2008 is starting out great!!!

United States
January 15, 2008 1:30pm CST
i made a plan that in 2008 i would be about me. and so far so good!! i have saved some money and made to the next check with out being broke! my savings account is not empty and i plan to keep it that way. (the answers no! dont ask) i decided to loose wieght and i even have a couple of co-workes with me. i have motivation to do what i need to do for me!! my next step tis to speak up for myself, because i feel like a lot of people want to use me (no not you!) they take my kindness for a weekness, well not any more!! i have set a goal and i aim to achieve by june 1 2008. every one who set goals for their news resolution, its time to achieve our goals. dont let another year go by with achieving something!
4 responses
@nichole1983 (1187)
• Canada
15 Jan 08
I totally agree. 2008 is toally looking up for me. I was approved for disability which I so desperatly need. I got my appeal underway for my insurance company. Just have to attend a hearing. Got a phone call for someone to come out and measure my scars from my car accident. FINALLY just took them a year to do so. As well as working on getting my back better this year. I hope you have a great year and hope you acheive your goals. :)
• United States
15 Jan 08
i am glad to hear your year has started off great. keep it up as much as possible. i will achieve my goals im trying to be that determind. i sent you a friend request have a great 2008!!!
1 person likes this
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
15 Jan 08
That's wonderful that you are going to make 2008 a great year for yourself! You sound like you have a lot of determination. Motivation is the key to sucess. I'm hoping for a good year in 2008 as well.
1 person likes this
• United States
15 Jan 08
You pretty much know my goal, to get out of Mama Gwen's house!!! Just a small tip though D, you should pose some type of question in each of your discussions, that way you get more responses.
@chooochy (356)
23 Jan 08
Congratulations on the positive start to the new year hun, i hope you can continue throughout xxxx