You're going to the grocery store....

United States
January 16, 2008 9:10am CST
You are going grocery shopping. What is going to irritate you the most during this outing? Will it be the shopping carts in the parking places? The trash in the parking lot? The shopping carts covered with gum and other filth? Will it be discovering that they are out of the very sale items that you went there to buy? What will irritate you?
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25 responses
16 Jan 08
Normally; It's people who are rude to put it simply. Those who don't look where they're going, they'll push and bang into and then look or say something to you and make you think it was your fault. Those who tend to get in the way of certain products, ignoring the polite "excuse me, could I get one of those"... I'll just walk around to avoid it. ~Joey
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@AmbiePam (96397)
• United States
17 Jan 08
I'm with you there. You're exactly right.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
16 Jan 08
What will irritate me beyond means is once I get home I will realize that I had forgotten something. That never fails. HAHAHAHA!! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
@Modestah (11177)
• United States
17 Jan 08
HAHA! yep, that is almost inevitable to happen to me too. Oh I forgot....well shoot that spoils that plan, guess I will get it next time I am in town. (might as well make a recording for all the times I have spoken those words)
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
16 Jan 08
I think my pet biggest peeve is when I get the cart with the malfunctioning wheel, if there's only one cart with a crazy wheel, it seems like it's always the one I get. My second biggest peeve is out in the parking lot. Most places around here have those cart stations in the parking lot to return your cart to. Even though they have those things conveniently located, you still see able-bodied people just leaving their cart wherever. Then when it gets windy, the cart wham into other cars. I don't get upset if I see somebody handicapped doing it, just those who seem to lazy to be considerate. Quite often if I see somebody old, or disabled, I'll offer to take the cart and stick it into the cart park for them. The town I live in has this one huge Giant Eagle grocery on this hill. The parking lot has a slope to it and when people don't put their carts back, or into the cart stall, they go sailing down the parking lot and onto this sloped lawn. Once they get to that point they tip over, or roll down the hill. Those grocery carts cost lots of bucks, wouldn't you think they'd be just a tad more considerate?! Maybe I'm not the only one to get the cart with the bad wheel there, maybe they're ALL that way lol.
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• United States
25 Jan 08
Nope, you aren't the only one. Seems the cart with the bum wheel has a neon sign that screams, "Hey crazynurse...choose me!" I too, hate it when the carts are left to blow around at will. My car has several dings and scratches on the paint that I am more than certain were caused by grocery carts. Grrr...
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
17 Jan 08
There are two very specific things that drive me nuts when I am out doing the groceries....#1 staff that is total slackers when it comes to restocking the shelves and #2 ppl who gather in the middle of the isles to have a gab session...If you want to yammer with an old friend etc FINE have at it but for the love of Pete GET THE HELL OUT THE WAY! move off to the side so other ppl can shop without having to ram your cart!
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
16 Jan 08
The people who stand and talk to each other and block the aisles. I hate trying to get through them and disturbing them. They could go over to one side but they don't. The other thing that really bugs me is when the stores have sale items and you can't find them. The other day I was at the store shopping for the laundry detergent that was on sale....could not find it. Who would have thought to go to the dairy aisle to find laundry detergent? I didn't!!! Silly me!
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• United States
25 Jan 08
My hubby is forever complaining about the aisle blockers! That is his biggest pet peeve! Hey, the dairy aisle would have been the first place I would have checked for laundry detergent! * rolls eyes* JK!
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
17 Jan 08
What irritates me usually is the people that stop suddenly in front of me to talk to every person they know in the store! It also irritates me when someone is taking up the entire aisle on their cell phone, reading every label of whatever it is they are looking for. MOVE! Oh, my husband hates grocery shopping so he tends to irritate me at the grocery store too.
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• United States
16 Jan 08
I just came from the grocery store so you caught me at the right moment ...Carts in the parking spaces...grrrr! Some folks are so damn lazy the place to put the emprty carts is in many cases just a few steps away. Today I had to park, get out move the cart, and get back into my car before I could park!!!
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
17 Jan 08
Ok. Many things irriritate me when I'm going shopping. In the car park there are people all competing for parks closest to the entry, so I always park far away and consider the walk a bit of exercise for the day. Then when you walk into the supermarket and grab a trolley, you almost ALWAYS end up with a trolley with stupid wheels that go this way and that and is impossible to push. Most of the time you don't realise this until you're already in the first aisle and you can't be bothered to go back. But the thing that irritates me the most is people who put their trolley in the middle of the aisle while they're looking at something on the shelves. Also, when people can see that there is a traffic jam but they don't move, they just stand there looking at the shelves, waiting for someone else to move. Despite all of this, I like shopping, I like knowing that I can choose the food I want to eat. It makes me appreciate what I have because there is just so much choice for us.
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@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
16 Jan 08
Always the same thing, people who have nothing better to do than visit in the isles that have no room to begin with. I shop at superstore all the time and the carts are the size of a small car and then you get these people. Honestly coffee is expensive but spend the buck a cup folks and go sit down and do your visiting. There I sure told them didn't I? heheheheh
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• United States
25 Jan 08
ROFLMAO, my hubby REALLY hates it when folks visit in the aisles too. One time he and I were in a 'super' store and he had stood quite patiently waiting to get by a group of ladies who were chatting in the aisle. He winks at me, goes to the next aisle and says very loudly, "OH MY GOSH, when did they mark this down? What a great price!!" You should have seen those ladies breaking their necks to go to the next aisle. Of course, he had ran around the end of the aisle and was back by my side...giggling histarically!
• Canada
25 Jan 08
OK it's my turn to say ROFLMAO. I had a huge laugh over this and am still laughing! I keep my laptop in the bedroom and after reading this I called my hubby to listen as I read the whole post to him and he thought it was hillarious too. It's always funny later, but what a plan hubby had, women like a good buy, and men like a clean isile. hehehe
@anonymili (3138)
16 Jan 08
Hi hun :) The things that annoy me the most is inconsiderate shoppers who leave their trolleys in the middle of aisles whilst looking at other items further down the aisle and then you have to move their trolley to get past and they glare at you saying "that's my trolley" UGH "MOVE IT THEN!" I feel like snapping but I never do! I also hate it when people park their cars next to you and open them against your car and dent it - that drives me mad as I am always so careful about not denting or damaging anyone's car! Also I hate it when able bodied people park in disabled bays and real disabled people can't get a space or even single people park in bays meant for mothers (or fathers even) with small children!
@lightningMD (5931)
• United States
16 Jan 08
The things that will irritate me the most are the price of eggs and milk two things you almost always have to buy,and getting to the check out lane and realizing I forgot my Aldis bags again.
@mcjeannie (703)
• Philippines
16 Jan 08
What irritates me most is when the item I need the most is out of stock.That means, I have to go back again the next day to complete my grocery list. Furthermore, after shopping when the taxi bay is full with people and you're the last one on that long line. And as when you came out from shopping is rush hour, very few taxi are going to the taxi stand.That means long hours waiting and arriving late to home!
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@angieang (262)
• United States
16 Jan 08
The people that don't return the shopping carts to the designated area, or put their trash in the trash cans. If you complain about the problems listed above are you sure to every single time you go to the store to return your cart or to whipe down the grime on the grocery basket. Grocery stores can only do so much with the employees they have, people of the community should help these companies with taking a few extra steps to make everyones life run smoother!
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@RenaeT (681)
• United States
17 Jan 08
I do return my cart. Not only do I return it, I normally go the extra steps to take it all the way back to the store front. I figure it gives me that much more exercise. Also, when I shop, if I notice items on the floor, I always stop and pick them up and put them back on the shelf. (unless of course, I'm in a store that just got hit by Christmas shoppers and it's a disaster!!) But, if something has fallen off a shelf, or a toy got tossed on the floor, or a shirt fell off a rack, I pick it up. I just think it's ignorant of people to walk around items that are laying on the floor just because they don't work there.
@angieang (262)
• United States
17 Jan 08
I so agree with you on that. I also do the same things I have worked retail and I know what it is like! I bet people wouldn't walk past it if they knew a $100 bill was laying underneath it!
• United States
17 Jan 08
When I go with my mom she has to up and down every single aisle at least twice. And when we're (finally!) finished, she'll go "Oh! Wait, I forgot such and such" so we'll have to go all the way back again. I can't stand that.
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@palina77 (1177)
• United States
20 Jan 08
the fillthy carts .................................................
@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
• United States
17 Jan 08
Well, everyone has covered all the things that would annoy anyone with common sense and ability to "work well with others" if ya know what I mean. I gave up getting angry a while back. I couldn't possibly teach all of the ignoramuses to show common respect and decency toward their peers. Life would be so much happier if all people never walked around oblivious to others. When I am in a hurry and am driving to the store, I may get frustrated with the yahoo that's driving 20 in a 40 mph zone and making me hit every red light. I just get in that grocery store, grab a good cart, find an empty aisle and ride that cart like a scooter. It's fun, makes me feel like a kid again, and relieves any stress. Then shopping is fun. :)
• United States
17 Jan 08
CN, I forgot one...When the bagger loads EVERY can in one flimsy bag...and you know it weighs at least 10 pounds and it will tear as you try to load it in your trunk. When this happens, I smile reach for another bag and double bag it myself. This prompts the bagger to apologize and turn a bit red, but it may teach said bagger a lesson.
@kelly60 (4547)
• United States
19 Jan 08
As you mentioned, the shopping carts are always left in the parking spaces, and this can be quite annoying, but what really gets to me is when the store is out of nearly everything that is on sale. The way I look at it is that if they are going to have a sale, they could at least order extra so that they can try to have enough on hand. I can understand them running out of one or two items, especially near the end of the sale, but it seems that sometimes they run out of half of the sale items on the first day of the sale.
• United States
18 Jan 08
LOL. well since I just came from a major grocery store trip yesterday, the answer to this is fresh in my mind. It's the annoying people blocking the aisles! People will just park their cart and stand there and block the whole aisle. I must have said "excuse me" about 10 times yesterday-- and you KNOW they see me coming and they still wait for me to ask them to move!
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
23 Apr 08
Actually what's going to irritate me most is the prices. It seems that you can go in and spend $40. and come out with two dinky little bags. Everything has gotten so high that it makes me ill to even think about going to the store. **AT PEACE WITHIN** ~~STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS~~
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
16 Jan 08
Most of the time it's good when I go with the exception of not enough check out's open and it's busy. That would be the worst thing and since it's my day off it's okay but when I am in a hurry it's very irritating!
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