Plots, Adventure or NPCs: Hell on Earth

United States
October 29, 2006 6:51pm CST
For those that are fans of the Great White Game (formally Pinnacle) I was hoping we could start a thread that we can come back to for ideas as Marshals. Post Plot ideas, Adventure seeds or even your favorite NPCs. I'll start with an NPC/Plot idea I once sent in and was on the old page: Fear Mongers Standing on a stage constructed just moments before, a wrinkled old man steps up to the podium. His wild eyes and white hair puts some to judge him as a Junker with some new invention. Others wander what the stranger wants. "Friends," His shrill voice carries over the crowd. "Three and ten years past, the creatures we know and call the Reckoners delivered unto us a form of Armageddon. Little survived. We tried to return to our homes to find loved ones. We found only death. We looked to one another for hope and support. I doubt I could find one among you that would say it didn't scare the ba-gee-ba's out of ya. But that wasn't the end." "Then those damnedable Reckoners came screaming out of hell strait at us. Even less survived after that. Again we turned to one another but with less hope that anyone else could help us. That was scary too. But it still didn't stop." "Every now and then something comes around and eats a goat or cow, or god forbid a child, and scare the ba-gee-ba's out of us. If we're lucky, someone, be it the town sheriff, a Law Dog, Templar or what-have-you, takes the beasty out. But there always seems to be something else right on it's heels. That 'Hero' ain't always around though, is he?" "How do we stop this once and for all, you ask? Before I answer that let me ask you a question. Do you know what fear is?" "Ya it's when your scared, but I want to know if you know what causes fear and why we feel it. And I don't want to hear 'monsters scare us' or some-such!" "That's what I thought! Not a one of you can answer that can ya? How many can remember the old vid-shows about animals? Not many ey? Those that do can probably remember watching and seeing some show on elk. Ey? Elk? They where like dear from Africa, but your distracting me so hush!" "Anyhow, elk live by their life as prey. They where hunted by something always. They have one thing that would save them. It told them when the hunters where coming. It made them run. It made them run faster. Eventually it caused them to be faster. It caused their legs to kick harder and grow antlers from their heads. They became stronger, faster and formed a defense against their hunters, cause of one thing. Fear!" "Humans were once just prey. Like the elk we grew stronger, faster and eventually we learned to defend ourselves. He we became the damned top of the food chain. But we became complacent and came to think of fear as a weakness. Now look as! We're the prey again! "I say let there be an end to this stupid man's thought of fear being a weakness! Stand up and let your fear drive you to greater things. Fear causes us to release chemicals in our body called adrenaline that can make us stronger and faster. Mother have been known to lift vehicles off their trapped children." "But the Horsemen feed on fear you say? We have to be practical. We can not beat them as things are. They are far too powerful. But their minions aren't! The Law dogs and Templars have shown us that. But you wine, 'Templars have powers.' Ya, they do. But I would bet that you could do what a Templar could do if you gave in to your fear. Back a cat into a corner and it will claw your face. Sure, the Templars have powers but a gun in a man's hand and even he can bring down a Lurker!" "But the Horsemen feed on fear you say again. What happens when you stuff your face with every thing on a banquet table? You…get…sick! So if it gives the Reckoners a tummy ache, so much the better!" "Let fear guide you instead of letting it run you! Don't fight fear! Fight with fear!" The Fear Mongers travel from town to town selling the same speech. It's just old man Jones and his two sons, Will and Wheat. They've been doing this for the past five years. Before that they were just another survivor family. Until Jones came up with this idea that if he went to a different town and railed the people they would feed him and his sons like his town did for the traveling storytellers. It worked, and he found many responsive people. Jones is a villain you can put in any game. Jones is not some abomination or working for the Reckoners directly. They don't need him to. He does such a good job the Reckoners don't want to mess with a good (or should we say bad) thing. You see, every time Jones passes through the majority of the town is whipped up and end up fight the local abomination. For a while they can even clean up a small area. But eventually they come face to face with something that shows them who's in charge. This always leads to the same thing. The hopes and dreams of the town shatter like so many eggshells. Most places end up increasing the fear level of their town as the feeling of defeat makes them shut down and with draw. The few that do keep fighting and follow the path laid out by Jones only supply more fear for the Reckoners. This maybe one of the hardest for a posse to figure out what to do. Jones is just a man doing what he can to survive. He's not evil nor does he want to do evil. If told that he is hurting the world he wouldn't believe it. "Storytellers came to my town all the time and all it ever does it make people feel better. What I do isn't any different." Even if the posse could somehow take him to a town he hurt, Jones would simply chock it up to bad luck and not him. Now here's were things get sticky. The Reckoners want Jones to continue doing what he's doing. Should he die they will bring him back. If for some reason he can't be brought back (like his head being blown to smithereens) Harrowed they will put an abomination in his place. What do you do then?
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