Racial Discrimination... It's still there...
By MorningDew
@MorningDew (833)
Saudi Arabia
January 15, 2008 8:13am CST
I think it's still there and unfortunately it will always be.. I really hate it and it pisses me off...
We are all humans we breath the same air, live on the same planet, eat the same food and drink the same water..
If we don't have the same skin color or we are not from the same country this doesn't mean we are better or others are worse.. this doesn't give us the authority to judge or despise others just because we think they are different...
I have lots of black and multi-nationalities friends; I even have a black cousin. I love and respect them all so much...
Yesterday a black friend of mine came to our office and I introduced him to my other colleagues. I was really embarrassed from some guys' reactions. They were staring at him, some of them didn't even say hi to him; I hated it and them...
And the other day we went out for lunch and they started making fun of the poor waiter.. I think this is insulting and they really don't understand the meaning of humanity...
Even God and all religions are against discrimination... but we still don't get it...
What do you think??
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11 responses
@silver_shaddow (1204)
19 Jan 08
First of all, The story you have told us here i just cant believe it could happen. I mean I thought our society is very tolerant of black people..if what you say is true, then its going down hill and we MUST do something about it.
2nd thing..un4tuantly yes, RD will always be here But there is a way to beat it...is to not get offended by what is being done to you. we are made of diffrent color skin and have different customs and whatever...we should learn not hate. I just dont care what is said about me, as you know I made of different races and i think the world did change, just a little.
I am so disappointed that some young people are so stupid to think so even in this day and age. And if i was there, your story would have had a different ending.
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@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
19 Jan 08
Wish you were here then....
I really wish I was braver and asked them to stop and shut up.. But I didn't wanna embarrass my friend who maybe didn't notice their reactions -which I doubt-...
any ways I'm not that brave after all :s
thank you very much for your response :)
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@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
16 Jan 08
Thank you very much for your response.. I wish there was something we can do to change this world...
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@onewickedsoul (540)
• Philippines
19 Mar 08
Yes, it is unfortunate that discrimination still exists. I guess, this is deeply rooted and will always be there. You see, some people are raised to hate a certain type of people. I think that this will only end if people like us would raise a generation that stops hating. It is hard, but if we try, we may succeed.
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@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
19 Mar 08
Thanks a lot for your response..
I agree with you and I think it needs a whole generation who believes we are all humans and the only way to judge each others is how good or bad we are toward other humans.. only then this world will change...
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
16 Jan 08
Hi dear
its sad but bitter reality that Racism exist in every part of the world, either we admit it or not.
this racism is creating unrest in socities and countries and hence not resulting in land of Piece
As Muslim, we dont believe in racism, infect Islam condems racism based om color, language and promote unity and equality, the yardstick to measure is based on good and bad deed
when we go to mosque for prayers then every one, regardless of color, area, language, status( either owner or office boy/waiter) stand togather in one row in front of only ONE ALLAH and pray
So we should all work against racism in our friends circles and hope things will be fine
take care
@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
16 Jan 08
You are right.. but unfortunately the people I was talking about are all Muslims.. I can't believe it how people deny God and Prophet's orders..
If we did we'll teach others and show them how great our religion is...
This fact is so sad...
Thanks dear for your valuable participation...
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@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
19 Jan 08
You are right.. and Gandhi said "You must be the changes you want to see in the world"...
Thanks for the response.
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
16 Jan 08
Hi dear Dew
Well u r right, racism is in Muslim countries too, as we are really not following our relegion, just imagine that if we earn proper profit, pay zakat. dont take intrest then i am sure money will circulate and economy will grow
Howeveer lets start at our end, when every individual will do it then it will show its effect in society
rtake care
keep in touch
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Mar 08
Sadly I agree its still there discrimination of races and of ages also. We are all humans and should respect each other for what we are not for the color of our skin or age or any other critera but for the us of us. I have friends of different nationalites and care for them all equally for who they are.
@MsEddie86 (234)
• United States
23 Mar 08
yes i do think that racial discriminationis still there, i go out and i get caucasions looking at me like i dont belong around them or in the same place as them. they look at me as if ur not in our social class so why are u around us. it use to bother me but i got over it once i realized the only real judgement comes from god. yes it is insulting that people act this way and theyshould be ashamed, i actually am mixed with white and portuguese but i am dark skinned because of the amount i have on both sides of my family i like being the skin color i am and if others dont like it thats there problem.
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@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
24 Mar 08
I don't think anyone should feel insulted because sick-minded people think they are better...
And by the way I'm white and I always liked to have a darker skin color I think dark skin looks sexier and that's why white people get tanned.. why would you do it if you think it will make you better being white????
Thanks for the response and as you said when people don't like who we are because of our color, race, religion... etc. it's their problem and they are the ones with issues ;)
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
22 Jan 08
LOL of course its still there...it'll NEVER go away..but I have to say that its worse here in the U.S than it is in Canada...I'm a mixed race woman (West indian and Polish) and I can count on my hand the times my colour has been an issue back home...however over HERE (where I now live) I can count on my hands the times its NOT been an issue...and just to give you an idea, I'm 37 and have only lived in the U.S for 4 yrs..
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@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
23 Jan 08
My God.. I really can't understand this issue..
I mean it's really everywhere and you can tell from the responses I got here from all over the world and they all say it will stay forever...
As Gandhi said "We must be the changes we want to see in the world" and we should start by ourselves and hope it will STOP...
Thanks for your response I really appreciate it :)
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@magica (3707)
• Bulgaria
23 Jan 08
I share some of your views, but actually the race difference is inharrited. We are black and white, we are Christian and Muslim, so we cant avoid all the conflicts completely. We can just make them softer and easier to overcome.
And actually i am a victim of a person from another race.So i am sorry, especially for this race i cant be tolerant. No, i will not revenge or something like this...i just dont want them near me, my family and etc.
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@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
26 Jan 08
Hi dear..
So sorry to hear that you are a victim of this matter..
It's really a shame on us to still think this way. And you mentioned we are made from different colors, religions and countries yet I believe we should all respect each others.
Thanks for the response wish you the best :)
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@deadraven999 (1386)
• Saudi Arabia
21 Jan 08
Hi there, I guess this is a common problem, still not only in this part of the world but also in coutries whose ethics and values claim to reject and denounce racism.
You know dividing people into classes based on a race hence treating them differently based on their race, is nothing but a shame.
We see it everywhere in this part of the world where it affects even recruiting process and marriage etc ...
The thing i disrespect the most is, when you mistreat someone becuase of his/her race.
Nice Topic Princess Emma
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@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
23 Jan 08
I agree with you it is affecting every part of our lives...
I hate it and I wish the day it stops comes soon...
Thanks alot my dear friend :)
@dierdre (2207)
• Philippines
22 Mar 08
that is insulting. i think racism is here to stay, whether we like it or not, coz its been around for the longest time, i think in the 60's, black and white people were heavily segregated right? if i remember correctly my teacher said that even comfort rooms and bus stops are organized to separate white people from black people? and the famous ku klux clan? good thing racism in the US has significantly decreased although it is still there, lurking in the minds of certain people, but they are not really vocal about it.not only in the US but in every part of the world, discrimination happens, whether its by race, social status, looks, intelligence, even height, people get discriminated just by being born short! oh well, that's just the negative part of life, i guess, coz really, some people think that being white equals being superior, i dunno but racism frequently happens and often, white people are the doing the discriminating. just because most white people belong to the 1st world category or just because they are white doesnt mean that they can treat other people rudely, esp. if they are of a different race.
@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
23 Mar 08
You are right there were special restaurants, barbers, bus stops... etc. for colored people and I really don't understand why... I made lots of readings in this regards and none of them made any sense to me..
For example in Africa white people went there to take their diamond and riches then started treating the land owners as slaves...
How can a person consider himself better than the other just because he looks different or have different beliefs...
Thanks for your response.
@Perry123 (363)
26 Mar 08
yes I think it is still there. But I don't think it is based on skin colour so much. Rather; it is fear of the unknown, and ignorance of other peoples cutltures or the way they look or speak that divide us now.
That is harder to deal with; and in fact I would go as far as saying that by mistakennly blaming race for dicrimination we have made other typs of discrimantion worse because we have given them a green light.
In the UK for example, people are often more anti Polish than anti black; just because they are a new wave of immigrants.
Now the irony is here is that I know some guys from mauritius and they don't get race abuse because everyone assumes they are british Asian. Whereas the poles get dirty looks and impatience from people like bus drivers (if asked to speak english slowly or something)and checkout operators.
I had to have a fit on an ignorant guy in our pub the other night and reminded him he partly owed his own freedom to the Polish pilots who came here and fought in the RAF during the war.
Of course moslems who wear clothes that identify them with Islam also get trouble; those who dress western do not.
The way some American and British commentators speak of Islam as evil also justifies outrageous discrimination and mistrust of moslems. We did not have this problem in the UK with christian when Irish catholic were blowing us up. As Islam is a religion not a race you see the problem .
I have seen orthodox Jews get exactly the same abuse but jews who dress "normally" have no problem.
So it isn't racial but cultural prejudice. Hatred and mistrust of anyone who does not conform.
You have seen they are the latest non conformists; the latest "jews".
Then there is the fact that we can at cows and sheep and wear leather but the Inuit taing and selling sealskin is immoral and many countries have banned it. They made posters with two girls in fur parkas holding a dairy calf saying "save the BABY VEAL: avoid cultural prejudice" so you see it is ease to ridicule those who have such double standards and we must. The car driver pollutes the atmosphere with dangerous chemicals far more deadly than the smoker so NO car drivr has any right to discriminate aginst a smoker. They are just small minded timid scum who the government and media have justified their hate and fear.
In the bank the other day a stunning girl come in and was wearing long gloves and a black dress to the floor with a fur stole. She was going to a ball in the evening, and it was almost 5pm so had popped into the bank on her way. Almost everyone in the bank queue was derogatory. "hmmph whe does she think she is?" "hmmph fur digusting" seemed to be the concensus from the conformist people there . Again I had to say something as they were being quite vocal and she was going bright red.
I told her to ignore the plebs and that she looked amazing. I then pointed at the shoes of all in the queue. "Why is it okay to kill animals for leather but not fur?" I said. One girl piped up "because we eat cows"
I pointed to the girls sheared nutria stole and said "they eat nutria too in Poland and Argentina where it is produced so there is no problem then yes? So stop being so narrow minded huh?" Then it was the hypocritical conformists turn to feel shame. And then a few people startd to applaud me....and then it was the haters turn to feel how it felt.
The racist the biggot and the conformist are easy to ridicule and we should do it. Again, back in the summer a guy at the railway station asked repeatedly for the train time from a ticket barrier man. "What is the matter are you deaf or something?" he said. I could see the hearing aid . "As a matter of fact yes I am" said the man. The railwayman didn't care and the deaf man walked on upset but said nothing more. So again, I ridiculed the barrier man for his shameful discrimantion.
Also there is a conformity around now that wasn't present in the uk twenty years ago.
This is made worse by Police telling victims of crime they were picked on bcause of the way they dress.
My friend has a pink mowawk and she was picked on in the street and a group of thugs took a scissors to her hair.
The police said she wasn't physically hurt and that it was her own fault for drawing attention too herself. Somehow if it was a "normal" person I think their reaction would hav been different. They also say the same to all vitims of crime who look remotely different; even little old ladies who dress well are told they make themselves a target by looking posh; or gays or people who dress or speak or eat etc differently whatever nation they are from.
As for skin colour, in the UK I don't think it is an issue except with a tiny minority of hardcore racists. But there is rife cultural prejudice against anyone who drsses differently; shame because difference is what makes culture so special. A drab world ...the mark of a fascist society...where everyone conforms and dresses eats speaks and thinks the same and prscuts those who are different.
What we need to address now is all crime and dsicrimination against anyone who is different and start questioning the mentality of the hive and the establishment who nurtures conformity institutionally.
In the US they fear and discriminate against the ghetto black culture but Barak Obama and Condolza Rice being middle class have no problem. But to some of them Islam is a bogyman. Because the more modrate of us do not challenge this it grows like a cancer. And Islam too must change. It needs to embrace it moderate tolerant side and ridicule its own racists and extremists. One example of perhaps why there is not the islamophobia in the UK there is in the USA was yesterday when the British Council of Molsems praised a young moslem british boxer who wore the union jack flag as an outstanding role model for young British moslems and ridiculed the mad immam who suggsted otherwsie.
So let us all stand togethr and drive racism bigotry and dicrimination and hate of all kinds from this world and stand together on a platform of tolerance.
Remember the poem by Martin niemoller:
"First they came for the Communist and I did not speak out because I was not a communist
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew
Then they came for the Trade Unionist and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade unionist
then they came for the Catholics and I did not speak up because I was a Protestant
Then they came for me...and by that time there was nobody left to speak up"
brave of you to bring this up Morning Dew.

@MorningDew (833)
• Saudi Arabia
29 Mar 08
Hi perry, long time no see :)
I would like to thank you very much for your valuable response..
What made me start this discussion was being upset of my colleagues who didn't respect my friend because he is black, but I'm against all kinds of discrimination.. Your point "fear of the unknown" says it all...
For some reason people fear what they don't know, instead of learning about it and get to know it better they just discriminate it... I would be ashamed to give my opinion in something I don't know. I will have to read and learn about it then open up my mouth and start giving opinions that affect others' thoughts and beliefs...
And I think it's our mission -people who believe in others' right to be different- to try changing this world.
Thanks again for your participation...