Cold Feet

By Jess
@JJ4Ever (4693)
United States
January 16, 2008 11:57am CST
It's wintertime in many regions of the world. When it's cold outside, do you still walk around the house barefoot? Do your feet get cold often? Would you rather wear the fuzzy, soft kind of socks or slippers around the house? Would you rather wear both?
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30 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
16 Jan 08
I feel the cold especially on hands and feet. If my house was warm in winter I think I would answer barefoot but it is cold and can't afford carpet so I wear big snuggly boot type slippers which are like toast
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
16 Jan 08
Hi, Ellie! Wow, your boot-slippers sound great, all comfy and warm. I think I need to get some! Thanks for sharing. Just the thought of being at home on a cold winter night all cozy and warm makes me smile! Can you tell I'm still at work looking forward to getting home and relaxing this evening? (LOL) I really appreciate your response!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 May 08
Those sound so cozy! I'm pretty sure that before my grandma passed away last year, she wore those same kind of slippers too! I can just picture her in her soft, fuzzy pink robe and cute little slippers to keep her feet warm. Thanks, Ellie!
• United States
27 Feb 08
The snuggly boot type do keep your feet really toasty. My granny wears them all the time.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
8 Feb 08
Well usually I don't wear socks at all but on the cold days that even make my house cold I wear the fuzzy socks and I wear slipper that are tigers. LOL!!
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• United States
10 Feb 08
You know me I also can write a book when I explain things. I got the tigers about a couple of years back when I was living with my gram while I was trying to move into the house I'm in know. My cats absolutely hate those slippers I think it's becuase they get scared of them LOL!!! Have a nice one. I can't wait to see my puppies reaction to the tigers. LOL!!!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Feb 08
I think for me, socks on my feet in the winter is just a given. While my house isn't generally cold, the floors seem to be freezing all the time! The carpet is usually ok, of course, but it's the hardwood floors and the tile floors. Tile is the worst in the winter! It's so strange how if your feet are cold, it's like your whole body is cold! I love the fuzzy socks. It seems like I get a pair of them from someone every year for Christmas. (LOL) And I love hearing about your tiger slippers! No one has been that specific on this discussion, so your response makes me happy. My slippers are a deep purple with fuzzies going everywhere. There's some white under the purple color to make them look really cool. They don't really get dirty either since they're so dark of a color. I love them! My boyfriend's mom got them for me. (LOL) Oh, I almost forgot about my other pair! They are flip-flops and are leopard print. They're really soft and fuzzy with black frillies on the thong parts. I wear those in the summer since my feet are exposed and don't stay as warm. Thanks for your response! Obviously, it was an inspiration for my long comment! (LOL)
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
15 Feb 08
I find that quite amusing that your cats are afraid of your slippers! Usually a cat would like to claw something like that to shreds. (LOL) I think their fear of them is definitely a good thing. Of course, your new puppy might want to chew them up when he "meets" them! You'll have to let me know how that goes. I can just picture him finding his "new toy"!
@SViswan (12051)
• India
8 May 08
Being Indian, most of us walk around barefoot at home. It's rude to step into another's house with shoes on. But we've got marble flooring and it gets pretty cold in winter (though it's pleasant in summer)...and I can't stand the cold. So, I have slippers for the home. My husband and kids walk around barefoot even in winter. I even sleep with socks on in feet get VERY cold!
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
9 May 08
In India, it's very dirty outside (not just dust)....and it isn't practical to walk on carpet with the shoes one's worn outside (not many homes have wall to wall's not a practical option). Most kindergartens also get the kids to take off their shoes as soon as they enter school....but sadly not ours....but I'm trying to change that. I don't like to sit on the carpet that everyone's stepped on with their shoes on. It's not healthy either. Little kids touch the carpet and then put their hands in their mouth. I'm glad you could learn something from my post...I love learning about other countries and cultures too.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 May 08
I agree with you that they really should change the rules at that school. Kids are so vunerable to germs, and it's when they're young that they can catch so many sicknesses. I hope you're successful in your efforts. I think I'd just love living in India for that reason, that everything is clean and tidy when it comes to floors. After all, if people aren't walking on your carpets with their shoes, they're easier to keep clean, and they don't even get as dirty in the first place since there will be no shoes walking on carpets. You're right, in the U.S., we don't usually have wall-to-wall carpeting. Carpet is common, but there's usually tile and hardwood flooring also. People in America seem to think they can walk around on the tile and wood floors with their shoes, but I don't think that should be so! I think shoes should come off right at the door whether it's a school or house. I don't think people should have to remove their shoes in stores and public places like that, but that's understandable. Thanks again so much for your comment. It's been very interesting learning new things. Great to hear from you!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 May 08
Your marble flooring sounds gorgeous! I have a marble mirror wall in my condo, but not on the floor. That must be so pretty, but yes, very cold to walk on, especially in the winter. My feet are very sensitive to the temperatures also. You're so much like me this way as I wear socks to bed in the wintertime also. I don't know what I'd do without socks! In the winter, it's like the bed covers only do so much for me. I have to have that extra covering on my feet that only some socks can provide! I think I'd really like to live in India because I despise when people wear shoes in the house. I think it's rude as well, and I'm from the States. Sometimes people wear shoes in the house here and sometimes they don't. I think it's better not to since the carpets will get dirty with shoes all over them all the time! Thanks for sharing. Your response is very interesting, and I really liked learning more about India!
@buster14 (121)
• Fiji
26 Jan 08
am sorry its never cold this side of world. I wish it could be cold and I wish I could see snow!!!!! so I can wear socks
@tiffiny (872)
• United States
29 Jan 08
Lol I'm from Michigan also! I don't live there anymore but yeah they do get way to much snow. Lol It's crazy horrible some times.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
28 Jan 08
I think you and I should switch places! I'm from Michigan (U.S.) and we have too much snow. I'd be glad to share some with you. It just keeps coming too! It must be nice to have warm weather all year round. I love sunshine. I thrive on it. An occasional thunderstorm here and there with lots of thunder and lightning is really cool to me. Now I'm curious. Where are you from? Thanks for sharing! I'd love to live there right now. (LOL)
@buster14 (121)
• Fiji
29 Jan 08
Iam from a tiny island in the south pacific called FIJI. Where its summer all year!! White sandy beaches and great surfing.
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@naseefu (1607)
• India
12 Apr 08
Here even in the cold time we have no more cold.Our climate is very good.No more hot or cold.So there is no any problem about it is barefooted or not.Thanks
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
12 Apr 08
Thanks for your response. Wow, I want to live there! Where are you from, if you don't mind my asking? I'd love to have it warm all year round!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
15 Apr 08
India is beautiful and sounds like a wonderful (and warm!) place to live. I could definitely be comfortable living there! Thanks for your comment.
@naseefu (1607)
• India
13 Apr 08
I am India,my state is Kerala.
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@tonibabe (189)
8 May 08
my feet are nearly always cold so i wear socks nearly all the time! its only in the summer when its really hot that i may go barefoot in the winter i wear socks and slippers to try to keep me warm!!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 May 08
We are very much alike! I have an incredibly hard time warming up also as soon as I start getting cold. It's so funny because I silently tell myself that I'm not cold...I'm not cold...I'm not cold. I keep repeating it in my head. (LOL) Sure enough, though, I always end up freezing! I love the spring and summer because it's nice and warm. Those are my favorite seasons. Once my feet are cold, my whole body is cold it seems like. They say you can lose a ton of heat through your feet if you don't cover them up when it's chilly. Once my hands are cold, as is true with you, they're so hard to warm up! I keep rubbing them together quickly to see if that will help, and it usually does nothing. So you can obviously see why my fiance is concerned about my ring falling off! (LOL) Thanks again for your comment. It makes me feel much better about the way I am since I'm always losing heat! I'm very much looking forward to a few warm months now. Take care.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 May 08
You're a lot like me! My feet are pretty much always cold as well. There are a few days in the spring and summer when I can go outside barefoot, but I usually have to have something on my feet when I got outdoors. In the house during the spring and summer (when it's warm enough, of course), I'm usually barefoot around the house. My feet aren't the only thing that's cold, though! I don't know if it's the same in your case, but I'm cold almost all the time. My hands and fingers get cold a lot of the time if I'm not working or doing something to keep the blood flowing and keep my body warm. When my fiance and I got engaged, he was so worried that my ring was going to fall right off my finger because my ring is the right size, but when I'm cold it doesn't fit as well. When I'm warm, my hands tend to swell a little mroe and the ring fits better. Anyway, thanks for your response. I'm glad I'm not the only one whose feet are always chilly!
@tonibabe (189)
8 May 08
yeah my hands get really cold the other thing is once im cold i find it really hard to warm up! well its nearly summer so hopefully we can warm up!!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Jan 08
Ye I do but when they get cold then I will put my Socks on but once they have warmed up I take the Socks of again lol I just prefer to walk Bare footed
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
16 Jan 08
Hey, Gabs! Wow, that's really funny how you warm your feet up so you can walk around barefooted again! The best part is there's no wrong way to do it. "Whatever floats your boat," as they say. I love your example of this. (LOL) I enjoy walking around barefoot also, but in the winter it's just too much for me to walk around like that when I'm at home without having something on to keep my feet warm. I get cold so easily! If there was carpet all the way through my house, I'd probably do what you do to keep your feet warm. We have hardwood floors and tile floors here and there in several rooms, so I have socks or slippers on all the time when I'm home and it's cold out. It's kind of a bummer to me, but at least I have something to look forward to when it gets warm out again!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
16 Jan 08
Lol I feel the cold easy to believe me Also I have tiled floors in the Kitchen and Bathroom that is when I put my Socks on and then when they are warm I take them of again
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
17 Jan 08
The kitchen and bathroom are two very good places to wear socks too! (LOL) just makes me chilly thinking of bare feet in the winter on cold floors!
9 May 08
I have to be one of the original barefoot babes, I hate wearing shoes and boots and socks, I spend most of my life in sandals even in the winter. I love going barefoot when I can, and will happily go out with no shoes.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 May 08
That's absolutely wonderful that you love going barefoot all the time. That must be so comfortable! I find it interesting that you still wear sandals in the winter, though. I wish I could get away with that! I probably could try, but my feet would probably turn blue, get frostbit, and my toes would all fall off! (LOL) Sandals are so comfortable. Flip-flops are amazing. I wish I could wear them all the time and even to work. Where are you from, if you don't mind my asking? I'm curious since you said you wear sandals all year round. You probably already know this, but they say you should be careful going barefoot outside because of tapeworms, poisonous spiders, creepy crawlers, etc. Growing up, I was always barefoot outside when it was warm out and nothing bad ever happened. I think if you're comfortable and it works for you, that's great and you should go for it! Thanks so much for sharing. You seem like a very easygoing person that goes for comfort. That's the best way to be! Take care.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
16 Sep 11
I wear the soft fuzzy socks most of the time on my feet. I prefer them in the winter time as they keep my feet warmer than other socks. I also prefer to keep them on instead of my slippers as my feet stay warmer. I think that it is good to wear socks as my feet are always cold in the winter anyway.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
16 Sep 11
I agree with you completely! If I had to choose between a sweater or socks in the winter, I'd probably choose the socks because you lose so much heat through your feet when they're bare! I've noticed that too. I stay much warmer when me feet are taken care of lol! I have a pair of fuzzy slippers that are really warmer, but over the years that I've had them, I've broken them in almost too good because they're so loose now! They form to my feet really nicely, but now they're not as warm as they used to be because with slippers, your feet still aren't completely covered as that cold air can still get in at the ankles! I like fuzzy socks the most, as you do. Those are the absolutely best thing for keeping the feet warm. When my husband and I were first dating, and I was getting to know his family, I don't think they knew me very well, so for birthday and Christmas and other gifts, they'd get my the generic pair of fuzzy socks and body wash/lotions lol. Over the years, I've accumulated quite a bit of both! However, the socks have really come in handy because it's not something I'm ever going to use up or grow out of. The fuzzy socks they got me are really good quality, and I have so many pairs of them now that I never run out, and they never wear out because I have a good rotation going. It's kind of silly how I accumulated all my pairs of warm, fuzzy socks, but I'm glad I have them! (I also like the kinds with the little grippers on the bottom because on my tile and hardwood floors, I could have quite the accident if I'm running or walking fast because I'm in a hurry or something!) I'm with you, I definitely prefer socks to slippers. They stay on the feet so much better. Thank you for sharing!
@snowy22315 (186443)
• United States
15 Apr 08
I live in Virginia. It is still cold here in the evenings and early morning. I favor fuzzy slippers. I do like to go barefoot though when the weather warms up in the afternoon. Going barefoot to me is a form of freedom.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
15 Apr 08
Your weather sounds very pleasant. Spring is here (finally). I'm from Michigan, so we probably have similar least, at the moment anyway. (LOL) Michigan can have some pretty nasty winter weather, and I'm sure you've experienced some of it as well! Thanks so much for sharing. You have very good taste. I love those fuzzy slippers you described and actually have a couple pairs of my own. I'm like you, when the weather gets nice, the shoes, socks, and slippers come off! (LOL) There's nothing like walking around in your bare feet on a beautiful spring or summer day because you feel so fresh and clean and free like you said. I appreciate your excellent response.
8 May 08
Its cold here for most of the year.We have wooden stairs so walking in just socks is not possible.We wear slippers most of the time,always without socks.My husband wears soft leather slippers and i wear cozy fuzzy slippers as do my friends when they come.I have never worn either socks or shoes in the house.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 May 08
I love your myLot ID name! That's very ironic you would respond to this discussion. I love it! I agree with you that walking on wooden stairs and flooring would be extremely difficult, not to mention dangerous, in socks or stocking feet. Slippers are the best choice in your case because most have those grippers on the bottom, and they're way more comfortable than socks in my opinion. Of course, now that I think of it, socks nowadays have those grippers on the bottom too! Those are really neat. They're making a lot of socks that are supposed to look like little footies and things too. It's so creative. Have you ever tried any of those socks with the grippers on the bottom? (Or perhaps that's what you were also referring to as slippers.) Thanks for your response. I really enjoyed. Take care.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
14 Sep 11
Hi, JJ4Ever. I usually wear fuzzy or stripy colored socks on my feet to walk around in. They are so very comfortable. I don't like to walk around barefoot in my home. I have never been comfortable with walking barefooted at my home.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
14 Sep 11
Hi, Cream! I love those fuzzy socks you're talking about! I have some of the striped kind, too, but they're not as soft or warm. I don't like to walk around barefoot in my house either unless it's very warm outside, and I need to do so to cool off. In the winter and when it's cold, I normally make good use of all of my slippers and thick socks. One reason I don't like to walk around barefoot in my house is because I have two dogs who like to lap up their water really fast (and a lot lol!), so they spill water everywhere around their water dish. There's even a try under their water so it'll catch all the extra drips, but that hasn't helped too much. Thanks for sharing!
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
7 May 08
I walk barefoot in my house even in the winter...and it does get cold (I live in Iowa). I would rather have cold feet than slip in socks on my stairs. I don't like slippers too much because then my feet get too hot and I can't stand that.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 May 08
You make my feet cold! (LOL) Thanks for your response. I don't like my feet to be cold in the winter, so I'll wear socks or slippers at all times. When it's warm, sometimes I wear slippers, but most of the time my feet are bare. I know what you mean about slippers making your feet sweat! I hate that. Wet feet are kind of uncomfortable because they get slippery and don't smell too good. (LOL) I really like your honest opinion about socks, though, because I honestly never thought about the possibility of slipping on stairs and flooring that isn't carpet. That could be really dangerous. When I lived at home with my family, our stairs down to the basement were extra slippery because they were that fake tile type of flooring. There were metal edges on each of the steps with a landing in the middle of the stairs. Even so, I think every one of us slipped on those stairs! The metal edges on the stairs always left us with lovely scars on our hands, arms, legs, and feet...I don't think anyone fell on their face...yet. (LOL) Thanks for sharing. Your response was nice to read.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
6 Sep 11
I already wear thick socks and slippers and my feet still get cold :-( They will stay cold and only get colder the later it gets. So in the end I will go to sleep with ice cold feet and a hot water bottle on it to try to defroce them. The fuzzy kinds don't keep my feet warm.. you need warm feet to warm them up first.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
6 Sep 11
If your feet are always cold, then you definitely have a point there. You have to have warmth for the real fuzzy socks to work in the first place! I've heard of slipper that massage your feet, so I'm sure they have heated slippers too. I don't know how much they'd cost, but that might work better for you! Either way, I hope you find a solution to keeping your feet nice and warm. I'm sorry you always have cold feet. That's not fun.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
22 Feb 08
I did have experience having winter vacation in temperate country. To me the weather there was very cold and the temperature was around 10 degree C. As I came from tropical country and I had to wear both the fuzzy kind of socks and slippers to keep my feet warm even staying indo
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
22 Feb 08
Wow, that must be tough coming from a tropical country to somewhere cold! I don't think I would like that very much. I'm from Michigan, so it gets very cold (sometimes down to 20 degrees below zero Fahrenheit). I'd rather be here and then move to somewhere warmer. makes me cold just thinking about the ice and snow. In fact, I can look out the window and see snow all over the place right now! (LOL) Thank you for sharing. I hope you stay warm!
• United States
3 Apr 08
Here Iam!, told ya that I would repsond. You probably don't remember me, but you responded to one of my discussions, a while back, and I said that I would respond to some of your discussions. When it's cold, I always wear the really big thick slippers, with really thick socks. My hands, feet, and butt, stays cold for a long time. So no, I never walk around barefoot. Brrrrrrr! I like to take a really warm bath, slip into my pj's, with my slipper's and sock's. Then I'm really warm. Good subject....... Marilyn :o) see-ya round
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
3 Apr 08
Hi, Marilyn. Of course I remember you! (I also just commented on your comment that you just left referring to how you were going to check on my discussions.) I need to do the same for you since I'm sure your discussions are pretty amazing. Back to the subject, though, I'm glad to hear you like the sock-and-slipper combo because that's my favorite, not to mention the warmest! I love those fuzzy socks that hold in all of your heat to where when you take them off, it's shocking how cold it gets! The socks themselves are warm, but the slippers just add the perfect touch. I'd never walk around barefoot in the winter either. Mmmmm...I love how you described the nice warm bath. Usually mine is a hot shower and then I do the same. After I'm all dried off, I slip on all my warm things. I have a heat vent right in my small bathroom, so when the heat comes on, I'll close the door to keep it nice and toasty in there! It's really nice. Thanks for your response. It was really fun to read!
@Sheribabe (445)
• United States
9 Feb 08
I wear socks most of the time but I go bare footed as well. I shouldn't do it cuz of being diabetic but I do go without anything on my feet. I guess it's habit.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
15 Feb 08
I've heard that before about diabetics. Do you know why it is that you're not supposed to go barefoot? Just curious. Thanks for your response, Sheri!
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
14 Feb 08
yes even when its cold i will walk around in bare feet,unless it was really freezing,then i just wear bedsocks on my feet.i have always hated shoes and socks and would go to work barefoot if i could.cheers sue
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
15 Feb 08
It's making me cold just thinking about not wearing socks in the winter! (LOL) I guess it all just depends on how much you can stand wearing something on your feet and judging by your response, you have low toleration of anything like that. At times, I definitely don't blame you! I can't wear more than flip-flops or sandals in the summer because I always have a nice pedicure and my feet just have to be out in the nice weather. (LOL) Thanks for sharing!
• Canada
9 Feb 08
it is winter here and even so i still walk around with bare feet. i can not stand wearing slippers and i find socks to be incredibly irritating. My feet do not get cold too often despite the cold weather. I can only sleep if i am not wearing socks. When i do wear sock i prefer the fuzzy ones during the winter season and ankle socks during the summer season. I counted the other day, i have 100 pairs of socks. Anybody need some socks? ^_^
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
15 Feb 08
YES! I need socks!! (LOL) Wow, you have quite a few pairs. I wish I had that many to tell you the truth. I wear ankle socks all the time unless I'm wearing long pants and the longer socks won't show at all. I think calve-length socks are dorky sometimes, depending on what is worn with them. (LOL) Ankle socks are my favorite, although I only have maybe ten or fifteen pairs. So you could always donate a few pairs to me. I'm still collecting them! I wear socks with my shoes in the winter. I have to have something on my feet during the colder parts of the year, but I have to be barefooted in the summer to sleep at night just like you! It's very interesting to me how my sleeping preferences change between seasons. (LOL) I think socks are annoying when they keep falling down if they're longer or if they slip off the heel if they're ankle socks. I can definitely relate to your situation! Thanks for your response.
• United States
27 Feb 08
JJ, at first I thought maybe this was another discussion about your assignment!!! lol This is cool tho..... I love to wear fuzzy cute socks around the house. I am very when it comes to clothes and cuteness....afterall I am a mother of 2 and who said style ends after you give birth??? I have some hot style!!! When i have the time to....can be very hard with two kids!!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Feb 08
I totally know what you mean! I don't think style should end after motherhood starts either! Some of the cutest gals I know have like three or four kids! I'm with you on that one. I think that's hilarious that you thought this discussion was somehow related to the other super deep one I started yesterday, but believe it or not, I can start "normal" discussions too! (LOL) I was happy to see you response on this one. I agree with you too. Being in style is important and being warm is also at the top of the list, especially during this time of year! Of course, I doubt it's as cold where you're from, if my guess is correct. Thanks so much for sharing! (And if you'd like to share more about that "hot" style sometime, I'd be glad to hear it!!)