtech (15073)
• United States
15 Jan 08
Prayer has power. It works in many ways first of all it gives you a release. It gives you a place to put hope in God. It gives God the chance to answer.
The perfect prayer is probably "THY WILL BE DONE"
Pray often and as you wish. Psalms will help you get started if you need some help. I don't think there is any one format that is above others.
I know that scientifically they have proven the power of prayer.
I know without question that prayers are answered.
It isnt an accident that believers pray.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
14 Jan 08
When i pray I thank the Lord for what he has done for me and thoses around me. I do ask for specific needs and also my desires, but I do ask that God's will be done, because what I'm asking for might not be in the best interest of the person I'm praying for. Only the Lord knows what is best for us. I also ask that e give us strenght to accept his will what ever it might be.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
19 Jan 08
I have no idea how to pray. I've searched online for "how to" sites and not been interested in what I found..the sites were beyond what I could comprehend. I see people pray on here sometimes and using fancy flowery words and I can't make up the words.
I've also heard that you should thank the Lord for what you have and praise him before you ask for something.
I also feel uncomfortable asking for things for me all the time. It seems so selfish. So I try to ask for forgiveness and redemption for sinners...terrorists, criminals and people who are cruel to animals. I don't feel terribly worthy to get favours from God.
I pray for family and friends (those special friends who ask for prayers on mylot) but I am certainly not specific, I don't know their situations well enough for that and I think God knows who needs his help and healing and forgiveness, who am I to ask him change his design.
I'm basically confused by the whole thing.
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
15 Jan 08
Over the years I have gotten closer to God, and I feel reassured that God will take care of his children!
I would just pray to God, to take care of your Mom,because she is in his hands, and He will do what is necessary for the family!
And I will have her in my prayers also, for her, and your family!
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@punlonnjack (1308)
• United States
14 Jan 08
when my mom was terminally ill i prayed for her to be healed and if not healed take away the pain. well later someone told me if i would of had more faith that she would be healed the results mat of turned out differently.who know? i have strong faith but others prayed for a miracle.i think if its your time no prayer will stop you from dying? i pray for my friends,family and love ones on a daily basis. i always thank god for all the blessing in my life like the food i eat the money i have the place i live the car i drive for my friends family and love ones who are dear to me and i pray for forgivness of my sins including the ones i have trouble with on a daily basis. i hope your situation gets better and your mom starts doing better as well.god bless and take care of yourself.
@lieanat (1137)
• Malaysia
12 May 08
This discussion was posted 4 months ago, so I just hope and believe that God is doing something great in your mum condition.
I learn how to pray when I join a church few years back and the basic structure is that:
1) Praise God and thank God for his provisions, helps and blessings and even some testing/trials in our life.
2) Acknowledge our sins and ask for forgiveness and repent from it.
3) Start pray what you need in your prayers.
My language wasn't that good, but I believe God know me well, so, I just pray to Him on everything that I feel like want to pray. I only remember few bible verses clearly and I'll always recite those if I want to include some verse in my prayers. Lousy me.
Not everyone can hear God speak directly to them, I'm one of it. But I do feel peace and relief when I prayed to God and even feel refresh and confident after commit my prayers to Him.
The key element in prayer is that believe that those prayers made will be answered by God in His timing, His Will and His way!!!
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
12 May 08
This is a response to your question miamilady
of how do some people pray. Prayer is talking to God like a friend. Tell Him all your
problems, how do you feel and what do you need.
He is willing to help you if you will trust everything into his cares. There is nothing impossible for God if you believe in Him.
@cloud_kicker_32 (4635)
• United States
30 Jan 08
hello there lady and first i want to say how very very sorry i am to hear about your made me soo very sad to read if u dont mind i will prasy for you and for her recovery and be as healthly as she was before this..When i pray it depends on the wmy son thats 5..hes having some problems..there is a specialist in the childrens hospital working with his pediatritian..his akaline phosphatase enzymes are extremely high and they have no idea why/./there have been tests after tests and taken blodd after blood..and they cant find anything..Im hoping it was a fluke..but been praying every night before i go to sleep and during the day when i have peace to myself.."Please God..whatever is wrong with Skylar please fix it so hes healthy again.." theer has been so much drama latley with me and my probs and almost losing me a week ago..and now i have to be careful and use al these machines blah blah and now him? Soo after everything i have read..Sylvia Browns books have helped me the most..she believes everything i do and maybe thats why reading her books makes me feel better..but when you do pray though im sure your doin fine and he knows what u want..i would just ask..God please take away everything that is making my mother sick..and make her healthy again..and please take her out of this coma and when she awakes let her be healthy with no damage anywhere in her body.." but thats what i would say and will for you and prayers are with you..April
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
15 Jan 08
I am usually not a praying person as most people I see pray only when they are in serious trouble or when they are in some religious place of worship like the church, temple or mosque. If one has to pray, it should be spontaneous, continuous and regular. It can be anywhere, even the confines of your home. You can have a fixed time for it, say early morning or just before bed-time but one has to do it regularly, irrespective of whether one is happy or sad. And then you cant pray for anything and everything. Prayers should just be like a connection to God, without asking for anything, without complaining, without any expectations.
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
15 Jan 08
I said a prayer for your mom. I would usually say something like: "Lord, You are the greatest healer of all. Please lay Your healing hands upon her. We don't know what is best for her, but You do, and so we entrust her to Your care."
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
10 May 08
I pray before I go to sleep, in the shower, while I'm cleaning, really just anytime the mood hits me. I do pray for specific things but then I add that only if it is His will. Sometimes I will just pray that things work out for the best...whatever that may be. There's alot to be said for letting God decide and not trying to second guess Him.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
15 Jan 08
Well, god topic and yes, I do pray. Sometimes I use one pray I learned in school, but most of the times I pray in my head words I use when I talk. You could say I talk in my head with God when I need to. I know for the fact that when I have had that talk things will feels better if you have problems you talk about. The problem do not seems to be to hard to deal with after a talk with God. But, I have to say I do not pray very often as I should do. come to think about it I pray when I need help, but most of the time forget to give a thank you back. I have to do better with that.
@luisberty (83)
• Cameroon
15 Jan 08
you are in a critical position and trust me i will make a prayer for your mom but let me first tell you how i pray.when i pray i just say that thy will be done and allow me to accept