"Love Thang"
@Littleironhorse (57)
January 14, 2008 4:28pm CST
Strange thing this "love thang". Sometimes it's really hard to figure. Just when a person thinks they may have some real insight into it, you are derailed. You'd think by a certain age a person would have it all down to an art. But I still think of it as mysterious in many ways. One thing I do know about love, is that it is predictably unpredictable. I certainly have learned some significant things about what love is not.
When I was a young idealistic teenager, I thought I had fallen madly in love with a young man who appeared to have all the markings of being my perfect mate. We seemed to have everything in common, our sense of humour, interest in art, music and our belief in God.
Surely I was in love, I believed.
In time, I came to realize this love was never going to come to fruition. He didn't appear to be the person I thought he was, and I couldn't understand his behaviour or his decisions. It was very difficult to accept and reconcile myself to the fact, inspite of how we had so much in common, that this was not going to translate into a relationship.
I carried the torch for years, watched him get married and even attended the wedding, knowing in my heart of hearts the marriage would never last. It didn't and he was divorced. I had also married and divorced.
I thought I had fallen in love, and at the same time, had become a Christian at the age of 18. I didn't know much of anything. But I did learn about what love is from, 1 Corithians 13, the scripture that is so often read when people marry.
I knew then, inspite of how much people share in common interests, if they do not share the understanding of what love is and how to actualize it in their lives, all is for not.
This was a very hard lesson learned and I still learning many lessons about love, but they are not as difficult as this one was and for this I am very grateful.
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