Third Time's Charm? Ha!

United States
January 17, 2008 5:24am CST
How many times do you try something before you just give up? For me, the bottom line is whether it's worth my while to get over my frustration and pursue. I'm a participant in "MyCokeRewards," where I enter the code numbers of my Coca-Cola products. I was entering codes tonight and used great care in doing so. Both times I got a message that the numbers and characters entered were incorrect. I proofread them and in one case where it could've been an S or 5, tried both ways. Both incorrect. I was getting too irritated to try it again. For 10 points it's not worth getting steamed up over. If it was $10 I'd probably work at it until I got it :-) I like the idea of being patient and persistent in such trivial matters. If I had a job in data entry, for example, situations like that could come up frequently. There, I wouldn't have the option of tossing the ##&*% thingies out. Is there some way you keep your cool? Your feedback would be appreciated. Thank you.
1 response
• United States
17 Jan 08
I try as much as I can to get it right. Even as a child my Parents would awe in admiration because I would never give up! The downside to that is I'd get frustrated from time to time though. I'd get stressed about it and sometimes I'd tell myself that it isn't worth it. Tae-kwon-do for example. I used to train as a young girl and there is this kick that I couldn't get. You'd jump and throw your leg around like a roundhouse kick while in the air so it's like you're spinning in air. It probably took me about half a year to get it right. It was too late by the time I got it but boy I felt relieved. :)
• United States
17 Jan 08
Thanks for your response Tiffany. As I read it I realized that motivation and desire for the end result makes a big difference. In my crochet projects, I'm more willing to deal with challenges. I guess Coke Rewards is just not that important :) and one of my favorite quotes is to choose your battles wisely.
• United States
17 Jan 08
:) great quote and it's highly agreed. my response was for your question, "how many times before you give up?" but yes, the coke point is pretty little of a deal to get so stressed about. lol- :) I love that quote of your's.